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Nov 7, 2008
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I have read many posts in this forum. And i mean MANY.

there is a question i would like to ask. many pakistanis feel that they got pakistan a separate homeland for the muslims of this subcontinent by sacrifising lacks of lives to the hands of sikhs and hindus.

true many must have died maybe lakhs and lakhs.

but remind you lacks and lacks of hindus and sikhs also died dont forget them.

and in my opinion those who died either they were hindu, sikhs or muslims did not want a seperate india and pakistan they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.ask those who had been displaced from there homes on both sides they did not want to leave their homes.

i know some punjabis who came at the time of partition in there community if some one is going through a bad phase the ppl console them by saying maybe the time is bad but it is not as bad as the time of partition, if that has passed this will also pass.

ask urself how would we feel if we were asked to leave our home in a matter of seconds. no one leaves there homes just ike that.

my point is there is no point bragging about sacrifising this and that for partition. some ppl wanted it some didnt.

but i am sure all those ppl who were killed or displaced did not want it.
I have read many posts in this forum. And i mean MANY.

there is a question i would like to ask. many pakistanis feel that they got pakistan a separate homeland for the muslims of this subcontinent by sacrifising lacks of lives to the hands of sikhs and hindus.

true many must have died maybe lakhs and lakhs.

but remind you lacks and lacks of hindus and sikhs also died dont forget them.

and in my opinion those who died either they were hindu, sikhs or muslims did not want a seperate india and pakistan they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.ask those who had been displaced from there homes on both sides they did not want to leave their homes.

i know some punjabis who came at the time of partition in there community if some one is going through a bad phase the ppl console them by saying maybe the time is bad but it is not as bad as the time of partition, if that has passed this will also pass.

ask urself how would we feel if we were asked to leave our home in a matter of seconds. no one leaves there homes just ike that.

my point is there is no point bragging about sacrifising this and that for partition. some ppl wanted it some didnt.

but i am sure all those ppl who were killed or displaced did not want it.

i tell you by quoting true example from my own family and leave it to you to decide whether the muslims who died during patition were at the wrong place at the wrong time or not.

my mother alongwith her family migrated from india (a place known KALKA, a beautiful village). my meternal grandfather was headmaster of the only school present there and he was very well respected due to his profession. at the time of partition, he was told by the native hindus and sikh people that that night their house will be attacked by the sikhs and hindus so they had to migrate. his father (my mothers grandfather) and my grandfather decided to migrate because they were forced by the natives to do it otherwise they would end up dead as many other families had been. so that night they started their journey to get on the trains leaving for lahore. during their journey they got surrounded by sikhs and my mother s grand father hold the gun (the only gun they had) at them and ordered the others to go. he was killed by the sikhs and whoever those people were. my mother and her family were the few lucky ones who get on the last trains which reach lahore safe and sound. safe and sound means with living people inside. during the train journey they had to stop due to the damaged rail tracks done by the sikhs, hindus etc. they remained safe because they have some soldiers with guns (GORKHA FAUJ, i think this is the name she told me)(one sitting on each rail carriage and they kept the sikhs away for 3 days till they were able to reapir the track and train reached lahore. during these 3 days they drank water from the ponds filled with dirty water with blood and dead bodies lying inside. they did not eat for 3 days due to no food available with them.

this is the short version of the whole story but when ever i have been told this story by my mother she always told it (with pride) as the best thing that her family has done coming to pakistan.

i think they never were at the wrong place at the wrong time but although if they dont do the migration that night they might end up in a wrong place at the wrond time. i am not syaing nothing had happened to the hindus or sikhs, and moreover i am not interested in starting a troll in this thread which lead to nothing but this is true event which happened and after reading your thread i just want you to read it and decide for yourself.

you will be able to find many more of these kind of events faced by the parents of pakistani members during migration and partition.

my point is they did not want to migrate the circumstances forced them to.

its not that one fine day all the muslims in india woke up and decided to leave for pakistan nor did the hindus.

what do u think even the hindus did they leave voluntarily. they would have lived there if they had a choice.

regarding the incident with ur family its sad but every one has a story about partition. i can tell u a hundred other.

one more thing after the bad times of struggle are over evryone says that today is better than the past. but if u asked them when they had just been displaced then everyone would say they had a better life earlier.

cmon man ppl became paupers in a matter of minutes at that time.
my point is they did not want to migrate the circumstances forced them to.

its not that one fine day all the muslims in india woke up and decided to leave for pakistan nor did the hindus.

what do u think even the hindus did they leave voluntarily. they would have lived there if they had a choice.

regarding the incident with ur family its sad but every one has a story about partition. i can tell u a hundred other.

one more thing after the bad times of struggle are over evryone says that today is better than the past. but if u asked them when they had just been displaced then everyone would say they had a better life earlier.

cmon man ppl became paupers in a matter of minutes at that time.

my dear friend, i am not against hindus or sikhs first of all, and as i mentioned earlier, i am not saying hindus did not migrate or hadnt have bad events like these.

my point is my meternal family was forced out of their house by whom (hindus and sikhs) and if they stayed there that night that would be ending in a bad place at the bad time.

what is the point of having better life before, when you are being forced out of your own house because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. now they are living in their own house with no one dare to force them out at the right place at the right time. i hope you get my point.

i totally accept your point of view.

maybe (I hate to say it) muslims in pakistan now feel they are better of in pakistan than in india (specially after gujrat for wich we have no justification, although i condemn it)

all i am saying is that at that time everyone left due to the circumstances
i totally accept your point of view.

maybe (I hate to say it) muslims in pakistan now feel they are better of in pakistan than in india (specially after gujrat for wich we have no justification, although i condemn it)

all i am saying is that at that time everyone left due to the circumstances

my friend, i admire and respect your feelings for the muslims of gujrat. first i wanted to bring this topic in but then i left it because i do not want this thread to end up like a india-pakistan war of the words.

Thousands of Muslim killed hundred of women rape by Sikhs & Hindus while crossing into Pakistan but now a days people are forgetting about the sacrifice our forefathers did for Pakistan, especially punjabis who love Sikhs.
my dear friend, i am not against hindus or sikhs first of all, and as i mentioned earlier, i am not saying hindus did not migrate or hadnt have bad events like these.

my point is my meternal family was forced out of their house by whom (hindus and sikhs) and if they stayed there that night that would be ending in a bad place at the bad time.

what is the point of having better life before, when you are being forced out of your own house because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. now they are living in their own house with no one dare to force them out at the right place at the right time. i hope you get my point.

The real point is that nothing of that sort would have happened, had there been no partition.

You have presented your case as if those were the reasons why partition happened, when in fact, these incidents happened because the partition happened.
I have read many posts in this forum. And i mean MANY.

there is a question i would like to ask. many pakistanis feel that they got pakistan a separate homeland for the muslims of this subcontinent by sacrifising lacks of lives to the hands of sikhs and hindus.

true many must have died maybe lakhs and lakhs.

but remind you lacks and lacks of hindus and sikhs also died dont forget them.

and in my opinion those who died either they were hindu, sikhs or muslims did not want a seperate india and pakistan they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.ask those who had been displaced from there homes on both sides they did not want to leave their homes.

i know some punjabis who came at the time of partition in there community if some one is going through a bad phase the ppl console them by saying maybe the time is bad but it is not as bad as the time of partition, if that has passed this will also pass.

ask urself how would we feel if we were asked to leave our home in a matter of seconds. no one leaves there homes just ike that.

my point is there is no point bragging about sacrifising this and that for partition. some ppl wanted it some didnt.

but i am sure all those ppl who were killed or displaced did not want it.

Well that may be true for a lot of people but you have to understand even those people didnt wanna leave ... what made them leave ? And i am talking about the circumstances on both side of the border. By the time of partition the hate and animosity between two groups had reached a whole new level because those who didn't want the partition, actually realized their nightmare of the subcontinent being divided right before their eyes, so naturally this was to be expected. The people who ended up sacrificing their lives didnt get caught in the storm they sacrificed their lives trying to live the dream that they had been working so long and hard for and that is the truth of this matter.

Unbiased at least he was when he arrived on his mission,
Having never set eyes on the land he was called to partition
Between two peoples fanatically at odds,
With their different diets and incompatible gods.
"Time," they had briefed him in London, "is short. It's too late
For mutual reconciliation or rational debate:
The only solution now lies in separation.
The Viceroy thinks, as you will see from his letter,
That the less you are seen in his company the better,
So we've arranged to provide you with other accommodation.
We can give you four judges, two Moslem and two Hindu,
To consult with, but the final decision must rest with you."

Shut up in a lonely mansion, with police night and day
Patrolling the gardens to keep the assassins away,
He got down to work, to the task of settling the fate
Of millions. The maps at his disposal were out of date
And the Census Returns almost certainly incorrect,
But there was no time to check them, no time to inspect
Contested areas. The weather was frightfully hot,
And a bout of dysentery kept him constantly on the trot,
But in seven weeks it was done, the frontiers decided,
A continent for better or worse divided.

The next day he sailed for England, where he could quickly forget
The case, as a good lawyer must. Return he would not,
Afraid, as he told his Club, that he might get shot.

by WH Auden
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