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Paris Under Attack

Hardly any attack happened in USA before 9/11

What bush did was a monumental error that is directly linked to what is happening now

Fear begets fear, beligerence begets beligerence

Unless you resolve the problems then bombing and war only creates more problems

And the USA has had the boston bombings, Fort hood attack etc after 9/11
how many Iraqis are involved in this attack you think.and none of the above you mentioned involves Iraqi's.
take that bitches!!
This is not from today. Don't spread misinformation.
BFMTV is reporting that at least 120 have been killed. Heartbreaking.
RIP,my thoughts to the family and friends of the victims....
Hardly any attack happened in USA before 9/11

What bush did was a monumental error that is directly linked to what is happening now

Fear begets fear, beligerence begets beligerence

Unless you resolve the problems then bombing and war only creates more problems

And the USA has had the boston bombings, Fort hood attack etc after 9/11

Boston bombing is very small one. America is very secure. Nothing on the scale of what is happening across Europe. Fear is the only things terrorists understand. See how much Aarb e Azb has made Pakistan secure. A similar Aarb e Azb is need across Europe to weed out the pest.
Your point would make sense if it wasnt for the fact that it seems 90% of ISIS militants are from North Africa, Saudi, etc etc who have had little direct impact apart from the fact that "fellow muslims" suffered, yet ironically will blow up a marketplace and kill a hundred of their "fellow muslims" without thinking twice.

The direct cause is the Iraq war but the bad people were always there, Saddam just oppressed them but towards the end of his reign there was alot of extremists (Fedayeen? not sure) grouping in the country. The war may have started it but this was an inevitable problem, how were the terrorists who are wealthy people from gulf states suffer from the Iraq war? There are far too many young men in Muslim/non Muslim countries who feel like they dont belong, the real cause of todays problem isnt the Iraq war, its the modern connectivity of humanity and people can feel out of place very quickly and look for alternatives because doing something resulting in death is often an easier way out than struggling with a life of poverty/mediocrity for decades, I know it would appeal to my mindset if I lived in a country like Algeria, work for peanuts slaving away all your life or go on an adventure firing guns and feeling brotherhood, its a great alternative to life in many modern Islamic countries and one that I can completely understand given the opportunities in many of these countries. All young men have a inbuilt desire to fight, its just most have too good of a life to give up.

Your post is well written with many good points which i cant respond to effectively on my smart phone this early in the morning so i will have to defer my response

But you are right the basic extremism existed prior to the iraq war but rather then find a solution to the problem the iraq and subsequent ill thought out war on terror acted as a multiplier

Individuals from across the muslim world and beyond will become incited by these wars the same way how a attack in Paris or New York will illicit support and support from other European countries or Americans etc

The basic problem is the same wars that have created the chaos within which terrorism and extremism can thrive and spread

The answer (not that there is a answer to Pandoras open box) is not more war, bombing, beligerence and support for injustice
This would not have happened if Europe left the migrants most likely to be terrorists in turkey instead of letting everyone in
May they all rest in piece. This is a barbaric attack no doubt in it, but you reap what you sow...
4 policemen have been killed as 2 of the terrorists inside the Bataclan ignited their bomb vests. Death toll expected to go above 150.
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