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Paris Air Show 2019 - Thunders in Europe

Thanks, but I know/own such a security camera, I am asking about the type of camera used to record the thunder video, security cameras and sports action cameras on gimbal can't get that kind of closeup with such high resolution

From 20 years ago we had security cameras that autodetect movement, pan, zoom, and auto track. You could even set limits so it does not record anything outside your premises.

The same approach is now used in industry, e.g. safety systems that utilize a camera. you can draw virtual lines around a hazard and the system will stop the machine or do whatever you program it to do if/when the limits you have set are breached

Engine "quality" is the same only the fuel mixture has changed

Thanks for sharing the good thing is engine quality seems to have improved as no visible black smoke

Sure that's the main objective of PAF, to be show pony

-ve G performance is sub-par, needs to further push its flight envelope further in next iterations to stay relevant for airshows in the next decade.

Obviously he doesn't know that turning taxes energy not supplements it. If the plane stalls you do nose down not left or right

Let's divide your statement into this :

As soon as they lift the nose after take off they need to turn to avoid stall

and this

Engine struggles to make a vertical climb

I gave reply of both.Read my message again.

Also as per my understanding if you take a turn immediately after T/O it will decrease your speed not increase thus not helping with the stall.

Watch the video again and see if after turning it's nose is still pointed upwards, parallel to ground or downwards?
Everyone can clearly see it is still pointed upwards, if that is the case then how is that a stall? while turning itself reduces speed, so if it is still going up even after turning then there is nothing wring with the engine power.

Everyone is missing the point

The JF17 has to break off from the vertical climb going into a spiral like movement

Increasing the flight path allowing acceleration, vertical climb with short path in vertical climb requires more power
You are CORRECT in what you wrote---. There is no reason for the wheels to hang out for so long after take off & the aircraft coming close to stall speed---.

I don't know what the Paf wants to do---land the aircraft in the 'air' or what---.

The moment it is in Vr position---

The reason they stick out for so long is the Landing Gear limitation. Chinese Landing Gears are slow at retracting because of single strut mechanism. Where as F-16 has a folding strut which gives it a quick retraction.

So no reason to blame PAF. Its natural limitation.

And thats why the aircraft turns away towards left from the crowd on right. Its just about beauty of manouver nothing else. Rather that little tilt to left gives drag due to aileron movement
It's not the retracting speed, rather an SOP.

The reason they stick out for so long is the Landing Gear limitation. Chinese Landing Gears are slow at retracting because of single strut mechanism. Where as F-16 has a folding strut which gives it a quick retraction.

So no reason to blame PAF. Its natural limitation.

And thats why the aircraft turns away towards left from the crowd on right. Its just about beauty of manouver nothing else. Rather that little tilt to left gives drag due to aileron movement
The reason they stick out for so long is the Landing Gear limitation. Chinese Landing Gears are slow at retracting because of single strut mechanism. Where as F-16 has a folding strut which gives it a quick retraction.

So no reason to blame PAF. Its natural limitation.

And thats why the aircraft turns away towards left from the crowd on right. Its just about beauty of manouver nothing else. Rather that little tilt to left gives drag due to aileron movement


I think it is a procedural fault and not a mechanical limitation---. Once they start moving---the landing gear fold pretty fast---.


The landing gear starts to fold at around 1:05 and is folded at 1:12---in 06 seconds
PARIS- Muhammad bin Sabu, Minister of Defence Malaysia met with Ambassador of Pakistan to France and Air Marshal Ahmer Shehzad, HI (M) Chairman, PAC Board Kamra on the side line of International Paris Show and discuss matter of mutual interest.
June 17, 2019.
Everyone is missing the point

The JF17 has to break off from the vertical climb going into a spiral like movement

Again, you are also missing what is in plain sight i.e. JF17 can easily take off in conventional manner, without an iota of stall, like any other aircraft as earlier posted after your initial insistence:
A conventional straight takeoff. Kindly expand on your point :

I think you are the one missing the whole point my dear @aziqbal .

Let me go out on a limb here. I think PAF has chosen this take off for JF17 in airshows for exactly the opposite and unreasonably critical conjecture you have put forward.

I think PAF has chosen this exact takeoff for international airshows to show the aerodynamic prowess of JF17 and superior Aerodynamic capabilities - probably due to a combination of DSI, LERX design and JF17's FBW configuration - that actually enables it to avoid stalls at low takeoff speeds and maneuver so, as it turns lefts and rises in a mesmerizing slow motion yet complete control, with wheels down for longer duration for increased stability and exactly the above reasons.


And what would that be--->

Most of the senior folks here have been following everything JF17 since its inception and like myself, you Sir may also remember the initial Chinese promotional videos of the first JF17 prototypes without DSI, the takeoff was spectacular, a few smooth as silk barrel rolls and there were a few shots where the two initial prototypes used to shootup after diving down and flying above the runway...I think since then there haven't been any such videos other than the PAF released, usual, unspectacular vids and JF17's routine air display maneuvers that we are used to...for obvious reasons alluded by yourself earlier.

Again let me post my favorite vid of a spectacular JF17 slow glide and turn for good measure 00:22 onwards:

Among other reasons, I think DSI and LERX in the modified design since the initial prototypes, have added extensive stability, control and more capability to avoid stalls during slow speeds too.

So my point is @aziqbal ; why do a full afterburner conventional takeoff in international airshows that probably the competition can do just as well or better and why not wow the onlookers with something mesmerizing yet easy for JF17 that not many other fighters can muster or should I say otherwise risk?

It has after all become a signature JF17 takeoff that PAF thunder pilots have repeatedly and literally made all their own.:pakistan:
I think we should all petition to the PAF to take a No. 16 Black Panthers squadron jet to the next airshow in a Thunder Cats inspired theme ... that would be a sure hit =D
Ok regardless of this engine issue talk we can all as Pakistanis say we are extremely proud and happy that JF17 showed at Paris

We are all fans of this aircraft me included :-)
Concerning Thunders in Paris ... are there any news on the Nigerian deal, on any other true negotiations or even contracts?
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