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Paris Air Show 2019 - Thunders in Europe

who is this PAF man? currently in Paris Air Show
Videos uploaded on youtube of Thunder by Aviation International News channel
Engine struggles to make a vertical climb

As soon as they lift the nose after take off they need to turn to avoid stall

Hope this problem is solved on block 3
Same display...again.

They really need to change/shake up a few things. Personally, I hate the left turn straight after takeoff. I wish they'd just go vertical for a change and then mix it up.
Nice display, but it needs something to wow the crowds and get attention, so it can win some export orders. Hopefully with the Rd-93MA or WS-19 and the increase in composites it can be able to pull 9 Gs. With the higher thrust to weight ratio it could try to out do a known performance routine by a much more expensive 4th generation fighter

Defense budgets are tight and while costs are one factor, most nations are winning to pay for the better performance because they know that little bit of difference can make or break a conflict.

When the Block III comes out, and when PAF/PAC and CAC want to go to the next Paris Air Show, they will need a full CGI marketing campaign like SAAB does. Technical information presented seamlessly in CGI with actual footage, and a nice musical score.
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