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PANHA P-1 ( IRANIAN Helicopter )

all important projects are underway with even heavier focus and investment... the policy is to stay low... so, don't worry... defense industry and preparedness is not something to neglect for a county like Iran and it is never been neglected... Sometimes you hear the news of latest progress sometimes you don.t... the work is underway and there are many surprises coming soon...
with heavier investment! probably with the budget which you gave them! cause as far as we know in the first year of Rohani's administration, defense ministry's budget was reduced 60%, the second year increase didn't even match the inflation ,so it was just another reduction.
and sometimes we have to imagine the progress.
Airplanes... what, that Qaher embarrassment? Didn't they say they are deleting the design and asking the IRIAF for a new specification?

Radars? Missiles? We've had tons of news for thise. Massive long range surveillance radars. Precision warheads for missiles. Fateh-313. Hormuz 1/2.

Seems very much active to me.
This defense ministr said Qaher project is postponed to after completion of Kowthar88 which God knows when. and about our air force, they better to stick to their own projects, upgrading F5 simulators.
precision missile? did you count IRGC too? cause I don't remember any from defense ministry, they took Fateh110 which had a accuracy of 8 meter and delivered an smoky more accurate missile (Fateh-313) which almost fell of the screen!
Hormuz1/2? we are talking about Rohani, not Ahmadinejad. about Massive long range Radars, the only ones which I know belongs to IRGC and Ahmadinejad era, yet you can talk about sepehr radar. also what I meant is airborne radars.
where is Fotros, Talash2/3, Bavar373, Sahand, Fateh sub, Qaher, Kowsar88, Maqsood, Moj3? check their due dates and then put all of them beside our satellites!

Nemekhastam dahanamo vaz konam vali nemezareen!

Normal is now with real progress like this:

Not delusional plastic 5th generation fighters like the Qaher 313
And fruitless and wasteful failed attempts at spending monkeys in to space!

And Sub's like the Fatteh that were put together and made out of the cheapest metal they could find!

Look at it! I've see Toy's more realistic looking than this

View attachment 308642

It's absolutely embarrassing!

It's a more a propaganda industry for ppl that don't know any better rather than a defense industry
Yeah, your definition of progress is outstanding, archiving the experimental satellites in the basement, reducing space agency's budget to 5%, destroying all nuclear infrastructure, firing scientists, re unveiling of other's achievements like Fajr5 fuses, and LPS transmitters.

other made of cheap metals are sailing in the high seas. these B.S rumors are what Zionists and their fellow in Iran advertise to divert the minds from lack of funds.
and about Qaher, if we want to work on a fighter jet, it wont be anything rather continuing this so called plastic plane. but of course it wont happens till Rohani and his well paid defense minister are in charge.
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with heavier investment! probably with the budget which you gave them! cause as far as we know in the first year of Rohani's administration, defense ministry's budget was reduced 60%, the second year increase didn't even match the inflation ,so it was just another reduction.
and sometimes we have to imagine the progress.
Strategic projects have a line of budget apart from ordinary numbers that you hear, although the ordinary budget is also up by %32.2. Let us not forget the IRGC self-sourced budget of billions that they make through their economic activities. lots of IRGC projects are funded internally so no government budget change will affect the most important ones.

In yaroo vevako kojaye delam bezaram!! PDF dige hale nemide... por shode az bache hayee ke Tank ro as Tanker ab tashkhis nemidan va mian nazar ham midan...oonam be englisi ke hame befahman cheghadr ahmaghan..,va doshmanan ham beshkan bezanan ke didin ma ras migoftim
precision missile? did you count IRGC too? cause I don't remember any from defense ministry, they took Fateh110 which had a accuracy of 8 meter and delivered an smoky more accurate missile (Fateh-313) which almost fell of the screen!
Hormuz1/2? we are talking about Rohani, not Ahmadinejad. about Massive long range Radars, the only ones which I know belongs to IRGC and Ahmadinejad era, yet you can talk about sepehr radar. also what I meant is airborne radars.
where is Fotros, Talash2/3, Bavar373, Sahand, Fateh sub, Qaher, Kowsar88, Maqsood, Moj3? check their due dates and then put all of them beside our satellites!

I should probably have been more clear. I said precision missile wrt the Emad and others. The Fateh-313 was a different achievement. A longer range F-110. Increased from 300 to 500 km range.

Fotros? I don't know where it is. Probably being manufactured in some factory in Iran. I doubt they will put it into service yet. It seems to be in the advanced prototype stage.

Talash 2/3 - you did watch the army parade just 2 months ago, didn't you?




Bavar-373? The only pictures we saw were in the Rouhani era.

Qaher? :rofl: bro that was a piece of crap. And it was unveiled right at the end of the presidency.

I can't go on, I'd be wasting time and the point.

Nobody can design, develop and build a modern weapons system in just 3 years. By your own admission, Rouhani's presidency couldn't have started these projects. But then, if you want to see fruits of Dehqan's endeavours, maybe you should wait until the next 1 or 2 terms to see the result. Suppose Rouhani won a second term (just to make equal with Ahmadinejad). If in 5-6 years Qalibaf becomes president and unveils a new stealth fighter jet, we'll just have to say that was Dehqan's work.
Strategic projects have a line of budget apart from ordinary numbers that you hear, although the ordinary budget is also up by %32.2. Let us not forget the IRGC self-sourced budget of billions that they make through their economic activities. lots of IRGC projects are funded internally so no government budget change will affect the most important ones.
Bro, let's face it, you can't say 60% budget reduction has no effect.
also there is no secret budget. let me ask you. is a fighter jet a strategic project? if yes, then why it was suspended and if no then what is a strategic projects in defense ministry? ships? subs? Tanks? nonetheless I don't see any progress.

and about IRGC and it's condition, they faced similar reduction too, yet their own economic activities reduced the impact, but as some one who has worked on one of their so called super profitable projects, let me tell you since the year Rohani became president things started to get ugly, 6 months delayed salary in sub contractors and 2 months delay in the main company became a normal thing, all this because this government sees IRGC as its enemy, and that's because they see Obama as their friend. that's how and why even normal projects like road construction were given to Turks and Chinese. also don't forget about IRGC's expenses in Syria. after 3 years we just heard a name, Simorgh, guess why!

I should probably have been more clear. I said precision missile wrt the Emad and others. The Fateh-313 was a different achievement. A longer range F-110. Increased from 300 to 500 km range.

Fotros? I don't know where it is. Probably being manufactured in some factory in Iran. I doubt they will put it into service yet. It seems to be in the advanced prototype stage.

Talash 2/3 - you did watch the army parade just 2 months ago, didn't you?




Bavar-373? The only pictures we saw were in the Rouhani era.

Qaher? :rofl: bro that was a piece of crap. And it was unveiled right at the end of the presidency.

I can't go on, I'd be wasting time and the point.

Nobody can design, develop and build a modern weapons system in just 3 years. By your own admission, Rouhani's presidency couldn't have started these projects. But then, if you want to see fruits of Dehqan's endeavours, maybe you should wait until the next 1 or 2 terms to see the result. Suppose Rouhani won a second term (just to make equal with Ahmadinejad). If in 5-6 years Qalibaf becomes president and unveils a new stealth fighter jet, we'll just have to say that was Dehqan's work.
Emad belongs to IRGC. Fotros didn't become operational. the same for Talash2/3, Sahan, Bavar,etc. check their due dates. just parading a missile doesn't mean a mobile air defense system is operational.
That so called peace of crap (our most innovative project actually) was your only fighter project. yes no body can develop and build a modern weapon system in just 3 years, and nothing will be built ever when you suspend a project.
Emad belongs to IRGC. Fotros didn't become operational. the same for Talash2/3, Sahan, Bavar,etc. check their due dates. just parading a missile doesn't mean a mobile air defense system is operational.
That so called peace of crap (our most innovative project actually) was your only fighter project. yes no body can develop and build a modern weapon system in just 3 years, and nothing will be built ever when you suspend a project.

Isn't that part of the problem? IRGC is in charge of nearly everything. They are in charge of missiles, SAMs, expeditionary operations (Quds Force), Persian Gulf defence (over the navy). It has its own Air Force, Navy, Army, special ops, arms factory and engineering conglomerate. Seriously what the hell is the IRGC anymore? It's not just a military anymore. They control most of Iran's deterrence, while the IRIAF is lying in a puddle of shit, the army has Tanks from the 1950s, the navy has a couple of copies of British "destroyers" (light frigates".

One thing that has been constant throughout the years with Iran's military is that the IRGC has been massively powerful, taking the lion's share of the budget while having significant economic activities. At the same time, the IRIAF has only got a handful of monkey model MiG-29s and stole some planes from Saddam. Same for the Army. Remember the Zulfiqar? That thing we saw being developed for the past 20 years? Well, we're still waiting for it to be mass produced. Look, I know the IRGC has done a LOT to help Iran and I appreciate that, but isn't it time we rebalanced our force structure?

How do you know Fotros isn't already deployed? It's only been 2.5 years since we first saw it anyway. Bavar is nearly finished, they've already tested it, we've seen it's components. I think it will be operational by the end of 2016, whether they tell us or not.

Sahand probably has delays because its a new design, or it is waiting for new parts to be finished, like missiles or radars. The last video I posted of it showed the superstructure complete.
Isn't that part of the problem? IRGC is in charge of nearly everything. They are in charge of missiles, SAMs, expeditionary operations (Quds Force), Persian Gulf defence (over the navy). It has its own Air Force, Navy, Army, special ops, arms factory and engineering conglomerate. Seriously what the hell is the IRGC anymore? It's not just a military anymore. They control most of Iran's deterrence, while the IRIAF is lying in a puddle of shit, the army has Tanks from the 1950s, the navy has a couple of copies of British "destroyers" (light frigates".

One thing that has been constant throughout the years with Iran's military is that the IRGC has been massively powerful, taking the lion's share of the budget while having significant economic activities. At the same time, the IRIAF has only got a handful of monkey model MiG-29s and stole some planes from Saddam. Same for the Army. Remember the Zulfiqar? That thing we saw being developed for the past 20 years? Well, we're still waiting for it to be mass produced. Look, I know the IRGC has done a LOT to help Iran and I appreciate that, but isn't it time we rebalanced our force structure?

How do you know Fotros isn't already deployed? It's only been 2.5 years since we first saw it anyway. Bavar is nearly finished, they've already tested it, we've seen it's components. I think it will be operational by the end of 2016, whether they tell us or not.

Sahand probably has delays because its a new design, or it is waiting for new parts to be finished, like missiles or radars. The last video I posted of it showed the superstructure complete.
in answer to first question, what you said not only isn't the problem but the only reason for our survival to this very day.
so who wants to control Persian gulf? our navy and their classic methods?

with exactly how many ships and budget you plan to counter the U.S navy?!
being lazy and stagnant is the main aspect of our army. go read how Tehrani moghaddam created our missile forces, were was that lion's share when he was working in a tent beside the streets?!
If it was army, after wasting a good share of budget, begging this and that country, their today's achievement would be copying and chanting about upgrades on scud missiles, just like their current state, each year talking about upgrading the Zelzal missiles! like what they are doing in the airforce, celebrating the upgrade of an F5 simulator in 2016.
IRGC develops it's toys and gives them to defense ministry for mass production, while army prefers to wait for defense ministry. and if it wasn't supreme leader's order, they wouldn't have started the moj projects too.
You see, It's a kind of thought in which you can suspend a fighter project with the excuse of lack of budget while talking about heavy contracts to import an (already out of date) fighter without anybody mentioning about budget.

regarding economic activities, IRGC just wanted to use it's free capacities to fill the gaps not to impose itself. if it wasn't IRGC then it had to be foreigners which is equal to more imports and dependence. is it what you want?! do you prefer korean workers to build your refineries and shut down the project whenever they want? do you prefer to Chinese work on a decades old highway and then leave the project in the end?
though there are people inside and outside who want that!
in answer to first question, what you said not only isn't the problem but the only reason for our survival to this very day.
so who wants to control Persian gulf? our navy and their classic methods?

with exactly how many ships and budget you plan to counter the U.S navy?!
being lazy and stagnant is the main aspect of our army. go read how Tehrani moghaddam created our missile forces, were was that lion's share when he was working in a tent beside the streets?!
If it was army, after wasting a good share of budget, begging this and that country, their today's achievement would be copying and chanting about upgrades on scud missiles, just like their current state, each year talking about upgrading the Zelzal missiles! like what they are doing in the airforce, celebrating the upgrade of an F5 simulator in 2016.
IRGC develops it's toys and gives them to defense ministry for mass production, while army prefers to wait for defense ministry. and if it wasn't supreme leader's order, they wouldn't have started the moj projects too.
You see, It's a kind of thought in which you can suspend a fighter project with the excuse of lack of budget while talking about heavy contracts to import an (already out of date) fighter without anybody mentioning about budget.

regarding economic activities, IRGC just wanted to use it's free capacities to fill the gaps not to impose itself. if it wasn't IRGC then it had to be foreigners which is equal to more imports and dependence. is it what you want?! do you prefer korean workers to build your refineries and shut down the project whenever they want? do you prefer to Chinese work on a decades old highway and then leave the project in the end?
though there are people inside and outside who want that!

Bro I know the IRGC have done a lot for us but no way are they the only reason. The world doesn't work like that.

As for the navy, who said it had to be be classic methods? The current navy uses asymmetric methods. You posted a picture from nearly 3 decades ago. As for countering the US navy - the IRGC navy is doing that in the Persian Gulf, but the US navy have the range to operate outside the Persian Gulf. So we should gradually push them out to the Gulf Of Oman, where we still have the advantage. It's not open seas. The navy also needs to be strengthened against regional threats like the Saudis and their lackeys. So we need that Loghman destroyer being built (and they need to mount a VLS on it!).

As for army, they have Zelzals because they aren't allowed ballistic missiles. Those are the IRGC's responsibility. They had some promising developments like manufacturing T-72s (20 years ago) and are now upgrading the Cobra helicopters. But they are not getting the money to mass produce Zulfiqar 3.

Don't even blame the air force. What do you expect them to do? They tried working with the Russians on Shafaq but the Russians pulled the plug. They tried buying MiG-29s (when we had absolutely zero production capability) but only got part of the order. And we've got 50 year old planes in the air force because there has been no money to build it up. Personally, I think the government is suspicious of the air force rebelling. Remember how they jailed Jalil Zandi because he was in the air force and rumours spread? War happened and he became a double Tomcat Ace!

As for IRGC's economic activities, who says it would go to foreigners? It could easily go to Iranian firms, of which there are many. But IRGC can beat them easily because its government so doesn't pay tax. They've become so heavily involved now that Iran is an easy target for sanctions. All the Americans needed to do was label it a "terrorist organisation" and easy, big part of economy sanctioned. Just look at what happened to Mahan Air after IRGC used them for taking arms to Syria instead of using IRGC Il-76 or IRIAF Il-76 and Boeing 747.
Bro I know the IRGC have done a lot for us but no way are they the only reason. The world doesn't work like that.
forget the world. we are unique.

As for the navy, who said it had to be be classic methods? The current navy uses asymmetric methods. You posted a picture from nearly 3 decades ago. As for countering the US navy - the IRGC navy is doing that in the Persian Gulf, but the US navy have the range to operate outside the Persian Gulf. So we should gradually push them out to the Gulf Of Oman, where we still have the advantage. It's not open seas. The navy also needs to be strengthened against regional threats like the Saudis and their lackeys. So we need that Loghman destroyer being built (and they need to mount a VLS on it!).
classic methods are inevitable part of a classic army, and if you want to adopt the asymmetric methods then why don't have an IRGC instead of army?
if U.S navy wants to have anything to say, they have to be in the Persian gulf, and as long as they are here, they are like hostages for the IRGC. forget the puppet. bigger ships are just a requirement for bigger distances and high seas.
As for army, they have Zelzals because they aren't allowed ballistic missiles. Those are the IRGC's responsibility. They had some promising developments like manufacturing T-72s (20 years ago) and are now upgrading the Cobra helicopters. But they are not getting the money to mass produce Zulfiqar 3.
They are allowed and they have them (Naze'at, zelzal, these are ballistic missiles, not the rocket anymore), but simply they fell behind to the extent which IRGC took the role. how come? cause at the time which no one in army was thinking about developing the missiles, some one in IRGC was planing on his own missiles! it happened cause there wasn't any Tehrani moghaddam in the army.

Don't even blame the air force. What do you expect them to do? They tried working with the Russians on Shafaq but the Russians pulled the plug. They tried buying MiG-29s (when we had absolutely zero production capability) but only got part of the order. And we've got 50 year old planes in the air force because there has been no money to build it up. Personally, I think the government is suspicious of the air force rebelling. Remember how they jailed Jalil Zandi because he was in the air force and rumours spread? War happened and he became a double Tomcat Ace!
You see there is budget to buy this and that, but no money to develop our own project. That's the problem. even 100000000000 years later they will remain the same sh!t, cause if you don't do anything, you wont get anything.
forget the coup, post revolution is another matter, we didn't really know who these people were, they were recruited by some one with different goals. coups are another aspect of secular armies, You can't see them in a religious army, also they may dominate the skies but not on the land which they live in.

As for IRGC's economic activities, who says it would go to foreigners? It could easily go to Iranian firms, of which there are many. But IRGC can beat them easily because its government so doesn't pay tax. They've become so heavily involved now that Iran is an easy target for sanctions. All the Americans needed to do was label it a "terrorist organisation" and easy, big part of economy sanctioned. Just look at what happened to Mahan Air after IRGC used them for taking arms to Syria instead of using IRGC Il-76 or IRIAF Il-76 and Boeing 747.
Your head is filled with propaganda which its source is outside. May I ask which Iranian firm wanted to finish the phase 15/16 when Koreans left this project? after they left, even Iranian company Petro-Part (search its name) left the project with another sh!t. for years other subcontractors who worked for Khatam were fixing the mess which this firm left behind. also if you like tell me about other firms in the Tehran-North freeway.

IRGC's activities is what strengthens our economy and lowers the burden on government, they create jobs for our own people, for our own engineers, while most of our administrators are doing this for foreigners.
Americans are our enemy, so its no wonder to try the divide and rule here too. I assure you if there wasn't an IRGC, they would still apply the same sanctions on us with other excuses. they didn't hesitate to call us the axis of devil right when the most pro west president was on power and even had plans to invade us. if IRGC has used Mahan (I don't believe anything that Americans say) then they had to. let me tell you, if it wasn't because of the IRGC's management, today you were fighting with Daesh in Tehran streets. American's goal of creating ISIS wasn't Syria or Iraq, but Iran. they had plans to create another Saddam to draw us into another war, and I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to condemn us in that war too, you may need to study about Iran-Iraq war and our sanctions.
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This defense ministr said Qaher project is postponed to after completion of Kowthar88 which God knows when. and about our air force, they better to stick to their own projects, upgrading F5 simulators.
precision missile? did you count IRGC too? cause I don't remember any from defense ministry, they took Fateh110 which had a accuracy of 8 meter and delivered an smoky more accurate missile (Fateh-313) which almost fell of the screen!
Hormuz1/2? we are talking about Rohani, not Ahmadinejad. about Massive long range Radars, the only ones which I know belongs to IRGC and Ahmadinejad era, yet you can talk about sepehr radar. also what I meant is airborne radars.
where is Fotros, Talash2/3, Bavar373, Sahand, Fateh sub, Qaher, Kowsar88, Maqsood, Moj3? check their due dates and then put all of them beside our satellites!

Yeah, your definition of progress is outstanding, archiving the experimental satellites in the basement, reducing space agency's budget to 5%, destroying all nuclear infrastructure, firing scientists, re unveiling of other's achievements like Fajr5 fuses, and LPS transmitters.

other made of cheap metals are sailing in the high seas. these B.S rumors are what Zionists and their fellow in Iran advertise to divert the minds from lack of funds.
and about Qaher, if we want to work on a fighter jet, it wont be anything rather continuing this so called plastic plane. but of course it wont happens till Rohani and his well paid defense minister are in charge.

Yea truth hurts! And FYI Iran's defense minister disclosed on Iranian TV that the Fatteh Sub had to be rebuilt because the current materials were too weak(Cheap)... Has nothing to do with no Zionist! LOL! As I said, truth hurts!

And the fact that the Qaher-313 was nothing more than a propaganda scheme has pretty much been proven!

Also, fuses come in different varieties and just because we previously build some of them that doesn't mean we produced all! Hell, it doesn't even prove that even right now we are producing all types! Plus any newly designed munition is going to require various fuses specially designed for that design!

Till now Iran has not publically tested a bunker buster munition which requires advanced fusses! There are also airburst & time delayed Artillery shells, airburst bombs, airburst rockets, etc that all require different type of fusses none of which Iran has ever tested before! Also, increasing the production of current weapons requires you to increase production of the fusses!

Unfortunately, you know so little that of the link that I posted you just picked up the LPS! which is not surprising coming from you... someone who still thinks the Qaher-313 was a real military project!
forget the world. we are unique.

classic methods are inevitable part of a classic army, and if you want to adopt the asymmetric methods then why don't have an IRGC instead of army?
if U.S navy wants to have anything to say, they have to be in the Persian gulf, and as long as they are here, they are like hostages for the IRGC. forget the puppet. bigger ships are just a requirement for bigger distances and high seas.

They are allowed and they have them (Naze'at, zelzal, these are ballistic missiles, not the rocket anymore), but simply they fell behind to the extent which IRGC took the role. how come? cause at the time which no one in army was thinking about developing the missiles, some one in IRGC was planing on his own missiles! it happened cause there wasn't any Tehrani moghaddam in the army.

You see there is budget to buy this and that, but no money to develop our own project. That's the problem. even 100000000000 years later they will remain the same sh!t, cause if you don't do anything, you wont get anything.
forget the coup, post revolution is another matter, we didn't really know who these people were, they were recruited by some one with different goals. coups are another aspect of secular armies, You can't see them in a religious army, also they may dominate the skies but not on the land which they live in.

Your head is filled with propaganda which its source is outside. May I ask which Iranian firm wanted to finish the phase 15/16 when Koreans left this project? after they left, even Iranian company Petro-Part (search its name) left the project with another sh!t. for years other subcontractors who worked for Khatam were fixing the mess which this firm left behind. also if you like tell me about other firms in the Tehran-North freeway.

IRGC's activities is what strengthens our economy and lowers the burden on government, they create jobs for our own people, for our own engineers, while most of our administrators are doing this for foreigners.
Americans are our enemy, so its no wonder to try the divide and rule here too. I assure you if there wasn't an IRGC, they would still apply the same sanctions on us with other excuses. they didn't hesitate to call us the axis of devil right when the most pro west president was on power and even had plans to invade us. if IRGC has used Mahan (I don't believe anything that Americans say) then they had to. let me tell you, if it wasn't because of the IRGC's management, today you were fighting with Daesh in Tehran streets. American's goal of creating ISIS wasn't Syria or Iraq, but Iran. they had plans to create another Saddam to draw us into another war, and I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to condemn us in that war too, you may need to study about Iran-Iraq war and our sanctions.

No mohsen, however unique we are, we still need our other services. If the IRGC was the only reason for our survival then the Artesh wouldn't exist. For sure the IRGC has done a great service to Iran over the years, but it's not alone.

And the US doesn't have to be in the Persian Gulf. They could almost as easily conduct operations from the Gulf of Oman. Their aircraft carriers do have aerial refuelling aircraft after all. So to counter them in the Gulf of Oman, we need larger ships, since small speedboats don't have the advantage of a small and crowded area to operate in. The Gulf of Oman is far wider than the Persian Gulf. And this "classic army=classic methods" is false. To have the navy conduct assymetrical warfare all you have to do is train them for this. And as the Navy only has a few thousand men, there is no issue.

And as JEskandari said, there is no way Nazeat and Zelzal are ballistic missiles. They're long range artillery rockets.

As for the air force, it tried to get whatever it could on the cheap. Since the war they've only bought about 30 aircraft, all of them monkey model cheap Soviet types, and theyb only bought them in the 1990s when Iran had absolutely zero, zilch, nada production capability. In fact, Iran has got more combat aircraft by stealing them from Saddam than buying from abroad. The 1990s is when the IRGC started taking all the budget to develop ballistic missiles. While this was probably necessary, it would have been a far better idea to allow the air force some limited development money so it could gain the knowhow of manufacturing aircraft that we need today.

As for the IRGC's activities abroad, I'm totally fine with that, they can fight Daesh, I'm 100% with them. But its telling that last year only Sardar Soleimani went to Putin. He wasn't accompanied by other services. I'm sure the IRIAF would have been able to operate alongside Russian forces. Some of the Su-25s and Su-24s are fitted with targetting equipment, they could have been combat tested.

As for Mahan Air flights carrying arms to Syria, I have my own sources, not just the media. But why, when the the IRGC has Il-76s? And the IRIAF has Il-76, C-130 and B747s? Don't tell me they are short of transport aircraft, because they aren't.

What I'm trying to say is, the IRGC is trying to do everything by itself, when it needs to cooperate with the other services. That's why the IRGC just keeps getting bigger and the others are getting more dilapidated.
Yea truth hurts! And FYI Iran's defense minister disclosed on Iranian TV that the Fatteh Sub had to be rebuilt because the current materials were too weak(Cheap)... Has nothing to do with no Zionist! LOL! As I said, truth hurts!
his a$$

Yea truth hurts! And FYI Iran's defense minister disclosed on Iranian TV that the Fatteh Sub had to be rebuilt because the current materials were too weak(Cheap)... Has nothing to do with no Zionist! LOL! As I said, truth hurts!

And the fact that the Qaher-313 was nothing more than a propaganda scheme has pretty much been proven!

Also, fuses come in different varieties and just because we previously build some of them that doesn't mean we produced all! Hell, it doesn't even prove that even right now we are producing all types! Plus any newly designed munition is going to require various fuses specially designed for that design!

Till now Iran has not publically tested a bunker buster munition which requires advanced fusses! There are also airburst & time delayed Artillery shells, airburst bombs, airburst rockets, etc that all require different type of fusses none of which Iran has ever tested before! Also, increasing the production of current weapons requires you to increase production of the fusses!

Unfortunately, you know so little that of the link that I posted you just picked up the LPS! which is not surprising coming from you... someone who still thinks the Qaher-313 was a real military project!
the only buthurt is to those who can't distinguish between Zionist's controlled whatsapp rumors and Iranian TV.

this is defense minister on the national tv:

As for Mahan Air flights carrying arms to Syria, I have my own sources, not just the media. But why, when the the IRGC has Il-76s? And the IRIAF has Il-76, C-130 and B747s? Don't tell me they are short of transport aircraft, because they aren't.
because hypocrite Iraqis were cooperating with Americans and didn't let our military planes to cross the Iraq, they even landed our civilian jets to make sure there is no weapon in it.
his a$$

the only buthurt is to those who can't distinguish between Zionist's controlled whatsapp rumors and Iranian TV.

this is defense minister on the national tv:

WHAT Zionist? Weak UP!

Go 29 min into the video

and I quote " Ma mahdodeyateh tammeneh mavod ro dashteem, Yek mavad ba kayfeyateh payeen tar tosh hesab shod keh alan on o dareem ja ghozeen mekoneem "

What he is basically saying is they used some cheap stuff now we got to re-build it!

It's a 500 tone sub and subs still use steel not titanium! Iran produces steel at home so the idea that we couldn't get the right materials is nonsense!

The only mahdodeyat is on what he can and can not say! Even a U.S. defense minister can't come on US TV and say the guy before me was an Idiot! What he is implying is enough! People can clearly see what he is trying to say! at least some can!

Go 29 min into the video

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