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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

I agree, but what can be the solution to this problem? The steps I would take would be firstly, to have strict control over the religious clergy like in Saudi Arabia. We need to monitor the flow of money to these organizations at all times, & monitor the teachings of these scholars in religious schools.

There are many more steps that can be taken, it will take too long for me to list them here. Although I seriously recommend that a change in culture be initiated. We need to get people to question their beliefs, teach them that they are free to follow their own paths. They must learn to think critically while at the same time tolerate other people's views.

Disbanding all independent clergy and bringing them under the control of state as a secretariat of religious affairs is the answer..religion is part of the basic human life and shouldnt become an obsession..to each their own..
Disbanding all independent clergy and bringing them under the control of state as a secretariat of religious affairs is the answer..religion is part of the basic human life and shouldnt become an obsession..to each their own..

I agree, & by the way I modified my previous post #405. All people should be free to choose their own path & be encouraged to think freely without encountering hatred of any kind from others.

This clip from Assassin's Creed II (one of my favorite games) encourages people to think for themselves as well. :D

Ezio's Speech In Bonfire of the Vanities - YouTube

Watch from 0:40.
That is because you can bribe the corrupt PLO and Hammas or if you have the right connections then PhD will be awarded to you right at your home. Do you know Palis degrees are not worth the paper they are written on in much of the Arab world?

Secondly your claim negates itself if one has to look at it positively. The Arab world is not exactly known to produce Phd's and among them you can see the palis as highest because the other arabs collective output is zero and partially thanks to superior israeli education system or perhaps you are referring to Israeli-Arabs.

Educated people not go around preaching hate and blowing up others.

Victor writes the history and in the case of Arab vs Israel - the Arabs should accecpt their sorry defeat.
Do you have any evidence to support this? If not then please shut it.

And why do you expect educated people to not preach hate(your code for participating in the resistance. True, suicide bombing is the scrouge of the day. It is barbaric. But tying that to education is not going to cut it.)? Things move often because educated people gave away their sense of privilege and participated in a cause like everyone else. Israel was made possible because educated people joined the armed self-defence groups. Bangladesh was made possible because educated men and women joined political and military resistance. So of the Indian naxalist leaders would make excellent academics if they chose to(One of them made rocket launchers at home. People who know the level of arm's control in India will know what this means). I don't understand this 'educated people are supposed to do this; not supposed to do that argument'. When push comes to a shove every man, educated or not, reacts in the trend set already in his/her culture.
I have no knowledge about the Libyan Mirages or the Saudi Airforce providing cover for the city of Pakistan ! And I couldn't find any reference to the effect ! I am, however, thankful for any and all assistance that any country gave Pakistan but as it so happens, the US declassified documents reveal, that whereas Pakistan had been asking for help even before the beginning of hostilities....the 10 Jordanian F-104s were given to Pakistan, and that too only under US pressure, on the 13 th of December, the F-5s arrived on the 29 th of December....the War had ended on the 16th and the Air War even before that...hence why not a single one of those air craft saw any action ! But either way I wasn't talking about that....my reply was to the 'assertion that Pakistan only sent 16 pilots to fight for a Muslim site - Al Aqsa Mosque'....! 'As it so happens...we didn't get those 16 either...never mind more, when our allies weren't even in a State of War !
The Saudi air force providing air cover is mentioned in Steve Coll's Pulitzer prize winning book Ghost wars.Apparently Prince Turki had himself mentioned this to the CIA director some years later.You mentioned that no aircraft provided by the Arabs saw any action.AFAIK Middlecoat's F-104 which went down in the Arabian sea after being shot at by a Mig-21 was a Jordanian supplied F-104.I am not 100% sure though.Anyways we are going a bit off track here.Te point is that Arabs have always preferred Pakistan over India.Things are changing slowly now.You forgot that the Saudis also provided lot's of Petro Dollars for the Pakistani nuclear program.
I've asked this question before and didn't receive an answer, and I wish for someone pro-Israeli to answer this question : Are lands distributed by religion? If any group of people of certain religion used to live in a certain place but not any more, does that give them the right to go there and establish a country? Even if they weren't there for centuries and were mixed with lots of people? That's exactly what happened with Israel. I want a single Israeli to prove to me that his far ancestors actually used to live there in Palestine. The Jews weren't only in Palestine throughout the history, there were in different places as well, but ironically, every single Jew around the whole globe was given the right to go to Israel.

Not necessarily. The issue is more about who owns the land than religion. But yes, it is behind religious and ethnic lines. The rest used to justify each and everyone's superiority complex is mostly all propaganda.

Hell, there isn't even any Palestine in the Koran.

All this $hit storm over a few strips of land with nothing more than sand and ancient buildings :lol:

By the way, Jews lead good lives in Europe and elsewhere. And highly successful in the US.

Let's just say, the Christians have their own countries, the Muslims have their own countries, the Hindus have their own countries, the Buddhists have their own countries, and the Jews? :what: That is the point.

And if memory serves me, the Jews used to be very powerful in the Middle East even though their numbers were small. That was before Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his followers obliterated their power, along with their pagan allies.

It's impossible to prove a person's bloodlines by geography, but it's childish if you ask me.
for the last time Arabs revolted because of Turkish nationalist polices which made Arabs second class citizens and drive Arab nationalist ideology. British exploited that for sure, but calling it treason is nonsense.
Arab anti-Semitism was the direct result of creation of Israel and the mass immigration of Jews. Nothing to do with Turks or Brits.

And if memory serves me, the Jews used to be very powerful in the Middle East even though their numbers were small.
Its mentioned in the Quran the Jews will be powerful twice once before the time of Mohammed and the second time after(obviously now).
{And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.}{So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.}{Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower}{[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.}
We are just doing what was prophesied on the Qur'an:D
Question to all these pro-Israel people saying it's only 1% of the land: would you be willing to be thrown out of your house and have your family members killed just so Jews could 'have their own country'?

If not, then how can you demand the Palestinians to make that sacrifice?

On topic, it's all about media dominance. If the Palestinian supporters had dominated the global media, they would be seen as victims. As it is, the pro-Israeli crowd has managed to make heroes out of a bunch of religious fanatics killing and displacing people because they are convinced their land grab is divinely sanctioned.
for the last time Arabs revolted because of Turkish nationalist polices which made Arabs second class citizens and drive Arab nationalist ideology. British exploited that for sure, but calling it treason is nonsense.

So true. The Ottomans treatment gave rise to the Arabs uprising.

Its mentioned in the Quran the Jews will be powerful twice once before the time of Mohammed and the second time after(obviously now).
{And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.}{So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.}{Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower}{[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.}
We are just doing what was prophesied on the Qur'an:D

This verse has nothing to do with the establishment of Israel, or the fact that Muslims are to this day trying to destroy them. When this verse was revealed, the two “cases of mischief” and their consequences had already come to pass. From the tafsir's:

Islamic Prophecies: The tribe of Israel will become very haughty - WikiIslam
As it is, the pro-Israeli crowd has managed to make heroes out of a bunch of religious fanatics killing and displacing people because they are convinced their land grab is divinely sanctioned.

Land grab by religious fanatics. Divinely ordained.

Wow! Historically, what a novel concept.
. .
Israel is a historical first where the fanatics portray themselves as victims.

Haven't you read about the Mohameddan wars (Jihad) of the 7th century due to the oppression of the poor peaceful Arabs?
Doesn't Israel in The Koran refer to Prophet Yaqub (PBUH)? I don't think it refers to some country.
Haven't you read about the Mohameddan wars (Jihad) of the 7th century due to the oppression of the poor peaceful Arabs?

We know your knowledge of history leaves much to be desired. But do continue living in your delusional propaganda world.
Haven't you read about the Mohameddan wars (Jihad) of the 7th century due to the oppression of the poor peaceful Arabs?

Okay, ask your Jewish friends to try to take over Mecca in return.

Please :D
We know your knowledge of history leaves much to be desired. But do continue living in your delusional propaganda world.

You always run away with ad hominems man. When confronted with logic.

Stand and fight it out sometimes. Would help you gain some respect here.

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