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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

The reason I hate Israel is because the fascist state emulates entirely all of the tactics that the Nazis used on the Jews.
If it Had been so,there would be no Palestinian left alive after they failed in 1948 war which they started for genocidal extermination of Israel,with war cries like “murder the Jews, Murder them all.” by grand mufti of Palestine and “It does not
matter how many Jews there are, We will sweep them into the sea" by Arab league gen secretory!
And guess what,even after complete victory in that war,Israel was ready to accept Palestinian statehood and return the land gained in a defensive war(which it was not entitled to do by any international law)in return of peace.Israel was ready to give full citizenship to Palestinians within the Israeli state,1.5 million of whom still lives in Israel.So much for the emulation of Nazi Germany!
Kashmir is our Al-Aqsa ! We fought India 4-5 times for Kashmir and East-Pakistan whilst you were looking ! Out of millions of Arabs and numerous Arab countries who were the most ardent supporters of Pakistan in each and every one of trials and tribulations - China, Iran under the Shah, Indonesia...heck even Sri Lanka did more by risking India's enmity by letting us use their bases to send equipment to East-Pakistan ! We, in Pakistan, might not have sent whole divisions to liberate Al-Aqsa but most of our Muslim Brothers haven't done squat for us either...!

Now that is not entirely true.During the 71 conflict Jordan send a fleet of F-104s,Libya sent a fleet of Mirages and the Saudi air force gave air cover to the city of Karachi.
Now that is not entirely true.During the 71 conflict Jordan send a fleet of F-104s,Libya sent a fleet of Mirages and the Saudi air force gave air cover to the city of Karachi.

I have no knowledge about the Libyan Mirages or the Saudi Airforce providing cover for the city of Pakistan ! And I couldn't find any reference to the effect ! I am, however, thankful for any and all assistance that any country gave Pakistan but as it so happens, the US declassified documents reveal, that whereas Pakistan had been asking for help even before the beginning of hostilities....the 10 Jordanian F-104s were given to Pakistan, and that too only under US pressure, on the 13 th of December, the F-5s arrived on the 29 th of December....the War had ended on the 16th and the Air War even before that...hence why not a single one of those air craft saw any action ! But either way I wasn't talking about that....my reply was to the 'assertion that Pakistan only sent 16 pilots to fight for a Muslim site - Al Aqsa Mosque'....! 'As it so happens...we didn't get those 16 either...never mind more, when our allies weren't even in a State of War !

Compared with this :

The Arab-Israel War-1967
During this war, PAF sent a contingent of its pilots and airmen to Egypt, Jordan and Syria. PAF pilots performed excellently and downed about 10 Israeli planes including Mirages, Mysteres, Vautours without losing a single plane of their own. Flt.Lt. Saif-ul-Azam was decorated by Jordan and Iraq.

The performance of PAF pilots was praised by Israelis too. Eizer Weizman, then Chief Of Israeli Air Force said once about Air Marshal Noor Khan (Commander PAF at that time): "...He is a formidable person and I am glad that he is Pakistani not Egyptian..."

The Battle Of Sharoora - 1969
In 1969, South Yemen, which was under the communist regime and a strong ally of USSR, attacked and captured Mount Vadiya inside the province of Sharoora in Saudi Arabia. Many PAF officers and men from different branches who were serving in Khamis Mushayt (the closet airbase from the battlefield), took active part in this battle in which the enemy was ultimately driven back.

Yom Kippur War - 1973
The PAF was active again in the Middle East sector after about 6 years. The PAF contingent deployed at Inchas Air Base (Egypt) was led by Wg.Cmdr. Masood Hatif and five other pilots plus two air defence controllers. During this war, Flt.Lt Sattar Alvi was decorated by the Syrian goverment when he shot down an Israeli Mirage over Golan Heights.During the war 16 PAF pilots volunteered to go to the Middle East in order to support Egypt and Syria but by the time they arrived, Egypt had already been pushed into a ceasefire. Syria remained in a state of war against Israel.

On 23 October 1973, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif on deputation to Egyptian Air Force (EAF) was flying a EAF MiG-21 in a defensive combat air patrol (CAP) over Egypt when he was vectored towards an intruding Israeli Air Force (IDF/AF) F-4 Phantom. In the ensuing dogfight, Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom.

Eight (8) PAF pilots started flying out of Syrian Airbases; they formed the A-flight of 67 Squadron at Dumayr Airbase. The Pakistani pilots flew Syrian MiG-21 aircraft conducting CAP missions for the Syrians.

On 26 April 1974, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi on deputation to No. 67 Squadron, Syrian Air Force (SAF) was flying a SAF MiG-21FL Fishbed (Serial No. 1863) out of Dumayr Air Base, Syria in a two-ship formation with a fellow PAF pilot and the Flight Leader, Sqn. Ldr. Arif Manzoor. The Ground Controller, also a PAF officer, Sqn. Ldr. Salim Metla, vectored the two PAF pilots to a formation of 2 Israeli Air Force Mirage IIICJs and 2 F-4 Phantoms that had intruded into Syrian airspace over the Golan Heights. In the engagement that took place at 1532 hours, Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi shot down an Israeli Mirage IIICJ using his MiG-21's R(K)-13 Air-to-Air Missile. The pilot of the downed Israeli Mirage was Capt. M. Lutz of No. 5 Air Wing, who ejected. The remaining Israeli fighters aborted the mission. The 2 IAF Mirage IIICJs were from Hatzor AFB and the 2 IAF F-4 Phantoms were from No. 1 Air Wing, Ramat David AFB, Israel.

Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, during the Yom Kippur War, to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat.He was honored by the Syrian government. Other aerial encounters involved Israeli F-4 Phantoms; Pakistan Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft during this war. The Pakistani pilots stayed on in Syria until 1976, training Syrian pilots in the art of air warfare.
All this concept of ummah is a bunch of bull designed to create a ruler and a ruled class.. it is an epictome of arab jahilya mentality of Arab vs Ajam!

How does it feel to know God himself tells the Muslims in the Quran you are brothers to one another; and that we should hold on to the rope of God and don't divide among ourselves?

Or are God's words also worthless as you're implying?

EDIT: Never mind, don't bother replying to me
How does it feel to know God himself tells the Muslims in the Quran you are brothers to one another; and that we should hold on to the rope of God and don't divide among ourselves?

Or are God's words also worthless as you're implying?

I think I can answer this, Muslims are spiritually brothers without doubt & we should help each other out if the need for it ever arises.

However we consist of our own separate & unique identities besides Islam as well. For someone to ask us to deny our heritages is an insult to our ancestors.

God also says all of mankind is one nation through Prophet Adam (PBUH), so should all of us forget about our separate languages, race, culture & heritage? Of course not, God even says that had He wanted to make mankind one nation then he would have done so. Some people translate that to mean that had God wanted he would have made all of us follow one religion.

Here is a verse from the Quran (30:22)

And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.

In conclusion all I want to say is that while Muslims are brothers & sisters in religion it does not mean that we shouldn't celebrate our differences. We are a separate nation from other Muslim countries & we will do whatever we can to ensure the success of our own land.
How does it feel to know God himself tells the Muslims in the Quran you are brothers to one another; and that we should hold on to the rope of God and don't divide among ourselves?

Or are God's words also worthless as you're implying?

EDIT: Never mind, don't bother replying to me

Let that brotherhood flourish in Pakistan first ! And yes...the Arabs, the Asians, the Africans - all Muslims are our brothers....but 'brotherhood' whereby you pick your brother up when he has fallen...doesn't exist in our world...only interests do ! Let that concept of Muslim Ummah be left for a wiser, more mature generation; where Arabs and Iranians, Arabs with fellow Arabs and Paksitanis with their fellow Pakistanis aren't engaged in an incessant di*k measuring contest with each other !
I have no knowledge about the Libyan Mirages or the Saudi Airforce providing cover for the city of Pakistan ! And I couldn't find any reference to the effect ! I am, however, thankful for any and all assistance that any country gave Pakistan but as it so happens, the US declassified documents reveal, that whereas Pakistan had been asking for help even before the beginning of hostilities....the 10 Jordanian F-104s were given to Pakistan, and that too only under US pressure, on the 13 th of December, the F-5s arrived on the 29 th of December....the War had ended on the 16th and the Air War even before that...hence why not a single one of those air craft saw any action ! But either way I wasn't talking about that....my reply was to the 'assertion that Pakistan only sent 16 pilots to fight for a Muslim site - Al Aqsa Mosque'....! 'As it so happens...we didn't get those 16 either...never mind more, when our allies weren't even in a State of War !
So, it was ONLY under US pressure... Good for you. :disagree:

akistani F-104s fought in the 1971 war with India as well, assisted by Jordanian Starfighters. If the Indians had indeed been intimidated by the F-104 in the 1965 war, they weren't six years later. Even the Pakistanis admitted they didn't do so well, with up to seven losses and relatively few kills. Apparently the main deciding factor was that the F-104 was simply massively outnumbered.

The Pakistanis admitted that the maneuverability of the type left something to be desired in combat, though this seems a bit puzzling. The F-104 was an aircraft suited to "hit and run" tactics and was of course going to suffer in a turning fight because of its wide turn radius; why anyone would have wanted to get into a turning fight with it is hard to understand, unless it was forced on pilots by the tactical situation. Some sources claim the MiG-21 had an edge in maneuverability over the Starfighter, but the MiG-21 had been designed with roughly the same design goals in mind as the F-104 and the MiG's maneuverability was nothing to write home about, either. In any case, Pakistan finally phased the Starfighter out in the mid-1970s, replacing it with French Dassault Mirage 5 fighters.
So, it was ONLY under US pressure... Good for you. :disagree:

I got that impression after reading some declassified US cable quoting Nixon ! They detailed how Nixon, to avoid going to the Congress, wanted the Jordanian Government to give Pakistan the F-104s with the explicit assurance that they'd be reimbursed if any of those got damaged or destroyed ! And even then the dates mentioned make it very much impossible for the F-104s to have actually contributed to the war effort when they arrived on the 13th and the War ended on the 16th of December. However, after reading your post...I dug a bit deeper and it turns out that the dates, maybe, incorrect because some of our Pakistani pilots went down whilst flying F-104s bearing the serial number of the RJAF ! It appears that you were correct ! I'm very embarrassed and I do apologize for my vitriol against the Arabs...it appears that you guys were indeed their for us when we needed help ! I'm so sorry...please forgive me !
I got that impression after reading some declassified US cable quoting Nixon ! They detailed how Nixon, to avoid going to the Congress, wanted the Jordanian Government to give Pakistan the F-104s with the explicit assurance that they'd be reimbursed if any of those got damaged or destroyed ! And even then the dates mentioned make it very much impossible for the F-104s to have actually contributed to the war effort when they arrived on the 13th and the War ended on the 16th of December. However, after reading your post...I dug a bit deeper and it turns out that the dates, maybe, incorrect because some of our Pakistani pilots went down whilst flying F-104s bearing the serial number of the RJAF ! It appears that you were correct ! I'm very embarrassed and I do apologize for my vitriol against the Arabs...it appears that you guys were indeed their for us when we needed help ! I'm so sorry...please forgive me !

No problem, we both were angry and there were much of nonsenseness in our posts.
I have no knowledge about the Libyan Mirages or the Saudi Airforce providing cover for the city of Pakistan ! And I couldn't find any reference to the effect ! I am, however, thankful for any and all assistance that any country gave Pakistan but as it so happens, the US declassified documents reveal, that whereas Pakistan had been asking for help even before the beginning of hostilities....the 10 Jordanian F-104s were given to Pakistan, and that too only under US pressure, on the 13 th of December, the F-5s arrived on the 29 th of December....the War had ended on the 16th and the Air War even before that...hence why not a single one of those air craft saw any action ! But either way I wasn't talking about that....my reply was to the 'assertion that Pakistan only sent 16 pilots to fight for a Muslim site - Al Aqsa Mosque'....! 'As it so happens...we didn't get those 16 either...never mind more, when our allies weren't even in a State of War !

Compared with this :

The Arab-Israel War-1967
During this war, PAF sent a contingent of its pilots and airmen to Egypt, Jordan and Syria. PAF pilots performed excellently and downed about 10 Israeli planes including Mirages, Mysteres, Vautours without losing a single plane of their own. Flt.Lt. Saif-ul-Azam was decorated by Jordan and Iraq.

The performance of PAF pilots was praised by Israelis too. Eizer Weizman, then Chief Of Israeli Air Force said once about Air Marshal Noor Khan (Commander PAF at that time): "...He is a formidable person and I am glad that he is Pakistani not Egyptian..."

The Battle Of Sharoora - 1969
In 1969, South Yemen, which was under the communist regime and a strong ally of USSR, attacked and captured Mount Vadiya inside the province of Sharoora in Saudi Arabia. Many PAF officers and men from different branches who were serving in Khamis Mushayt (the closet airbase from the battlefield), took active part in this battle in which the enemy was ultimately driven back.

Yom Kippur War - 1973
The PAF was active again in the Middle East sector after about 6 years. The PAF contingent deployed at Inchas Air Base (Egypt) was led by Wg.Cmdr. Masood Hatif and five other pilots plus two air defence controllers. During this war, Flt.Lt Sattar Alvi was decorated by the Syrian goverment when he shot down an Israeli Mirage over Golan Heights.During the war 16 PAF pilots volunteered to go to the Middle East in order to support Egypt and Syria but by the time they arrived, Egypt had already been pushed into a ceasefire. Syria remained in a state of war against Israel.

On 23 October 1973, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif on deputation to Egyptian Air Force (EAF) was flying a EAF MiG-21 in a defensive combat air patrol (CAP) over Egypt when he was vectored towards an intruding Israeli Air Force (IDF/AF) F-4 Phantom. In the ensuing dogfight, Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom.

Eight (8) PAF pilots started flying out of Syrian Airbases; they formed the A-flight of 67 Squadron at Dumayr Airbase. The Pakistani pilots flew Syrian MiG-21 aircraft conducting CAP missions for the Syrians.

On 26 April 1974, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi on deputation to No. 67 Squadron, Syrian Air Force (SAF) was flying a SAF MiG-21FL Fishbed (Serial No. 1863) out of Dumayr Air Base, Syria in a two-ship formation with a fellow PAF pilot and the Flight Leader, Sqn. Ldr. Arif Manzoor. The Ground Controller, also a PAF officer, Sqn. Ldr. Salim Metla, vectored the two PAF pilots to a formation of 2 Israeli Air Force Mirage IIICJs and 2 F-4 Phantoms that had intruded into Syrian airspace over the Golan Heights. In the engagement that took place at 1532 hours, Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi shot down an Israeli Mirage IIICJ using his MiG-21's R(K)-13 Air-to-Air Missile. The pilot of the downed Israeli Mirage was Capt. M. Lutz of No. 5 Air Wing, who ejected. The remaining Israeli fighters aborted the mission. The 2 IAF Mirage IIICJs were from Hatzor AFB and the 2 IAF F-4 Phantoms were from No. 1 Air Wing, Ramat David AFB, Israel.

Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, during the Yom Kippur War, to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat.He was honored by the Syrian government. Other aerial encounters involved Israeli F-4 Phantoms; Pakistan Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft during this war. The Pakistani pilots stayed on in Syria until 1976, training Syrian pilots in the art of air warfare.

I looked up few of the statements about the undefeated Pakistani Pilots during the Arab-Israeli wars and i saw that most(If not all) sources of the statements were Pakistani blogs and Pakistani sites.

Same blogs that said that Ben Gurion wanted to destroy Pakistan(Which was a rumor started by a Pakistani and proven to be completely false).
Zia and Pakistan had a big role in events of of Black September and massacre of thousands of Palestinians in Jordan where was this solidarity with the Palestinians from Pakistanis back then or is this it more about pleasing arabs then genuine concern for palestinians ? It's best to let the arabs/Israelis work it out between themselves

What you say is true, but are they really doing it?

Personally I don't care what the Arabs or Pakistanis did;


I just want a solid Palestinian State to be created. I feel for the Palestinians like they were Pakistani people; I'd really hate if something unjust as that had happened to Pakistan of course.

And I don't think Israel can cease to exist either; it's already a strong, well established state. I just hate it when people spew hatred against the Palestinians, demonising them in every possible way, as if they're responsible for the state they're in today.
And I hate it how they try to make Israel appear as the innocent one in all of this.

And yeah, I'd like Palestine and Israel to work it out among themselves as well. But you got to acknowledge that countries like the USA and E.U. are pretty biased against the Palestinians; they themselves don't wish for a Palestinian state, so obviously this is going to get dragged for as long as possible, partially thanks to incompetent leaders the Palestinians unfortunately have.

A Palestinian state? Who? How? When? Even after all these decades, I still don't get it.

It was not because of the Americans, the Israelis, the EU or even AIPAC, but it was because of Hamas vs. Fatah infighting that sent the whole issue of a Palestinian state right down the toilet, deep in the septic tank.

No, I don't feel "happy" or "satisfied" in saying this, but that is the reality.

Those Middle Easterners (Israelis included) need to come up with something new. At least those cave-dwelling idiots will lose a cause to fight for.

And if anyone would want to know about my opinion of the Arab's role, I think they think too much about themselves. The Iranians are weird.
Now that is not entirely true.During the 71 conflict Jordan send a fleet of F-104s,Libya sent a fleet of Mirages and the Saudi air force gave air cover to the city of Karachi.


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