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Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

PLO, PA denounce 'extrajudicial' Israeli killings | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority condemned the killing of six Palestinians by Israel in recent days, warning that the violence undermines the ongoing peace negotiations.

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi strongly condemned the killing of six Palestinians in a twenty-four hour period ending Tuesday, accusing Israel of creating "a culture of violence" and being "bent on demonstrating that it is a rogue state with its repeated war crimes against the

Palestinian people and sense of exceptionalism and impunity."

"The Israeli government is undermining the credibility of the 'peace' negotiations which have become a cover for Israel to buy the time needed to change facts on the ground while blatantly provoking the Palestinian leadership to withdraw from the talks," she said in a statement.

Ashrawi also called on the international community to take "immediate action" by adopting "punitive" measures in order to hold Israel accountable for the "extrajudicial killing of Palestinian civilians."

"Such incessant and unaddressed crimes will plunge the entire region into great instability and violence," she added.

The PA's presidential spokesperson called the killings a "serious provocation" that would "ruin the already faltering peace process," calling upon the US and the International Quarter to take action to save the situation.

The statements come after Israeli forces killed six Palestinians on Monday and Tuesday, including Saji Darwish, 18, Raed Alaa Addin Zieter, 38, and Fedaa Mohyi Al Deen Majadlah, 23, in shootings in the West Bank as well as Ismail Abu Judah, 23, Shahir Abu Shanab, 24, and Abd al-Shafi Muammar, 33, in an airstrike on the Gaza Strip.

The three killed in the West Bank were civilians shot dead by Israeli forces in separate incidents.

The three killed in the Gaza Strip, meanwhile, were militants associated with the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement who were attempting to stop an Israel incursion into the Gaza Strip, according to the movement.

Time to hit them from land, sea and air.

I don't want to see an inch of Gaza escape retaliation.
Yes but then don't come here crying and whining if they hit you back with a stone..:D

Not a single Gazan will sleep tonight. INSHALLAH

Try feeding and medicating your own people before predicting doom for others, FFS.

Go have a Sauna and calm down. Talking tough from Scandinavia :lol:

This is timed for the visit of Cameron because he was only going to visit the baboons for a few hours and they got upset.

This will only push the Brits to see the nature of the perennial terrorists aka 'palestinians'

Just tonight...?with terrorists so near to them all the time..who can?:D
British PM Cameron describes 'palestinian' rocket attacks on Israel as "BARBARIC"

Good to see such strong statements from around the world about this despicable gang of terrorists.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad has a released a video in Hebrew warning Israel from further aggression and in this video a member is underground and the camera is pointed above him and there's a M302 rocket right there. That's what I'm talking about Palestinian resistance fighters. :cheers:

@ResurgentIran @Serpentine

Here it is near the end of the video you can see something big.
His accent is very funny. It supposed to be menacing and intimidating but i loled hard.

Actually your words make my belief stronger in the end times that lies will be told to such an extent that it will sound like the truth. Israeli terrorism and occupation will come to an end it is a matter of time. This is written in the Quran and the Bible
If u won to believe that 2+2=7 I cant convince u.

Fact remains: 3 clowns opened fire for no reason and got killed.

- Iranian funded terrorists open fire at Israeli soldiers who patrol the border.
- Israel returns fire and kills 3 terrorists.
- Terrorists then fire dosens rockets at civilian towns hoping for Israeli retaliation.

PIJ wants to start full scale war and sacrifice thousands of Palestinian lives for sake of their Iranian masters.
The Palestinian conflict existed before the Islamic republic so don't justify your terrorism and accupation on iran
The Palestinian conflict existed before the Islamic republic so don't justify your terrorism and accupation on iran

This isn't about occupation as Gaza is not occupied.

The simple fact is that an Iranian armed and Iranian funded group attacked Israel on the orders of Tehran.

This isn't about occupation as Gaza is not occupied.

The simple fact is that an Iranian armed and Iranian funded group attacked Israel on the orders of Tehran.
Attack on israel??? Son there are no such thing as israel
What do you explain the conflict that was existed before Hamas was founded in 1989 and the Islamic republic in 1979
The Palestinian resistance responded to the deaths of 5 Palestinians and Israel has launched 30 strikes with no casualties, the resistance fighters were prepared and still are prepared if Israel further escalates. This was a mild response and turned our successful, Israel got the message not to kill Palestinians. If they do however they will pay a price.

God bless the people of Gaza.

Israel has once again been deterred by the resistance in Gaza.
Lets see if Israel back up their word of invading Gaza, with real action.
I doubt they have the stomach to fight defiant Palestinians Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

They act like Nazi Germans.. Sad... They became what they hate.

Nazism and Zionism are two ugly sides of the same ugly coin.
5 militants killed .. that many civilian/terrorist are killed by muslim loving for muslims by muslims syrian govt just to cure boredom !!!
The Palestinian conflict existed before the Islamic republic so don't justify your terrorism and accupation on iran
Before Iran commies were the main sponsors of Palestinian terrorism. Then commies gone and Iran replaced them.
They act like Nazi Germans.. Sad... They became what they hate.
Yet it's the so-called 'palestinians' who were allies of the Nazis, who commanded a Muslim SS divisions and to this day still fly Nazi flags.

They act like Nazi Germans.. Sad... They became what they hate.
Of course let's not forget your Nazi Turkish state banned Kurds from speaking their own language.

Imagine if Israel banned Arabic.

Go choke on some Turkish deshite.

Attack on israel??? Son there are no such thing as israel
What do you explain the conflict that was existed before Hamas was founded in 1989 and the Islamic republic in 1979
The so-called 'palestinians' are a fabricated entity.

They are an illegitimate/bastard collection of Arabs from the region squatting on land they do not belong on.

They will be removed eventually. Make no mistake. It's just a matter of pest control.
Yet it's the so-called 'palestinians' who were allies of the Nazis, who commanded a Muslim SS divisions and to this day still fly Nazi flags.

Of course let's not forget your Nazi Turkish state banned Kurds from speaking their own language.

Imagine if Israel banned Arabic.

Go choke on some Turkish deshite.
Go and ban Arabic and see how quick they lit your arse on fire. What we do you can't do. IS this how Jews thank us? If Turks blocked Jews flying from Europe, there would be nowhere you could escape. Everybody killed Jews in Europe besides us.
Go and ban Arabic and see how quick they lit your arse on fire. What we do you can't do. IS this how Jews thank us? If Turks blocked Jews flying from Europe, there would be nowhere you could escape. Everybody killed Jews in Europe besides us.
Shut your mouth you little Ottoman occupying European land.

You come on here with your big Turkish mouth and the first thing you do is compare Israel to Nazis.

Let's see how many Kurds you have killed. Let's see you denying them a state. Your sick country even went further and denied them their LANGUAGE.

And you build settlements in Cyprus. You're the only country in the world that recognises them. Land that has never belonged to you.

So you can stick it up your arse Turk. You want to come on here and flap your Turkish gums about Nazis, then look at the Nazi Turks and how they deal with Kurds.

Keep your mouth shut or level headed without your disgusting comparisons to Nazism, and you'll get respect back. If not, you get torn to shreds like this.

Don't even get me started on the GENOCIDE of Armenians.

Capiche Ottoman?
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