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'palestinians' admit their own rockets killed girl and injured others

What blockade you absolute lunatic? the first rocket fired into Israel was in 2001. The so-called blockade was put in place in 2007.


It was even worse before that, a large scale occupation of Gaza. Obviously you aren't capable of rational discussion. You yourself admit Israel is out to get every inch of Palestinian land since you believe they don't have any genuine right to their own land.

Which is the sole issue of this conflict.
Relating to this thread, I am talking about OP's stance, not international relations. If someone wishes to occupy moral high ground, they might as well demonstrate the validity of their stance.

Sure, that seems like a reasonable stance to take in this case.
Would the illegal settlement building activity stop?

There is no illegal settlement building activity in Gaza. Israel vacated Gaza in 2005 and Palestinians , rather than grasping that as an opportunity for nation building , decided that it is a good time to lob some homemade rockets.

Would the Palestinian refugees get a right to come back to their homes?

No Palestinian has a right to come back to Israel proper as no erstwhile Indian ie Pakistani has a right to come back to India. Ethnic cleansing of 1948 was not one sided. Muslims cleared jews from the area that they were granted by UN and they were in majority and Israelis did same in their area.
There is no illegal settlement building activity in Gaza. Israel vacated Gaza in 2005 and Palestinians , rather than grasping that as an opportunity for nation building , decided that it is a good time to lob some homemade rockets.

They left so they wouldn't be responsible for Gaza. So why are there settlements still in the West Bank? You're wrong, in 2005 they began imposing sanctions on the PA. The US called for elections, Hamas representatives gained majority. That's when Israel began imposing heavy restrictions on Gaza and closed all borders.

Major violence didn't occur until mid 2006, when Israel shelled a beach on Gaza killing a family of nine. A few days later the Palestinians responded with a attack on a military target. Israel than began a massive bombardment campaign killing 400 and injuring thousands.

Your argument is weak and refuted on all corners. There was no opportunity for sovereignty in the West Bank nor Gaza ever.

No Palestinian has a right to come back to Israel proper

Palestine isn't Israel, if you truly believe your own words then no Israeli has a right to be in occupied Palestinian territory.

Muslims cleared jews from the area that they were granted by UN and they were in majority and Israelis did same in their area.

You're being too broad, what are you speaking of? Ethnic cleansing began before 1948 by Jewish militias. This is documented. The overall point is that the Palestinians deserve their rights.

And up until this current second, the massive violation of their rights is still ongoing. Since the Israeli government Charter explains that Palestinian land is Jewish irregardless of the inhabitants there and they will strive to seize more land wrongfully. And this is done through state sponsored violence. When you occupy a territory with your military and build illegal settlements there. Telling the inhabitants if they rebel against that in any way they will be arrested or killed is state sponsored violence.
There is no illegal settlement building activity in Gaza. Israel vacated Gaza in 2005 and Palestinians , rather than grasping that as an opportunity for nation building , decided that it is a good time to lob some homemade rockets.

Palestinians are one people. As I type, a Jewish friend of mine is visiting Ramallah and reporting how Israel is enacting an aggressive policy of "slow motion ethnic cleansing" in West Bank. I am not going to explain the mechanics of the process. You know how it goes: Illegal settlement, harassment, counter-harassment, IDF intervention, Palestinian deaths, destruction of livelihood and homes, and REPEAT.

Nobody can survive with their psyche intact in a case such as this.

No Palestinian has a right to come back to Israel proper as no erstwhile Indian ie Pakistani has a right to come back to India. Ethnic cleansing of 1948 was not one sided. Muslims cleared jews from the area that they were granted by UN and they were in majority and Israelis did same in their area.

That is a false equivalence. My grandpatents, once uprooted from Chak Bamu, Jallandhar found new home and equivalent land in Pakistan. Palestinians were just pushed off. I hope you do realize how lop-sided the whole deal was?
Palestine isn't Israel, if you truly believe your own words then no Israeli has a right to be in occupied Palestinian territory.

Oh i do believe my words. Israel is acting stupid in trying to retain ( if it really wants to retain ) west bank as it would be a demographic suicide for them. But at the same time it is prudent for them to extract maximum concessions from Palestinians for vacating West bank.

I support Israel on this forum because this is a Jihadi website which believe in suppression of Israeli viewpoint as evident from regular ban imposed on controlled pair.

You're being too broad, what are you speaking of? Ethnic cleansing began before 1948 by Jewish militias. This is documented. The overall point is that the Palestinians deserve their rights.

Doesn't matter. In India too, violence started a full year before final partition and was exclusively done by militias.

The fact is that once Palestine was divided on basis of religion, it extinguished rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to return back to land they have lost.

That is a false equivalence. My grandpatents, once uprooted from Chak Bamu, Jallandhar found new home and equivalent land in Pakistan. Palestinians were just pushed off. I hope you do realize how lop-sided the whole deal was?

They could always settle in West bank or Jordan.

Probably you are either ignorant or wilfully blind but concept of Palestinian people came into existence in 1967 as a political tool to be used by Arabs. Before that, West bank was part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt.

It was moral responsibility of Jordan and Egypt to provide new home to Palestinians.
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For those who think I'm lying about the child, here is the literal relative of the child killed and the exact translation:


Middle Paragraph:

The killed and injured were from Israeli strikes from a drone and not an internal explosion. It is true a rocket fell short near the area however there were two missiles fired by drone strikes. The mother of the child is my aunt.
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Oh i do believe my words. Israel is acting stupid in trying to retain ( if it really wants to retain ) west bank as it would be a demographic suicide for them.

No it wouldn't, it would mean that for the Palestinians. Israel doesn't define its borders.

But at the same time it is prudent for them to extract maximum concessions from Palestinians for vacating West bank.

Nonsense, Palestinians have made every concession one can possibly think of. Israel can't make a concession, it can respect the rights of the people and international.

I support Israel on this forum because this is a Jihadi website which believe in suppression of Israeli viewpoint as evident from regular ban imposed on controlled pair.

Actually you're wrong. Try expressing any pro-Palestinian viewpoint on any other forum and you will get a permanent ban. I can list some as well but it's against the forum rules. You shouldn't support Israel on the basis that you have a quarrel with this forum which allows many more Indians to freely discuss controversial political topics.

This site always had very pro-Israel posts and still does. Again, I don't take you for your word. So if you were on another forum which suppressed the Palestinian viewpoint would you support Palestine?

Doesn't matter. In India too, violence started a full year before final partition and was exclusively done by militias.

India has nothing to do with this. Yes it does matter, the policy also matters. Just because you don't see immediate violence doesn't mean there aren't illegal activities taking place.

The fact is that once Palestine was divided on basis of religion, it extinguished rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to return back to land they have lost.

What? Palestinians co-existed just fine before waves of Jewish immigration. It was only divided since Jews demanded that from the British Empire. Because Jews wanted a racial division. Since they believe they're a race.

It should have been a bi national state, or better yet granted independence for the Palestinian people.
And how are they wrong?

Imagine a bunch of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants telling you to get lost from you land. How would that make you feel?
Nope,the area is under Israel and rightfully belongs to it.The palestinians were the occupiers who were displaced by its original owners
Nope,the area is under Israel and rightfully belongs to it.The palestinians were the occupiers who were displaced by its original owners

So the white Ashkenazi jews descended from Khazars and other motley nations are the 'rightful' owners? Seems very much like "might is right" type logic. Anybody can convert to Judaism and claim to be returning to their 'home'.

Imagine one day Bangladeshis kicking your butt and telling you that they are the rightful owners of your home and land.

You are supporting Israel for sake of your strategic alignment. "End Justify the Means" thinking leads to double standards, and that is what you are doing here.
So the white Ashkenazi jews descended from Khazars and other motley nations are the 'rightful' owners? Seems very much like "might is right" type logic. Anybody can convert to Judaism and claim to be returning to their 'home'.

Imagine one day Bangladeshis kicking your butt and telling you that they are the rightful owners of your home and land.

You are supporting Israel for sake of your strategic alignment. "End Justify the Means" thinking leads to double standards, and that is what you are doing here.
Bangladeshis kicking us?Ahh..the height of frustration.
Israel is to blame for the death of that innocent girl and plenty of other innocent civilians as well. Deny all you may, but you can't change a fact!!
How is Israel to be blamed for a rocket attack done by palestine ,where one of its rockets fell in its own territory?
It was not Israel which fired rockets it was palestine.
How is Israel to be blamed for a rocket attack done by palestine ,where one of its rockets fell in its own territory?
It was not Israel which fired rockets it was palestine
It's a jewish zionist conspiracy,they sabotaged the "freedom fighter rockets" to make innocent Palestinian terrorists look bad.
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