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Palestinian teenager shot in back by Israeli sniper and killed


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Palestinian teenager shot dead by Israeli sniper near Ramallah | Maan News Agency

Palestinian teenager shot dead by Israeli sniper near Ramallah
Published today (updated) 07/12/2013 21:21



RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli soldiers in al-Jalazun refugee camp near Ramallah on Saturday.
Wajih Wajdi al-Ramahi, 14, was shot with live bullets in the back by an Israeli sniper in front of his school.

Al-Ramahi was taken to the hospital, and placed in the ICU until he died.

Locals told Ma'an that the area where al-Ramahi was shot had no clashes or any kind of rock-throwing incidents that might have provoked the killing.

The teenager father's said Israeli soldiers target youths and kill them, in order to amuse themselves.

He added that his son was shot by an Israeli soldier from a watchtower in Bet El with one bullet while he was walking near a school in the camp. He was hit directly in the back, and there was no clashes in the area, he added.

Al-Ramahi family said that their son was "executed" and "assassinated in cold blood," because he was shot in the middle of the day in the camp.
An Israeli spokeswoman said that they had opened an investigation into the matter, but had no further details.

More than 30 Palestinians have been killed so far in 2013 by Israeli forces.

Amnesty International's 2013 report on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories highlighted the lack of accountability for Israeli soldiers' crimes against Palestinian civilians, pointing out that, "The authorities again failed to independently investigate killings of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza or to prosecute those responsible."


They literally get away with this cold blooded murder simply because they are Jewish and believe they are entitled to such killings!

@ResurgentIran , @al-Hasani , @haman10

I wish you both can get over your differences and realize who's our common enemy!
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dafuq ? israeli occupying terrorist regime just dared to kill another kid ? for which sin ?

بای ذنب قتلت ؟

I wish you both can get over your differences and realize who's our common enemy!

mate , thats what we have been shouting for 35yrs . no one seems to listen

anyhow , we will end this . we will end this shyt


poor kid was so young ! just 14 yrs old !! what to expect from terrorists !! this is some serious shyt

@mohsen @iranigirl2 @LoveIcon @RazPaK @Serpentine @twilight @JEskandari @Jungibaaz
dafuq ? israeli occupying terrorist regime just dared to kill another kid ? for which sin ?

بای ذنب قتلت ؟

mate , thats what we have been shouting for 35yrs . no one seems to listen

anyhow , we will end this . we will end this shyt


poor kid was so young ! just 14 yrs old !! what to expect from terrorists !! this is some serious shyt

@mohsen @iranigirl2 @LoveIcon @RazPaK @Serpentine @twilight @JEskandari @Jungibaaz

They have cameras everywhere and they usually know exactly what happens when incidents like this occur. Of course though, only when they want present what they call 'Arab aggression'. Palestinians have been dehumanized by the Israelis to an extent where if they get in a little beef they feel it's necessary to shoot and kill a Palestinian even when they can take care of a matter through a lawful way.

They will just say the solider felt his life was in danger and needed to take action to justify this violence like they do every time.

When a Jew commits violence all steps must be taken to try to excuse him first before investigating an incident.

This is what happens when you value too much Jewish lives only and have no regard to non Jewish lives. Their children are raised in an environment like this and they don't know what else to think.
This is what they just do as being trigger happy shame on these animals ... RIP to him and may ALLAH ease his families pain .
@Hazzy997 yet your own people are fighting with terrorists F$A in Syria, they left Gaza and came to Syria, how funny they left their occupied country to fight a war they have no business in...
@Hazzy997 yet your own people are fighting with terrorists F$A in Syria, they left Gaza and came to Syria, how funny they left their occupied country to fight a war they have no business in...

Here we go with you again, how many times do I have to go over this with you?
I just feel to post this music video again.
who is terrorist?
Wait for 500, Solomon and the rest to come and glorify the Zionist regime.

Yeah of course, it's disturbing in itself that no one refuses to realize their behavior is a form of trolling. No doubt they will push this off and tell us it's to early to conclude what happened or they will justify it one way or another.

Then they will dehumanize Palestinians and glorify their kind and spout myths regarding the conflict.

These people are psychotic killers and Jewish supremacists. How can they see they want peace. They want a 'greater Israel' and that's it.

when did we even discuss Palestinians joining terrorists F$A in Syria??

I'm reporting you if you derail the thread one more time. Go discuss this in the Syrian forum and avoid making false assertions with the sole purpose of spreading your agenda just as Israelis do.

You're not a serious person to have a serious discussion with. Take a hike.
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