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Palestinian teenager shot in back by Israeli sniper and killed

If incase this was a result of unprovoked shooting by the isreali army, then the culprit must be meted out harsh punishment. Israel's must set an example.

On the other hand, if this death is being wrongfully put on israeli hand, then it s equally despicable.
This story is BS.

1) They decided that it was an Israeli without any investigation.
2) They claim that Israelis regularly fire for amusement which is total crap. I served in army and never heard about that habit.
3) Finally they say that sniper sit on watchtower. Thats again total crap. Snipers dont sit on watchtowers. I guess he was shot very far from the Israeli positions, but they still wanted to blame Israel, so they said it was a "sniper".

Different news sources have reported on it. Even some Israeli. If it really is bollocks and lies then there should be an independant investigation by the authorities - though I do not believe it will happen as we know that very few of these kinds of killings ( no matter who did it) rarely gets thoroughly investigated.

But let us say it turns out to be true; Are you going to condemn it?
This story is BS.

1) They decided that it was an Israeli without any investigation.
2) They claim that Israelis regularly fire for amusement which is total crap. I served in army and never heard about that habit.
3) Finally they say that sniper sit on watchtower. Thats again total crap. Snipers dont sit on watchtowers. I guess he was shot very far from the Israeli positions, but they still wanted to blame Israel, so they said it was a "sniper".

Everyone, let us all disregard the accounts of the kid's dad, of the witnesses, of anyone who daily experiences the IDF's terror and occupation!

Well-regarded, impartial and all-around credible person "500" is now telling us there's nothing to see here!

Different news sources have reported on it. Even some Israeli. If it really is bollocks and lies then there should be an independant investigation by the authorities - though I do not believe it will happen as we know that very few of these kinds of killings ( no matter who did it) rarely gets thoroughly investigated.

Or letter B: there will be an investigation by the IDF, and the IDF will "find" that the IDF committed no wrong. The kid probably provoked the IDF by standing in front of his school having his back to the IDF sniper and you never give your back to a Chosen Person.
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Different news sources have reported on it. Even some Israeli. If it really is bollocks and lies then there should be an independant investigation by the authorities - though I do not believe it will happen as we know that very few of these kinds of killings ( no matter who did it) rarely gets thoroughly investigated.

But let us say it turns out to be true; Are you going to condemn it?
OK I googled. And here what I got:

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Israeli troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian during a Saturday night clash in Jalazoun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, a Palestinian medical source told AFP.

So there is a Palestinian claim that he was killed in Saturday night clash.

But OP claimed that he was killed just going out of school without any clashes. Never trust Palestinian sources.
If incase this was a result of unprovoked shooting by the isreali army, then the culprit must be meted out harsh punishment. Israel's must set an example.

On the other hand, if this death is being wrongfully put on israeli hand, then it s equally despicable.

A very rational post! Yes, if it was indeed a result of an unprovoked shooting by an Israeli soldier, then that soldier should never see the light of day ever again. However, if the blame is wrongly put on a soldier after the facts are all sorted out, then that should also be condemned.
Correct. If u see the example recently set by UK over the prosecution of one its sergeants , it bolsters not only international image of a professional force, but restores faith in the armed forces from its own country men and women.
Recently there was a thread on this forum, where its showed how some Palestinians manipulated images of the dead to show an israeli hand
Hundreds of Arab kids die because of gun misuse by the Arabs each year. Easier to blame Israel. They can get money and propaganda.

If it were the US then I might agree. But not in the Arab world.

I thought you would condemn such act 500.
Are you serious? So next time a civilian Jew gets killed by Palestine we can turn it around and say '' but hey, Hitler killed 5 million Jews. It is always easier to blame Palestine''.

What do you expect from a sick person, the investigation should also be independent rather than carried out by those who are responsible for this teens death.
They literally get away with this cold blooded murder simply because they are Jewish and believe they are entitled to such killings!

@ResurgentIran , @al-Hasani , @haman10

I wish you both can get over your differences and realize who's our common enemy!

Saudi Arabia and Israel are not enemies, and this is an indisputable fact. Saudi money is helping keeping the PA in place (which is in effect aiding the apartheid structure). SA and Israel speak the one and the same language about Iran, and there are reports of secret dealings which I believe to be true.
These to disgraceful entities are not at odds with another. Its a full fledged axis. And have you not seen these pitiful traitor f.uckers from Jordan/GCC going around thanking Israelis posts on this forum, on consistent basis?
So how can we talk about a "common" enemy?

RIP to the poor kid. :(
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