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Palestinian leader lauds Pak support

Ok thank you, also are there any genetic or physical similarities between Indians and Pakistanis ? I'm curious I want to learn.

genitically all human beings are related , the genetic marker most common in Pakistan is R1A1 , this is also found in india and also in many part of europe , it doesnt mean indians are europeans or we are indians , or eupropeans are Pakistanis

Every human being is unique no two human beings are alike when the full DNA sequence is taken into account. You are not even like your own brother born to the same mother when comapred with every single combination sequence of adanine-thiamine and cytosine-guainine pairs ( which is what makes DNA )

The commonality is found based on 12 , 32 , 64 and so markers found in the Y chromosome , when 12 are taken into account than more people fill fall into that group , when 32 are taken , the group gets samller when 64 then it gets even smaller and when all markers are taken into account then NO TWO HUMAN BEINGS are alike. Its a pretty useless exercise one that always has political undertones

Let me know what ever rubbish you are cooking up in your heads , I'll be glad to deflate it.
genitically all human beings are related , the genetic marker most common in Pakistan is R1A1 , this is also found in india and also in many part of europe , it doesnt mean indians are europeans or we are indians , or eupropeans are Pakistanis

Every human being is unique no two human beings are alike when the full DNA sequence is taken into account. You are not even like your own brother born to the same mother when comapred with every single combination sequence of adanine-thiamine and cytosine-guainine pairs ( which is what makes DNA )

The commonality is found based on 12 , 32 , 64 and so markers found in the Y chromosome , when 12 are taken into account than more people fill fall into that group , when 32 are taken , the group gets samller when 64 then it gets even smaller and when all markers are taken into account then NO TWO HUMAN BEINGS are alike. Its a pretty useless exercise one that always has political undertones

Let me know what ever rubbish you are cooking up in your heads , I'll be glad to deflate it.
Why are you rude, did I insult you?
Was I asking them to fight on our behalf or to economically sanction on our behalf ?

I have no high hopes from Saudi Arabia or any other Muslim Majority Country out there either !

So what do you expect them to do? If you're going to accuse them of being negligent, try to at the very least show some common sense.
So what do you expect them to do? If you're going to accuse them of being negligent, try to at the very least show some common sense.

None of their Leaders ever supported the Kashmir Issue on any forum or supported Pakistan ever for that matter !

Neither did the People; if anything happens in the Arab World they have an Opinion on it...heck they even take out Protest Rallies over it but not a peep about any of Pakistan's Issues !
@cb4 - Isn't it time to cut this BS ?

Was there a peep out of Abbas on Kashmir ?

Has there ever been by any Palestinian ?

I think you don't know what crime Zia committed against Palestinians when he was in Jordan and what the present military regime buys from Israel. Truth is, our support for Palestine is fake and our hearts lie with U.S, Gulf Arabs and Israel. Whether it is Abbas or other Palestinian leader, i feel they should have every right to criticize us. Give credit to the Palestinians for holding a consistent point of view about us as nothing was ever planned and nothing was said. What about Kashmir ? Our own people are in no sense of urgency or in the state of mind of patriotism to free Kashmir so what is the value of an outsider like Palestine which has no acceptance in the international community and is fighting a never ending war of its own ?
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I think you don't know what crime Zia committed against Palestinians when he was in Jordan and what the present military regime buys from Israel. Truth is, our support for Palestine is fake and our hearts lie with U.S, Gulf Arabs and Israel. Whether it is Abbas or other Palestinian leader, i feel they should have every right to criticize us. Give credit to the Palestinians for holding a consistent point of view about us as nothing was ever planned and nothing was said. What about Kashmir ? Our own people are in no sense of urgency or in the state of mind of patriotism to free Kashmir so what is the value of an outsider like Palestine which has no acceptance in the international community and is fighting a never ending war of its own ?

I know what Zia did in Jordan !

Our support for Palestine has always been sure & true no matter what Zia did or did not do; the hundreds of rallies that have gripped Pakistan every since '48, the dozens of times we've taken that issue up in UN, the incessant animosity we've struck with Israel because of that, the many fighter pilots we've given to every Arab Israeli War, the trainers, the brigades ever since & most of all the words of Our Father on Palestine were true & have rung true ever since !

And about Kashmir - Our People have never abandoned the Kashmiris, our martyred soldiers have never forgotten their Brethren across the LOC & our people's refusal to have any raproachment with India until the Kashmiris are given the Right to Self-Determination is Testament to that !

I have never, not once, expected the Palestinians to pick up arms & fight our fights for us nor have I ever expected them to be ever at the forefront of the Kashmir Issue or any other Issue pertaining to Pakistan but the deafening silence that has been there for the past 65 years has no excuse; they - the Palestinian People & their Leaders - can have Opinions on every Arab Issue & raise their voices in support of every Arab Issue but in our case the silence is more than just deafening it bellies a sense of apathy & what is more calling Our Enemy as their Friend & the butchering of Our People in Kashmir as an Internal Matter between their two friends makes me sick !

Supporting Palestine & Opposing Israel has been a mistake since the first time we tabled a Resolution in the UN expressing our support for the Palestinians all those many years ago !

The Only friend that a Pakistani has in this world is another Pakistan & at times not even Him !
I know what Zia did in Jordan !

Our support for Palestine has always been sure & true no matter what Zia did or did not do; the hundreds of rallies that have gripped Pakistan every since '48, the dozens of times we've taken that issue up in UN, the incessant animosity we've struck with Israel because of that, the many fighter pilots we've given to every Arab Israeli War, the trainers, the brigades ever since & most of all the words of Our Father on Palestine were true & have rung true ever since !

And about Kashmir - Our People have never abandoned the Kashmiris, our martyred soldiers have never forgotten their Brethren across the LOC & our people's refusal to have any raproachment with India until the Kashmiris are given the Right to Self-Determination is Testament to that !

I have never, not once, expected the Palestinians to pick up arms & fight our fights for us nor have I ever expected them to be ever at the forefront of the Kashmir Issue or any other Issue pertaining to Pakistan but the deafening silence that has been there for the past 65 years has no excuse; they - the Palestinian People & their Leaders - can have Opinions on every Arab Issue & raise their voices in support of every Arab Issue but in our case the silence is more than just deafening it bellies a sense of apathy & what is more calling Our Enemy as their Friend & the butchering of Our People in Kashmir as an Internal Matter between their two friends makes me sick !

Supporting Palestine & Opposing Israel has been a mistake since the first time we tabled a Resolution in the UN expressing our support for the Palestinians all those many years ago !

The Only friend that a Pakistani has in this world is another Pakistan & at times not even Him !

Buttt, it looks like you ate a lot of Nihari :agree:

The Pakistani military has always been mysterious, even to this day. Starting from leadership, the coups against civilian governments not only broke the country's laws but also broke Quaid's stature and symbol of a Democratic Pakistan. Next, let there be no doubt that Pakistan's blood was sucked by the Indians. Not once, twice, but thrice, it failed to grab Kashmir in what seemed golden opportunities. When you talk about soldiers giving lives in India and even in Palestine, please mention the poor Jawans first. The top Generals are the most hideous creatures in the country. It amazes me that while they play some patriotic music to cheer our people up on television, they have billionaires playing golf and and residence of luxury villas in defence . The other irony is that after abandoning Kashmir, the internal strife has started to take place and part of the reason is due to their creation of terrorist groups labelled good and bad. Rather than learning from mistakes, they are creating more as a way of countering them. I wish we never had people with thick egos and i wish our people's rallies go up against their stupid policies.

Quite frankly, this U.N stuff is B.S. Had they been faithful to their work, perhaps wars in Africa and France's dream of becoming colonial master again would have stopped by now. And those who think Pakistanis or more specifically the Pakistani Army has played a vital role in a country like Congo are blinded by the fact that their only objective for service is for greater donors from the international community.

I fail to understand what you want from the Palestinians. Just because they didn't bow down to their enemy, you think its partly due to our achievement ? Listen, i have grown up interacting with all sorts of communities and when you speak of Arabs, they are not all alike. The Palestinians are one of the most patriotic societies i have ever come across. They will fight till death to get their freedom and they are more united then you think they are against their enemy. My suggestion to Pakistan is that it must not poke its nose somewhere else. When our people get personal, they loose their reputation. There are no friends in this world but only interests. Keep it to that line.
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Buttt, it looks like you ate a lot of Nihari :agree:

The Pakistani military has always been mysterious, even to this day. Starting from leadership, the coups against civilian governments not only broke the country's laws but also broke Quaid's stature and symbol of a Democratic Pakistan. Next, let there be no doubt that Pakistan's blood was sucked by the Indians. Not once, twice, but thrice, it failed to grab Kashmir in what seemed golden opportunities. When you talk about soldiers giving lives in India and even in Palestine, please mention the poor Jawans first. The top Generals are the most hideous creatures in the country. It amazes me that while they play some patriotic music to cheer our people up on television, they have billionaires playing golf and and residence of luxury villas in defence . The other irony is that after abandoning Kashmir, the internal strife has started to take place and part of the reason is due to their creation of terrorist groups labelled good and bad. Rather than learning from mistakes, they are creating more as a way of countering them. I wish we never had people with thick egos and i wish our people's rallies go up against their stupid policies.

Quite frankly, this U.N stuff is B.S. Had they been faithful to their work, perhaps wars in Africa and France's dream of becoming colonial master again would have stopped by now. And those who think Pakistanis or more specifically the Pakistani Army has played a vital role in a country like Congo are blinded by the fact that their only objective for service is for greater donors from the international community.

I fail to understand what you want from the Palestinians. Just because they didn't bow down to their enemy, you think its partly due to our achievement ? Listen, i have grown up interacting with all sorts of communities and when you speak of Arabs, they are not all alike. The Palestinians are one of the most patriotic societies i have ever come across. They will fight till death to get their freedom and they are more united then you think they are against their enemy. My suggestion to Pakistan is that it must not poke its nose somewhere else. When our people get personal, they loose their reputation. There are no friends in this world but only interests. Keep it to that line.

Butt Sahib you're going off on a tangent here; neither the shortcomings of the Army nor of the UN nor of the Government of Pakistan are in any way related to the topic at hand just as the unity or the disunity of the Palestinians or their dying or undying for their freedom is irrelevant to what I'm saying !

What I want from the Palestinians is neither a 'fight to the death for Pakistan' - if anything Arabs can't fight; that much has been incontrovertibly proven through the Arab-Israeli Wars !

Nor have I ever wanted the Palestinians from organizing protest rallies all over Gaza or the West Bank in solidarity with the Pakistanis or in creating an International sh*t storm on the Kashmir Issue !

However doing that in getting cozy with our Enemy & talking about Our Palestine - Kashmir - being an Internal Matter between India & Pakistan without even a peep of condemnation from them over the Kashmir Issue....on any of the atrocities....ever is most disappointing & that kind of apathy is revolting !

They can have an Opinion on Arab Issues but they suddenly feel themselves tongue tied on our Issue - Disgusting !

Not once.....not once in 65 years could any Palestinian Leader or any Palestinian-of-note could be bothered about supporting Pakistan's stance on anything ?

When we did what we did for them - whether it involved sending our boys in the Arab Israelis Wars or striking up a perpetual state of animosity with Israel that culminated in their, alleged, attempt at taking out our Nukes - we didn't do that to get a 'Thank You' note in turn along with a whole bunch of prostrations before us - But nothing.....not once could they be bothered to support us on anything ? In fact they rub salt in our faces by calling our Enemy....the murder of thousands of Kashmiris as their friend ?

Why the foOk are we not calling the Israelis as our friends in turn ? We have nothing against them as we never did !

If Arab Issues are going to become synonymous with Muslim Issues but Pakistani Issues are Our Internal Matter why in god's name do we bother with this lot anyway ?

To hell with them & their fights - We should recognize Israel & be done with this animosity with them that has brought us nothing but misery without anything being reciprocated in turn !

Even the rest of them - the so-called 'Arab States' couldn't be bothered with anything !
He said that Pakistan has always played a proactive role in the Palestinian cause and resolving other issues facing the Muslim Ummah.
What 'proactive' role? Resolving which issues facing the Muslim Ummah? Can someone please elucidate?
Indians are your blood brothers and you use to be one nation not long ago. Your best option is to have a peaceful settlement with your blood brothers.

Wrong wrong concept , my friend, Even Indians are not of the same blood themselves,Dardics in the extreme north, Indo Aryans in the North and Dravidians in the South….not only different ethnically but absolutely different human beings (including different skull sizes, and skeletons) ….go look for the difference between Caucasoid skull structure (North India) and Australoid people (present in South India)

As far as Pakistan is concerned, it has similarities with all its neighbouring countries, Punjabis of Pakistan are ethnically and culturally closer to Indian Punjabis ( only 2 % of Indian Poppulation) while Pakistani Pushtuns are closer to Afghan Pushtuns, Pakistani Baloch are similar to Iranian Baloch, Pakistani Hazaras are similar to Afghan Hazaras , Pakistani Kashmiris are similar to Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir, etc. So Pakistan is at the cultural, ethnic and linguistic cross roads of different regions.

And you asked what was this region known as before 47, my friend, only to the east of River Indus the land was considered India ( like Europe, it wasn’t a country) , while to the west of Indus it was ancient Khorasan and later on Afghanistan, that is the region Pakistan still has conflict with Afghanistan which claims land west of River Indus (which is 60 percent of Pakistani land)…the Afghans are as delusional as Indians are …probably a bit more, and live in a bubble refusing to acknowledge the reality of Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD - Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas thanked the people and Government of Pakistan for their consistent and unflinching support on the Palestinian cause.
He conveyed these sentiments during a call by the Advisor to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs on the sidelines of the 20th session of OIC's Al Quds Committee being held in Marrakech.
Sartaj Aziz informed President Abbas of assistance offered by Pakistan to the Palestinian people through ongoing capacity building programmes and activities in wide ranging areas including education and training in medical, engineering, diplomacy and other disciplines.
He reiterated the time tested, vocal and sustained support extended by Pakistan towards full realisation of the right to self-determination of the people of Palestine in accordance with the relevant UN and OIC resolutions.
He said the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is whole heartedly committed to assisting the Palestinian brethren in the establishment of an independent state with Al Quds al Sharif as its capital.
The Advisor welcomed the recent resumption of the stalled peace process under the US auspices expressing the hope that it would address all issues in accordance with the two-state solution envisaged in the Arab peace initiative. Both sides agreed to continue to strengthen institutional linkages through optimal utilization of the existing cooperation as well identification of new avenues to further cooperation.
Pakistan and Morocco on Sunday agreed to give priority to boosting trade and commercial cooperation by finalising Preferential Trade Agreement between the two countries at an early date. This was agreed in a meeting between Advisor to Prime Minister Sartaj Aziz and Foreign Minister of Morocco Salahuddin Mizwar which was held on the sidelines of the 20th Session of OIC's Alquds Committee convened in this ancient Moroccan town. The two sides decided to call the second session of their Joint Ministerial Commission in April in Pakistan for which the Moroccan Foreign Minister will visit Pakistan.
Pak-Morocco Joint Business Council will also be revived. Aziz said that a forward move in negotiations for a Pak-Morocco PTA, stalled since 2008, was imperative if the bilateral trade was to be enhanced which at present was in Morocco's favour.
The two sides also agreed to facilitate issue of business visas and increase exchange of business delegations to improve their commercial cooperation in addition to exploring extra means of doing this.
Mizwar said that Morocco was a completely open market and would welcome increased business cooperation particularly with the brotherly Islamic nation of Pakistan.
Both sides held that the closeness and goodwill that existed in political field must be reflected in economic and commercial cooperation. Aziz said that the people of Pakistan look forward to welcome King Mohammad VI, under whom the Kingdom has made enviable progress in all fields.
Frequency of bilateral visits on other levels should also be increased. Mizwar lauded Pakistan's active participation in the Alquds Committee meeting.
He said that Pakistan has always played a proactive role in the Palestinian cause and resolving other issues facing the Muslim Ummah.

Palestinian leader lauds Pak support
we need to provide Palestinians with Guns and Snipers and Mortars and Anza Missile system and also specially designed Artillery fitted it Jeeps and Pick Up with range of at least 20 KM and deadly rockets with them lets teach Israel a lesson
we need to provide Palestinians with Guns and Snipers and Mortars and Anza Missile system and also specially designed Artillery fitted it Jeeps and Pick Up with range of at least 20 KM and deadly rockets with them lets teach Israel a lesson
Why we provide them? To kill innocent civilians of Israel...? What are you expecting?? Flowers in response? And what response you expect from Israel? well done Palestinians?, we are proud of you killed our soldier, children and woman ??
Why we provide them? To kill innocent civilians of Israel...? What are you expecting?? Flowers in response? And what response you expect from Israel? well done Palestinians?, we are proud of you killed our soldier, children and woman ??
They will be hunted down and I don't expect good from Israel now and never in future they had to be taken out and they would be wiped our really very soon their slave and cowards can and lick their shit but would fight them until Palestine is free
They will be hunted down and I don't expect good from Israel now and never in future they had to be taken out and they would be wiped our really very soon their slave and cowards can and lick their shit but would fight them until Palestine is free
in return ur mental tribals TTP will work for israeli intelligence for money and will kill more innocent Pakistanis
None of their Leaders ever supported the Kashmir Issue on any forum or supported Pakistan ever for that matter !

Neither did the People; if anything happens in the Arab World they have an Opinion on it...heck they even take out Protest Rallies over it but not a peep about any of Pakistan's Issues !

Oh come on. Get off it.

They have their own issues to worry about, like not actually having a state of their own. In many regards, they're in a worse situation than Kashmir, so you can excuse them for being a bit selfish.

Your logic is like asking a beggar to give a dollar to you, so he can receive a dollar from you. Doesn't make sense.

But let's say that your criticism is valid (even though it isn't). Next, let's say that they do what you ask and speak up about kashmir, what next? What do you expect them to do next? They don't have money, or a standing army. They don't have a state, or any borders they control independently. What do you expect them to do next?

I'll save you the trouble; the answer is "nothing".

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