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He supports Israel. Check.
He hates Erdogan. Check.
He hates Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians in Turkey. Check.
He hates Kurds. Check.
He is a self-loathing Turk. Check.

Get out of here man. You don't belong here. This isn't grey wolf forum.
I don't support Israel, I am proud to be a Turk and I don't give a shit about your opinions. Stop talking to me.
they always use Hamas, and before Hamas existed, PLA (Arafat's faction) and their actions as justification for their war crimes. Hamas just gave them another justification.
They will always find an excuse for their crimes, correct. They are a settler-colonial project built on crimes.
They will always find an excuse for their crimes, correct. They are a settler-colonial project built on crimes.
sure, still doesn't justify giving them that excuse on a silver platter.

If you don't have a winning strategy, step down and let someone else take the reins.

For you, this is all well and good, because you're Iranian and as long as it hurts Israel even a little bit, and it doesn't damage Iran, it doesn't matter to you. It's a victory for you, sure. And I will give you credit, I think Iranian advisors did a good job, israeli military got humiliated. But for Palastina, this is a losing strategy. They will get fucked very hard for this.
The group that will take revenge for these is not Hamas. A strong Muslim country that does not exist now can do this. And that would be a long and complicated process. Hamas will gain nothing from these attacks.
Palestinians are being occupied and systematically executed or ethnically cleansed from their lands. It is perfectly natural that they choose to resist these crimes.
Groups like Hezbollah are no match for Israel.
Hezbollah showed otherwise in 2006.
Hopefully, in the not too distant future, a Muslim country will assume this responsibility and teach Israel a lesson.
Why not Turkey? Iran is leading the charge but other Muslim countries appear intent to increasing relations with Israel instead (including Turkey).

sure, still doesn't justify giving them that excuse on a silver platter.
They will commit these crimes regardless. Palestinians have the right to resist and are not responsible for the crimes committed by Israel.
If you don't have a winning strategy, step down and let someone else take the reins.
It's very easy to criticise the side which has the entire deck of cards stacked against it for its inability to win.

No one is saying it will free Palestine tomorrow but what Hamas achieved today will go down in history. Israel has a history of making concessions after wars and there is no plausible way to extract concessions from Israel today without such an escalation. If you know of another method, feel free to share instead of adopting Zionist talking points and blaming the oppressed for wanting to resist a far more powerful occupation force.
It's very easy to criticise the side which has the entire deck of cards stacked against it for its inability to win.

No one is saying it will free Palestine tomorrow but what Hamas achieved today will go down in history. Israel has a history of making concessions after wars and there is no plausible way to extract concessions from Israel today without such an escalation. If you know of another method, feel free to share instead of adopting Zionist talking points and blaming the oppressed for wanting to resist a far more powerful occupation force.
Then the winning move is not to play.

Do some ghandi style passive resistance or whatever. It's not my style and I find it gay but I know this won't be won with brute force. Im sure there are people who could pull it off but not after today, Palestinians Image got irrevocably damaged.

This picture:

if you know anything about propaganda, this picture is worth more than a thousand dead IDF soldiers. Palestine is fucked. Nobody will support them, not even their fellow arabs.

And america just gave Israel 45 Billion dollars, this is many times the size of Iran's military budget.

If your strategy is making your enemy stronger, it's a stupid strategy.
Then the winning move is not to play.

Do some ghandi style passive resistance or whatever. It's not my style and I find it gay but I know this won't be won with brute force. Im sure there are people who could pull it off but not after today, Palestinians Image got irrevocably damaged.
Not playing = status quo (incremental annexation and ethnic cleansing while the world watches/supports it). Obviously not an attractive option.
Filistinliler işgal ediliyor ve sistematik olarak idam ediliyor ya da topraklarından etnik temizlik yapılıyor. Bu suçlara direnmeyi seçmeleri son derece doğaldır.

Hizbullah 2006'da bunun aksini gösterdi.

Neden Türkiye değil? Saldırıya İran öncülük ediyor ancak diğer Müslüman ülkeler bunun yerine (Türkiye dahil) İsrail'le ilişkileri artırma niyetinde görünüyor.
We all know these. I didn't say anything different. The issue of Hezbollah is also quite controversial. Additionally, Hezbollah is a group that is in direct conflict with the Turkish Armed Forces. So Hezbollah is not a valid option for the Turks (I evaluate it from our perspective). Let me point this out. Deep down, you and a few other members are modifying the issue to denigrate Turkey. By doing this, you are deceiving yourself. If I were to talk like you, I would say the following;
"Palestine signed the Gas Agreement without Turkey. Where is Palestine? Why does it not support its Muslim brother?" Moreover, neither Iran nor Turkey; It has no power to destroy Israel. Let's not deceive ourselves. If my English wasn't bad, I wouldn't allow some of you to slander Turkey (and other countries) so much.

You obsess over meaningless details. Is the reason why Palestine is in this situation because Turkey is attempting to normalize relations with Israel? Do not confuse economic and commercial issues with military issues. Did Turkey also provide aid to Israel? And these attacks by Hamas will bring more harm than good to the Palestinians. I see that you have modified this fact many times and used it to denigrate other countries, especially Turkey. It's been about a week since I joined the forum, but my ideas have already changed. I cannot support a man shouting Allahu Akbar over a woman's corpse. I felt sick when I watched the video, and almost had a pyschological heart attack when I saw the woman's claim that she was a German tourist.
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Then the winning move is not to play.

Do some ghandi style passive resistance or whatever. It's not my style and I find it gay but I know this won't be won with brute force. Im sure there are people who could pull it off but not after today, Palestinians Image got irrevocably damaged.

This picture:

if you know anything about propaganda, this picture is worth more than a thousand dead IDF soldiers. Palestine is fucked. Nobody will support them, not even their fellow arabs.

And america just gave Israel 45 Billion dollars, this is many times the size of Iran's military budget.

If your strategy is making your enemy stronger, it's a stupid strategy.
And Israelis killed thousands of similar energetic Palestinian women and girls for their evil intention
We all know these. I didn't say anything different. The issue of Hezbollah is also quite controversial. Additionally, Hezbollah is a group that is in direct conflict with the Turkish Armed Forces. So Hezbollah is not a valid option for the Turks (I evaluate it from our perspective). Let me point this out. Deep down, you and a few other members are modifying the issue to denigrate Turkey. By doing this, you are deceiving yourself. If I were to talk like you, I would say the following;
"Palestine signed the Gas Agreement without Turkey. Where is Palestine? Why does it not support its Muslim brother?" Moreover, neither Iran nor Turkey; It has no power to destroy Israel. Let's not deceive ourselves. If my English wasn't bad, I wouldn't allow some of you to slander Turkey (and other countries) so much.

You obsess over meaningless details. Is the reason why Palestine is in this situation because Turkey is attempting to normalize relations with Israel? Do not confuse economic and commercial issues with military issues. Did Turkey also provide aid to Israel? And these attacks by Hamas will bring more harm than good to the Palestinians. I see that you have modified this fact many times and used it to denigrate other countries, especially Turkey. It's been about a week since I joined the forum, but my ideas have already changed. I cannot support a man shouting Allahu Akbar over a woman's corpse. I felt sick when I watched the video, and almost had a pyschological heart attack when I saw the woman's claim that she was a German tourist.
You shouldn't watch any of the daily videos from the occupied West Bank, you will have 500 heart attacks a day. But it seems you reserve these heart attacks for when Palestinians resist Israeli crimes, so maybe you will be okay.
You shouldn't watch daily videos of the occupied West Bank, you will have 500 heart attacks a day. But it seems you're saving these heart attacks for when Palestinians resist Israeli crimes, so maybe you'll be okay.
Does a crime negatively affect you when it is committed by your brother or by your enemy? I think you can't make correct inferences about psychology either. Now, like everyone else, I have become accustomed to the cowardly-barbarian (interconnected) actions of the project state called Israel. However, such behavior by a group that presents itself as the salvation of Muslims will shake Muslims. If even the Turkish Armed Forces did this, I would question my support. There is no explanation for this movement. And this is just an example. Otherwise, don't get me wrong, the reason I'm going to have a fit isn't because I've never seen a video like this before. I've seen worse corpses than this in real life.

Also, I don't know if you saw it, but I edited the last part as a psychological heart attack. This is not a heart attack as you understand it.
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The retaliation from Israel will be severe. Hezbollah and Iran need to get involved, otherwise there will be a very large massacre.
Not playing = status quo (incremental annexation and ethnic cleansing while the world watches/supports it). Obviously not an attractive option.
Indeed,one gets the rather obvious feeling that what the west and (sadly) many others wish for,is for the palestinians to just quietly crawl off into some dark corner somewhere and there to silently perish out of sight and out of mind.
So I for one dont blame the palestinians for giving the west and its little zionist mutts a resounding:
No mutiny ... but this decision and execution was top secret, only Hamas special forces and military was aware of it. Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas officials, no one was informed or knew.
Whatever it was, it was a very well executed plan and took Musad, IDF and Americans by surprise and literally with their pants down. Otherwise Natyan Yahu was busy showcasing the new map at the UN. The collective embarrassment they got at the hands of tiny force with no support, budget will be remembered for decades.
However with this i should caution, they haramis (bastards) have gone mad in anger and might do something very bad to the Palestine and its people. I do hope Hamas also has a counter plan to it. I know for one they did took Israeli captives precisely for this purpose.
God Speed to these guys. May Allah SWT protect them and give them the courage and the will to fight against this tyranny, illegit, terrorist state of Israel.
Violent, sudden and widespread bombardment of the entity's state..1 hour 50 minutes non-stop..with 5000 missiles and other ammunition..

Sirens sound in 160 areas from the south to Tel Aviv..


Channel 14 Hebrew:
Reports of rockets landing in Tel Aviv and Ashkelon, with possible casualties.


Channel 12 Hebrew:
Tel Aviv is exposed to heavy, long-range missiles from Gaza


The Palestinians took many Usraeli villages including many military bases..

Special coverage from Arab TV of the latest developments in the #Gaza Strip..

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