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I don't support israel either, I don't give a shit who wins. I'm just in it for humanitarian reasons. This whole thing is unnecessary and pointless bloodshed.

Thousands will die for nothing, millions will suffer.

Where were you when Palestinians got slaughtered by the Israelis? Just in the past month alone 200 Palestinians got killed by Israelis. It seems that your outrage is selective.
I don't support israel either, I don't give a shit who wins. I'm just in it for humanitarian reasons.
Where were you when Israel massacred thousands of Palestinian civilians in 2014, and left thousands of children permanently disabled? Israel has murdered 34 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank this year alone, where was your humanitarianism then?

HRW: "The Israeli military and border police forces are killing Palestinian children with virtually no recourse for accountability."

Like others in this thread, your 'humanitarianism' only appears to arrive when the Palestinians respond to the crimes committed against them by the occupying regime.
Where were you when Palestinians got slaughtered by the Israelis? Just in the past month alone 200 Palestinians got killed by Israelis. It seems that your outrage is selective.
200 is nothing compared to what's going to happen now.

Before they had to sweep things under the rug, now they will commit massaces in broad daylight.
estroy Merkava tank and capture all Israeli soldiers in it
Looks like a very massive attack by Palestinian fighters. Something that has happened for the first time in many many years

I expect pull sapport sarr from pajeets to Israelis

Yeah, they are already in Phul Sapport Saaar mode
200 is nothing compared to what's going to happen now.

Before they had to sweep things under the rug, now they will commit massaces in broad daylight.

This is hypocritical. You admit that Israelis are killing Palestinians and stealing their land for decades. You want the Palestinians to accept their fate? 200 is nothing LOL You say this as if the lives don't even matter.
This is hypocritical. You admit that Israelis are killing Palestinians and stealing their land for decades. You want the Palestinians to accept their fate? 200 is nothing LOL You say this as if the lives don't even matter.
if you claim to care more than me, then wtf are you doing here? You ran away from your country to live comfortably in Europe. Shut the fvck up
if you claim to care more than me, then wtf are you doing here? You ran away from your country to live comfortably in Europe. Shut the fvck up

I ran away from my country? What kind of a retard are you? I was born here. I didn't run away from my country LOL Stupid moron.

What the fvck does my place of residence have anything to do with the Israeli Palestinian conflict? Just because I condemn Israeli actions against the Palestinians I should go and live in some other country?

You dumb moron. There are plenty of native Europeans who also condemn Israeli actions. What would you tell them to do? Move out of their countries? People like you are incredible self loathing retards.

You are a fringe minority in your own country. You are a Kemalist retard that blames everyone around him. No wonder that even the majority of Erdogan supporters hate you guys. You are frustrated and angry at everything.
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Where were you when Israel massacred thousands of Palestinian civilians in 2014, and left thousands of children permanently disabled? Israel has murdered 34 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank this year alone, where was your humanitarianism then?

HRW: "The Israeli military and border police forces are killing Palestinian children with virtually no recourse for accountability."

Like others in this thread, your 'humanitarianism' only appears to arrive when the Palestinians respond to the crimes committed against them by the occupying regime.
The group that will take revenge for these is not Hamas. A strong Muslim country that does not exist now can do this. And that would be a long and complicated process. Hamas will gain nothing from these attacks. Groups like Hezbollah are no match for Israel. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, a Muslim country will assume this responsibility and teach Israel a lesson.
I ran away from my country? What kind of a retarded are you? I was born here. I didn't run away from my country LOL

What the fvck does my place of residence have anything to do with Israeli Palestinian conflict?
Matters not. If you're not willing to drop what you're doing and go help the people there, shut the fvck up. I'm not interested in your self aggrandizement.

If you believe the palestinian cause, then go fight for them. It's easy to be a moral champion from your comfortable home in the netherlands.
Matters not. If you're not willing to drop what you're doing and go help the people there, shut the fvck up. I'm not interested in your self aggrandizement.

If you believe the palestinian cause, then go fight for them. It's easy to be a moral champion from your comfortable home in the netherlands.

Now suddenly it doesn't matter. First he claims that I ran from some country. Upon finding out that I didn't he changes his stance in a blink of an eye LOL Fvcking retard.

You are an outcast in your own country. A blip. A minority. You don't even feel at home in Turkey. Tell me how Erdoğan has destroyed Turkey LOL I know this LOL I have bought an apartment in Turkey LOL I visit Turkey regularly. I know your kind are a dying breed in Turkey LOL
Before they had to sweep things under the rug, now they will commit massaces in broad daylight.
1953 - IDF massacres 69 Palestinians in the West Bank (70% of which were women and children) in a revenge operation

1956 - IDF massacres 525 civilians in the Khan Younis massacre

1956 - IDF massacres 111 civilians in the Rafah massacre

1967 - IDF massacres 52 Egyptian POW and buries them in mass graves (the soldier in charge later admitted to murdering the POWs)

1970 - Israel bombs Bahr El-Baqar primary school in Egypt, massacring 46 young children and injuring a further 50, demolishing the school entirely.

1982 - Sabra and Shatilla massacres - Israel-backed Lebanese Forces massacred 3,500 civilians with direct assistance of IDF during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon

1985 - Israel bombs Shia mosque in Lebanon during its invasion of Lebanon in 1982, killing 15 and wounding a further 55

1996 - Israeli attack helicopter attacks an ambulance in Lebanon, massacring 2 women and 4 children

1996 - First Qana massacre, IDF attacks a UN compound in Lebanon (UN investigation found this was done deliberately), massacring 106 civilians and injuring a further 120 civilians

2006 - Second Qana massacre, IDF attacked a large residential building in Lebanon, incinerating 28 civilians, including 16 children (HRW found no evidence of military link and this was widely condemned)

2009 - Israel bombs Ibrahim Mosque in Gaza during prayers, massacring 16 civilians (including 6 young children) and wounding >60 civilians

There are too many others for me to even include here. Does this look like the track record of a military that was ever hesitant to commit massacres in broad daylight?
never mattered to me, so far as I'm concerned you're a walking, talking pile of shit.

You are a lying piece of shit retard that doesn't fit anywhere. You just assume things. I know why you visit this forum. You are just here to vent anger. Is Erdogan evil? Tell me you retard.
1953 - IDF massacres 69 Palestinians in the West Bank (70% of which were women and children) in a revenge operation

1956 - IDF massacres 525 civilians in the Khan Younis massacre

1956 - IDF massacres 111 civilians in the Rafah massacre

1967 - IDF massacres 52 Egyptian POW and buries them in mass graves (the soldier in charge later admitted to murdering the POWs)

1970 - Israel bombs Bahr El-Baqar primary school in Egypt, massacring 46 young children and injuring a further 50, demolishing the school entirely.

1982 - Sabra and Shatilla massacres - Israel-backed Lebanese Forces massacred 3,500 civilians with direct assistance of IDF during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon

1985 - Israel bombs Shia mosque in Lebanon during its invasion of Lebanon in 1982, killing 15 and wounding a further 55

1996 - Israeli attack helicopter attacks an ambulance in Lebanon, massacring 2 women and 4 children

1996 - First Qana massacre, IDF attacks a UN compound in Lebanon (UN investigation found this was done deliberately), massacring 106 civilians and injuring a further 120 civilians

2006 - Second Qana massacre, IDF attacked a large residential building in Lebanon, incinerating 28 civilians, including 16 children (HRW found no evidence of military link and this was widely condemned)

2009 - Israel bombs Ibrahim Mosque in Gaza during prayers, massacring 16 civilians (including 6 young children) and wounding >60 civilians

There are too many others for me to even include here. Does this look like the track record of a military that was ever hesitant to commit massacres in broad daylight?

they always use Hamas, and before Hamas existed, PLA (Arafat's faction) and their actions as justification for their war crimes. Hamas just gave them another justification.

You are a lying piece of shit retard that doesn't fit anywhere. I know why you visit this forum. You are just here to vent anger. Erdogan is evil?
Nope, there are extremely smart, and resourceful people on this forum, you're just not one of them. Don't talk to me again.
they always use Hamas, and before Hamas existed, PLA (Arafat's faction) and their actions as justification for their war crimes. Hamas just gave them another justification.

He supports Israel. Check.
He hates Erdogan. Check.
He hates Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians in Turkey. Check.
He hates Kurds. Check.
He is a self-loathing Turk. Check.

Get out of here man. You don't belong here. This isn't grey wolf forum.

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