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Palestine is here to stay

The reason that we see many Indians support zions is that they are very populated country but that does not mean they are anti Muslims.
If you take a tour of their comments on PDF and other Forums you'll see clearly that they do not like Islam or Muslims.
They have betrayed Iran in the UN too many times to be trusted.
They side with Israel on every issue, and as you know or should know, Usrael is no pro-Muslim, in fact it is the west's instrument against Islam.

لا يوجد سلم في القاموس اليهودي

ستبقى القدس الشريف العاصمة الأبدية لدولة فلسطين
لاحقا لقرار اليونسكو على السلطة والأحزاب والمؤسسات الفلسطينية والعربية الحفاظ على القدس والمقدسات ودعم أهلها الصامدين امام اشرس حملة يشنها الاحتلال لتغيير معالم وطابع المدينة المقدسة



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The land of Israel is Jewish.

Arabian squatters need to leave.

LH, how would you save israel from christians? They seem to have bigger plans.
This jewish guys who wo has been on INR 2 few times has openly told
jews in the us to get the hell outta usa as per warnings from conservative jews
or else be ready for door to door hunt by the christian eventually.
HE stated that on his website & on Israel National radio he was taking calls from
the US & telling them to move away from the cities if they cannot move to israel.
This was a few years ago but I'll see if I can find us the original website & INR interview
&also a day time talk show by tis Evangelist pastor openly stating the 2/3rd jew will be\
killed & rest will convert.
I also went thru about 6 lectures of this Rabbi ( this was also a very long time ago) where he
claimed that we will not live past 6 thousand years & that it is about 57xx in jewish calendar.
Can you pls shed some light ont hat if you have some religious insight?
This may seem off topic but I had been meaning to ask a jewish person directly& would
really appreciates a honest reply.
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Palestine is a foreign, non-Muslim, Roman creation. It was never an own state/kingdom whatever.
The modern state of Israel on the other hand, is a transformed continuation of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.

Anyway, it's nearly a decade since i read the Quran, but didn't Allah stated in it too that this region was given by him to the Jews?
They are not Israelites of the Bible. They are European fraudster Jews/European Jewish fuckery who are perpetrating a fraud.
Yeah, and the state of Israel is it's modern continuation.
LOL the Israelites were dark/brown skinned people. Since when did the Israelites turn white faced like you ??
LOL i'm sure now that the Middle East section is the most immature section on this forum, just like in real life, no one is mature in the Middle East, i mean gotta love us Middle Easterns :P

You're not visiting enough "Ukraine situation" threads in other forums.The Eastern Europeans,Ukrainians vs Russians is batshit insane and funny,in a tragic way.EE comes close to the ME in this regard.
You're not visiting enough "Ukraine situation" threads in other forums.The Eastern Europeans,Ukrainians vs Russians is batshit insane and funny,in a tragic way.EE comes close to the ME in this regard.

I have come across some rabid anti Ruskie Ukranians lately myself. :lol:
Irregardless of Israel's occupation in the West Bank, their restrictions on the freedom of movement, economic restrictions, land theft, resource theft, state sponsored violence, illegal settlements that come about through brute force against original inhabitants and military attacks against the Palestinian people.

Palestine is here to stay forever. Israel is actively trying to destroy what's left of Palestine(As supported by real facts and not rhetoric) and not the other way around.

Karma says all this negativity will come back and hit the oppressor like a boomerang.

As for the recent attacks on Gaza there's an old polish saying....:

a Jewish man was beating up a little child and shouting 'help he is attacking me'


God bless Palestine.
* Palestine is Hebrew name. It has nothing to do with the Arabs. Arabs dont even have the letter "P" in their alphabet. :omghaha:

* Palestine or Palestinians are not mentioned even once in Quran. :rofl:

* On the other hand Quran mentions many Jews who lived in Holy Land and says that it is assigned to Jews by God.

* The leader of Palestinians in 1920-1940, imam of Jerusalem Huseini called Palestine "the southern Syria" - al Suriya al Janubiya.

* Palestinian "resister" number one - sheikh Qassam was born in Syria.

* Palestinian #1 Arafat was born in Egypt.
You're not visiting enough "Ukraine situation" threads in other forums.The Eastern Europeans,Ukrainians vs Russians is batshit insane and funny,in a tragic way.EE comes close to the ME in this regard.

Are these forums in English ? if yes give us a link :lol:

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