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Palestine call for Pakistan army and Muslim countries for help

Lol we suffered heavily due to our habit of poling fingers here and there for the ummah without the muscle the back it, emotion tell me to rush over there logic tell to me wait a while,we know we are the only ones capable enough in todays muslim world to actually stand up but we need 20 yrs to get a booming economy and a amighty military before we will even think of messing around with the unnames powers again, we learned our lesson too well, israel will pay for what its doing, we will go to thrash the zionists one day im sure but have patience my palestinian brothers, we will come one day..
We have our hands full with our own war , we don't and wont rage war upon anyone that doesn't rage war against us. But know this that you are in our hearts and prayers and one day ALLAH shall and will do justice to free you from the evil you face.
Will do that!! Will do this!!
This is what you left with.
The man in this video is purely preaching hate towards a particular religion and brainwashing the followers.
Come out from your religious mindset and see the truth with open your third eye. All are human beings and equal.
Stop dividing the human race on the name of religion.
Whatever is happening with Muslims all over the world is just a reaction of other faiths . Muslims has created countries on the name of religion and divided this earth on the name God.
Muslims has history of attacking other faiths .
whatever is happening had also been predicted.

see they are coming to be true.
never think with emotions you make mistake and fall into trap.
you need to think strategically like a chess player and timing.
Even tho i am very emotional about brothers in Syria and Palestine.I agree with you
Shooting down a few jets is unlikely to have a any statistical significance.
Egypt and Syria has also shot down a few jets.

It might just been luck.

Anyway the wiki entry on Azam says:

On June 6, 1967, he was transferred to the Iraqi Air Force and was in western Iraq when four Israeli Vatourbombers escorted by two Mirage fighters attacked the airbase. One Mirage pilot, Captain Gideon Dror, shot down one Iraqi fighter including Azam's wingman, but was in turn shot down by Azam.

Which means that Israelis has shot down Pakistani pilots as well.

Incidently, the Jordanian Air Force mentions that the raid resulted in 20 Hunters beeing destroyed on the ground, which seems to be a good exchange rate.

Pakistan are up to their nose in internal problems, which won't go away.
Seeking new adventures against an advanced enemy at the expense of home security
may not be the best of ideas.

I wrote in my first comment that I won't talk about other muslim countries but only Pakistan.

The thing is, PAF volunteered in this war and it was not our war. Secondly, what i have found from wikipedia says:-

According to Chengappa, several Pakistan Air Force pilots flew combat missions in Syrian aircraft, and shot down one Israeli fighter.

The Arab air forces were aided by volunteer pilots from the Pakistan Air Force acting in an independent capacity, and by some aircraft from Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to make up for the massive losses suffered on the first day of the war. PAF pilots shot down several Israeli planes.

Israeli aircraft also attacked H-3, an Iraqi Air Force base in western Iraq. During the attack, 12 MiG-21s, 2 MiG-17s, 5 Hunter F6s, and 3 Il-28 bombers were destroyed or shot down. A Pakistani pilot stationed at the base shot down an Israeli fighter and a bomber during the raid.

There haven't been a single evidence yet about PAF pilots got shot down. As per training PAF pilots are the best. A few months back when USAF air chief visited Pakistan Air Force headquarters, he praised PAF pilots and said that PAF pilots are the one of the best and have proven combat record.

As far as our internal security is concerned, its improving day by day. We are not an offensive force but an attack on us will lead to worst nightmare of the attacking force whether its militants our anyone else.

You agree with it or not but our military is one of the most powerful military in the world.
We have our hands full with our own war , we don't and wont rage war upon anyone that doesn't rage war against us. But know this that you are in our hearts and prayers and one day ALLAH shall and will do justice to free you from the evil you face.
The evil the Palestinian Arabs face is from within; their call for greater and greater hostilities against the Jews is a cover and mask for their own failings, crimes, and aggression. Pakistanis like yourself shouldn't be compelled to dance to their evil tune but that's current Pakistani government policy; you cannot argue with Palestinian Arab leaders' genocidal ambitions in the slightest: link. The sooner the government of Pakistan drops its slavish adherence to such a doctrine, the saner Pakistanis can be.
I wrote in my first comment that I won't talk about other muslim countries but only Pakistan.

The thing is, PAF volunteered in this war and it was not our war. Secondly, what i have found from wikipedia says:-

According to Chengappa, several Pakistan Air Force pilots flew combat missions in Syrian aircraft, and shot down one Israeli fighter.

The Arab air forces were aided by volunteer pilots from the Pakistan Air Force acting in an independent capacity, and by some aircraft from Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to make up for the massive losses suffered on the first day of the war. PAF pilots shot down several Israeli planes.

Israeli aircraft also attacked H-3, an Iraqi Air Force base in western Iraq. During the attack, 12 MiG-21s, 2 MiG-17s, 5 Hunter F6s, and 3 Il-28 bombers were destroyed or shot down. A Pakistani pilot stationed at the base shot down an Israeli fighter and a bomber during the raid.

There haven't been a single evidence yet about PAF pilots got shot down. As per training PAF pilots are the best. A few months back when USAF air chief visited Pakistan Air Force headquarters, he praised PAF pilots and said that PAF pilots are the one of the best and have proven combat record.

As far as our internal security is concerned, its improving day by day. We are not an offensive force but an attack on us will lead to worst nightmare of the attacking force whether its militants our anyone else.

You agree with it or not but our military is one of the most powerful military in the world.

From the link of the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

After some combat between the RJAF and IAF the Jordanians claimed four Israeli aircraft, two falling in the airfield area and two to the west. The IAF destroyed some twenty Hunters of the RJAF aircraft on the ground and one in the air, the pilot ejecting safely. One Hunter had been pushed into a hanger and survived the attacks. Three managed to land in Amman where the Israeli Air Force destroyed two of them. Other aircraft lost included a UN aircraft. Ajlun radar station was also demolished.

Note at the Jordanians claimed all the Israeli planes downed in the attack, leaving none for PAF.

From the wiki of PAF pilot Azam

One of four Hunters flown by Pakistanis, Azam shot down 2 Israeli fighter and damaged another. On June 6, 1967, he was transferred to the Iraqi Air Force and was in western Iraq when four Israeli Vatourbombers escorted by two Mirage fighters attacked the airbase. One Mirage pilot, Captain Gideon Dror, shot down one Iraqi fighter including Azam's wingman, but was in turn shot down by Azam. Azam also shot down a Vatour bomber flown by Captain Golan. Both of them were taken as prisoners of war.
The evil the Palestinian Arabs face is from within; their call for greater and greater hostilities against the Jews is a cover and mask for their own failings, crimes, and aggression. Pakistanis like yourself shouldn't be compelled to dance to their evil tune but that's current Pakistani government policy; you cannot argue with Palestinian Arab leaders' genocidal ambitions in the slightest: link. The sooner the government of Pakistan drops its slavish adherence to such a doctrine, the saner Pakistanis can be.

Pakistani's like me ? I am not compelled from anywhere nor do you know me or can or should judge me .. I speak the truth if you don't like it then don't comment back and keep your thoughts for the ones that are so called COMPELLED !!
Pakistani's like me ? I am not compelled from anywhere nor do you know me or can or should judge me .. I speak the truth if you don't like it then don't comment back and keep your thoughts for the ones that are so called COMPELLED !!
You claim to "speak the truth"? Then answer: why don't you openly support the Jews of Israel over their declared enemies?
You claim to "speak the truth"? Then answer: why don't you openly support the Jews of Israel over their declared enemies?

I don't support anyone but my self and my family , charity starts at home !! now stop writing back to me with BS rubbish and wasting my time.
Is this why you have indirectly formed an alliance with sissy the mafia boss? It's truly a strange way of saying thank you.
Brother, we have no relations with Egypt. I had hope to have when Morsi was in power but disappointed when Sisi appeared.
Morsi was a good man but he had some political mistakes including
1) Trying to make close relations with Israeli president :: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...eace-efforts/2012/07/31/gJQAdMraNX_story.html
2) Alliance with monarchs , western puppets , against Iran's hegemony in the region.
In any case he was a good man with some political mistakes, i preferred him for Egypt.
Last edited:
From the link of the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

After some combat between the RJAF and IAF the Jordanians claimed four Israeli aircraft, two falling in the airfield area and two to the west. The IAF destroyed some twenty Hunters of the RJAF aircraft on the ground and one in the air, the pilot ejecting safely. One Hunter had been pushed into a hanger and survived the attacks. Three managed to land in Amman where the Israeli Air Force destroyed two of them. Other aircraft lost included a UN aircraft. Ajlun radar station was also demolished.

Note at the Jordanians claimed all the Israeli planes downed in the attack, leaving none for PAF.

From the wiki of PAF pilot Azam

One of four Hunters flown by Pakistanis, Azam shot down 2 Israeli fighter and damaged another. On June 6, 1967, he was transferred to the Iraqi Air Force and was in western Iraq when four Israeli Vatourbombers escorted by two Mirage fighters attacked the airbase. One Mirage pilot, Captain Gideon Dror, shot down one Iraqi fighter including Azam's wingman, but was in turn shot down by Azam. Azam also shot down a Vatour bomber flown by Captain Golan. Both of them were taken as prisoners of war.

You are living on assumptions man. I had given you the source which claims PAF shot down israeli jets.

Secondly, Azam wiki says the same that he shot down few and damaged one fighter jet.

It was not our own ground, nor our fighter jets but PAF successfully destroyed few of israeli fighter jets without losing a single one.

According to Stockholm institute World Military Balance 2015, PAF fighters jets scored 0.48 while Israeli fighter jets scored 0.33.
You are living on assumptions man. I had given you the source which claims PAF shot down israeli jets.

Secondly, Azam wiki says the same that he shot down few and damaged one fighter jet.

It was not our own ground, nor our fighter jets but PAF successfully destroyed few of israeli fighter jets without losing a single one.

According to Stockholm institute World Military Balance 2015, PAF fighters jets scored 0.48 while Israeli fighter jets scored 0.33.

To validate a fighter kill, you need to have verification by cameras and/or witnesses,
wreckages, and some cases information on how many planes were lost from the losing side.
For now, the PAF claim is not supported by such hard facts.
Just a lot of web pages, which might or might not present the truth.

RJAF claims on their webpage that RJAF shot down four,and lost one in the air,
and 20 on the ground. Israel claims they lost three that day.
Azam's wikipage claims his wingman was shot down.
5th of June, the four Hunters were all with Pakistani pilots according to Wiki.
I find it unlikely, that Azam flew with a Jordani wingman.

If RJAF claims Pak pilot kills as their own, and the planes were indeed shot down by
a Pakistani pilot (which has no hard proof), then it is as proved that another Pakistani was shot down.
who are you??

He is PDF's sole resident Romanian.

And just as important, from a country that spawned this world's most powerful being. Vlad the Impaler- Vlad Dracula.

A being that still might walk the earth today
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