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Palestine and Kashmir – One Fire

Cry...? You call this crying? Crying is what India does 24/7 whenever China launch it's new project in Azad Kashmir.

This is not called crying, rather an act to slap International community from being ignorant & blind & doing nothing against India & Israel while these countries continue with their state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir & Palestine.
Oh please, it obvious to see who is crying here, by posting similar pics here, Arab countries are using you as they please yet don't support you on Kashmir with vigor. They might provide lip service here and there but they are not going to yield to your begging.
The pandits are traitors they betrayed kashmir and supported india

They were punished for their crimes

If they love india they can go live in india, kashmir is only for kashmiris

LOL, we have tortured and killed 200,000 of your mojahideen pigs. Now with Modi in power , the number might just increase to 500,000. Kashmir is under Indian control. Anyone who doesn't like that is free to leave, but if he tries any mischief, he'll be tortured and burried in an unmarked grave along with his entire family.
Oh please, it obvious to see who is crying here, by posting similar pics here, Arab countries are using you as they please yet don't support you on Kashmir with vigor. They might provide lip service here and there but they are not going to yield to your begging.

Since last 7 decades Pakistan is alone standing with Kashmiris & will keep supporting them even if the whole world turn against Pakistan.

Many Arab countries as well as China, US, UK, Turkeye, etc supports Pakistan on Kashmir Issue.
Since last 7 decades Pakistan is alone standing with Kashmiris & will keep supporting them even if the whole world turn against Pakistan.

Many Arab countries as well as China, US, UK, Turkeye, etc supports Pakistan on Kashmir Issue.
Kashmir is bilateral issue no matter how hard you cry in front of the world no third party can or will get involved.
Kashmir & Palestine are one.










@Hazzy997 @haman10 @Serpentine @al-Hasani @kalu_miah @MBI Munshi @Desert Fox @DESERT FIGHTER @iranigirl2 @MOHSENAM @Yzd Khalifa @Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @kollang @Armstrong @Patriots @Akheilos @waz @RazPaK @Secur @Arabian Legend

There will be around 2.6 billion Muslims by the year 2050 and 3.3 - 4 billion Muslims in the world by the year 2100 out of a global population of 10 billion and there will be only about 1.1 - 1.2 billion Hindus.
Global Muslim population will exceed 3 billion out of 10 billion by 2100 AD

White nationalists consider Zionist Jews to be their greatest threat and enemy and want to ally with Muslims to defeat Zionist control of USA. Many people in the West who are not affected by Zionist media brainwashing feels the same, but will not say it out loud due to the threats they face. Chinese are now taking sides with India and Russia in BRICS to bring down USA as number one superpower, but this is a temporary arrangement. Russia has a declining population and will have around 110 million by 2050, so they will become either a vassal of China or West. China will remain the same at 1.3 billion. The only true friend of Hindu's are the Zionist Jews both of whom have Muslims as the common enemy.

So who are the people that consider Muslims their greatest threat and enemy and in what order:

1. India and Zionist Jews
2. Russia
3. China
4. West

So what should we Muslims need to do:

- continue making babies and have large families
- unite as much as possible, the first core should start with building economic and people to people relations between Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh and then include Indonesia and Malaysia
- note that the West have no reason to be enemy with poor underdeveloped and fragmented Muslim world after fall of Ottoman empire, but this enmity was manufactured by Zionist Jews installing Israel in Muslim land with Western help and support:
- when this core becomes solidified, then we should invite GCC, Arab countries, Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
- this unity effort with enhanced economic and military relationship must happen within Western NATO umbrella with close technological relationship with Japan and South Korea
- that means we have to see through the crap propaganda that Zionist media has been dishing out to the world - we must come to the realization that the "real" West and Muslims are not enemies, rather we have a common Zionist enemy
- when China, India (and their friend Zionist Jews) and Russia unite in BRICS to bring down USA and the West, we the Muslims should give support to the West because, for us to unite, we will need help from them and their allies like Japan and South Korea
- so if the West is with us Muslims, we will be able to defeat the combined forces of 1, 2 and 3
- when China fails to dislodge West from number 1 position, they will become neutral and so will Russia, who most likely will join the West
- that is the point when we will have the final showdown with Hindus and Zionist Jews

So folks lets follow the above plan and get ready, we the Muslims will become the greatest population group on earth in decades and I am sure that our people will wake up more and see the light and unite much more than we are today. The future for Muslims is great, we will once again shine as the beacon of human progress and civilization. Kashmir and Palestine and other such issues will be easy to solve at that time. All we have to do is be patient and follow the plan.
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Kashmir is bilateral issue no matter how hard you cry in front of the world no third party can or will get involved.

Ooh so tough. What's up with these tactics anyway? Why feel the need to keep this conflict between the countries?
There will be around 2.6 billion Muslims by the year 2050 and 3.3 - 4 billion Muslims in the world by the year 2100 out of a global population of 10 billion and there will be only about 1.1 - 1.2 billion Hindus.
Global Muslim population will exceed 3 billion out of 10 billion by 2100 AD

White nationalists consider Zionist Jews to be their greatest threat and enemy and want to ally with Muslims to defeat Zionist control of USA. Many people in the West who are not affected by Zionist media brainwashing feels the same, but will not say it out loud due to the threats they face. Chinese are now taking sides with India and Russia in BRICS to bring down USA as number one superpower, but this is a temporary arrangement. Russia has a declining population and will have around 110 million by 2050, so they will become either a vassal of China or West. China will remain the same at 1.3 billion. The only true friend of Hindu's are the Zionist Jews both of whom have Muslims as the common enemy.

So who are the people that consider Muslims their greatest threat and enemy and in what order:

1. India and Zionist Jews
2. Russia
3. China
4. West

So what should we Muslims need to do:

- continue making babies and have large families
- unite as much as possible, the first core should start with building economic and people to people relations between Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh and then include Indonesia and Malaysia
- note that the West have no reason to be enemy with poor underdeveloped and fragmented Muslim world after fall of Ottoman empire, but this enmity was manufactured by Zionist Jews installing Israel in Muslim land with Western help and support:
- when this core becomes solidified, then we should invite GCC, Arab countries, Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
- this unity effort with enhanced economic and military relationship must happen within Western NATO umbrella with close technological relationship with Japan and South Korea
- that means we have to see through the crap propaganda that Zionist media has been dishing out to the world - we must come to the realization that the "real" West and Muslims are not enemies, rather we have a common Zionist enemy
- when China, India (and their friend Zionist Jews) and Russia unite in BRICS to bring down USA and the West, we the Muslims should give support to the West because, for us to unite, we will need help from them and their allies like Japan and South Korea
- so if the West is with us Muslims, we will be able to defeat the combined forces of 1, 2 and 3
- when China fails to dislodge West from number 1 position, they will become neutral and so will Russia, who most likely will join the West
- that is the point when we will have the final showdown with Hindus and Zionist Jews

So folks lets follow the above plan and get ready, we the Muslims will become the greatest population group on earth in decades and I am sure that our people will wake up more and see the light and unite much more than we are today. The future for Muslims is great, we will once again shine as the beacon of human progress and civilization. Kashmir and such small issues will be easy to solve at that time. All we have to do is be patient and follow the plan.
Sorry to hurt anyone,but don't u guys think,that currently muslims all over the world have problems with every other religion
Be it Hindu,sikhs,Christians,Buddhists,Jews,I mean all the followers of these religion can't be wrong surely,I believe it's because they believe that these religions don't have right to coexist,well most of them think this way,they can go to any extent,from childhood most of them are taught that they are superior,also this victim mentality that the whole world is unfair to muslims fill them with so much hatred that they can go to any extent,most of the guys consider Allah greater than everything including parents,this whole mentality needs to change,you guys need to come out of this victim mentality ASAP,sorry to say this but most of the problems in world has been caused by muslim extremist,and it's not like they are very few people,even on pdf I have seen many people openly mocking other religions,the fact of the matter is tali ek haath se nhi bajti,you guys are responsible for the situation u are in or most muslims are in,remember one thing jaha main aa jata hai na,main, mera,main great ho,baki sab inferior, mera religion great baki sab inferior,waha tabahi tay hai.
There will be around 2.6 billion Muslims by the year 2050 and 3.3 - 4 billion Muslims in the world by the year 2100 out of a global population of 10 billion and there will be only about 1.1 - 1.2 billion Hindus.
Global Muslim population will exceed 3 billion out of 10 billion by 2100 AD

Is that important?

White nationalists consider Zionist Jews to be their greatest threat and enemy and want to ally with Muslims to defeat Zionist control of USA. Many people in the West who are not affected by Zionist media brainwashing feels the same, but will not say it out loud due to the threats they face.

This is a reality.

So who are the people that consider Muslims their greatest threat and enemy and in what order:

1. India and Zionist Jews
2. Russia
3. China
4. West

Why China?

So what should we Muslims need to do:
- continue making babies and have large families
- unite as much as possible, the first core should start with building economic and people to people relations between Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh and then include Indonesia and Malaysia
- note that the West have no reason to be enemy with poor underdeveloped and fragmented Muslim world after fall of Ottoman empire, but this enmity was manufactured by Zionist Jews installing Israel in Muslim land with Western help and support:
- when this core becomes solidified, then we should invite GCC, Arab countries, Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
- this unity effort with enhanced economic and military relationship must happen within Western NATO umbrella with close technological relationship with Japan and South Korea
- that means we have to see through the crap propaganda that Zionist media has been dishing out to the world - we must come to the realization that the "real" West and Muslims are not enemies, rather we have a common Zionist enemy
- when China, India (and their friend Zionist Jews) and Russia unite in BRICS to bring down USA and the West, we the Muslims should give support to the West because, for us to unite, we will need help from them and their allies like Japan and South Korea
- so if the West is with us Muslims, we will be able to defeat the combined forces of 1, 2 and 3
- when China fails to dislodge West from number 1 position, they will become neutral and so will Russia, who most likely will join the West
- that is the point when we will have the final showdown with Hindus and Zionist Jews

We are still looking for the wakeup call though.

So folks lets follow the above plan and get ready, we the Muslims will become the greatest population group on earth in decades and I am sure that our people will wake up more and see the light and unite much more than we are today. The future for Muslims is great, we will once again shine as the beacon of human progress and civilization. Kashmir and Palestine and other such issues will be easy to solve at that time. All we have to do is be patient and follow the plan.

I don't know if we can predict how the future will play out. But, it can only get better since this is the lowest point we've ever been at.
Is that important?

This is a reality.

Why China?

So what should we Muslims need to do:

We are still looking for the wakeup call though.

I don't know if we can predict how the future will play out. But, it can only get better since this is the lowest point we've ever been at.

Size I should say is a big determinant of the success of any group, tribe, clan, nation, so yes, I would say it is very important.

Consider how large nation USA took over after Britain and France lost their colonial holdings after WW II. And also consider how China and India are rising today. Economies of scale, large internal market, pooling of resources and many other factors help large groups to do better. EU gives power and security to small EU member nations. Same way NATO gives security to NATO member nations and NATO partner nations.

The Chinese consider Muslims as threat simply because we have been their neighbors and there have been many ups and downs in the relationship. A 3.3 - 4 billion size Muslim population that is relatively united and having some kind of military alliance will definitely be considered as a threat by any neighbor nations/groups that are smaller in size. You should also take a look at:
Saudi Aramco World :
The Battle of Talas

Wake up will come naturally and automatically, the world is getting smaller and faster with technology, what was hidden before is no longer hidden. So more Muslims will become educated, exposed and more connected to world events and they will connect the dots and figure out that unity is for every one of our benefit. We don't need to have some utopian Khilafa, just incrementally more economic and military relationship, over time it will make a difference.

Agreed, the future looks bright, once you hit bottom, the only way you can go is up.
- continue making babies and have large families
for what? a future war between Muslim versus rest of the humanity? Resources are limited and conflicts are sure to come. and Non-Muslims are not ready to die like dodo's.
This thread title is exactly why we should have abstained from UN summit. It doesn't affect Israelis but it would have sent a clear message.

Those threatening to separate Indian territories will be making the biggest mistake of their lives.

The best solution to all troubles or diplomatic tensions is to keep out of meddling in each other's affairs in an official stance.
This thread title is exactly why we should have abstained from UN summit. It doesn't affect Israelis but it would have sent a clear message.

Those threatening to separate Indian territories will be making the biggest mistake of their lives.

The best solution to all troubles or diplomatic tensions is to keep out of meddling in each other's affairs in an official stance.

Wrong point. Israel does not claim the people in Gaza & West Bank as their own nor are they given equal rights as citizens. India does both in Kashmir, hence no real correlation.

Though imo, India should have abstained on the resolution mentioned. For different reasons.
Wrong point. Israel does not claim the people in Gaza & West Bank as their own nor are they given equal rights as citizens. India does both in Kashmir, hence no real correlation.

Though imo, India should have abstained on the resolution mentioned. For different reasons.

I was meaning the same thing. After all it is our territory bereft of its own people now, which we will change soon.

But that's not the point. The point is, we should have abstained for two things:

1- To truly show that we are not concerned about the conflict and that the other two sort it out themselves.
2- To show those who meddle in our territories using foreign religions as excuses that our patience is wearing thin.
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