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Palestine and Kashmir – One Fire

@MBI Munshi bangladeshis are allowed to visit kashmir.. it seems .. why not visit yourself and make up your mind...
there is no invasion, economic blockade, aerial bombing on kashmir..
govt of India subsidizes kashmir (thousands of crores rupees) otherwise kashmiris would have been much poorer.

People of palestine might be materially better off than kashmiris, but thats because they get lot of aid from other countries.
unlike the rest of the 200 million spread through out India, forming about 10 to 20 % of the pop, the 10 million Muslims are a majority , forming more than 80 % of Kashmir's pop , so they have the right to separation or merge with Pakistan, India's occupation is liiegal

LOL, Modi is known to be a big liar and you silly RSS crack pot believe him ?

there are many areas of india in states like UP, kerla, wb and telengana where muslims form majority. it doesn't mean anything. india is not a hindu country neither it is a muslim country, religion means nothing in india.
unlike the rest of the 200 million spread through out India, forming about 10 to 20 % of the pop, the 10 million Muslims are a majority , forming more than 80 % of Kashmir's pop , so they have the right to separation or merge with Pakistan, India's occupation is liiegal

Kashmiri Muslims are just 3% of India's Muslim population, so what you wrote is nothing more than a joke. :wacko:
there are many areas of india in states like UP, kerla, wb and telengana where muslims form majority. it doesn't mean anything. india is not a hindu country neither it is a muslim country, religion means nothing in india.

Kerala and UP Muslim pop is 24 % and Telangana is 13 % , JK is 77 %

The partition was based on religious divide between Muslim and Hindus and Kashmir being a Muslim majority has no reason to be an Indian state , the annexation of non Hindi speaking states to India union was a joke, as there was no referendum conducted to decide if the non Hindi speaking sates wish to merge with India.
Kerala and UP Muslim pop is 24 % and Telangana is 13 % , JK is 77 %

The partition was based on religious divide between Muslim and Hindus and Kashmir being a Muslim majority has no reason to be an Indian state , the annexation of non Hindi speaking states to India union was a joke, as there was no referendum conducted to decide if the non Hindi speaking sates wish to merge with India.

There were many Muslim minority areas that went to Pakistan also, borders are drawn and it won't be changed, accept that or you have a right to go to hell.
Kerala and UP Muslim pop is 24 % and Telangana is 13 % , JK is 77 %

The partition was based on religious divide between Muslim and Hindus and Kashmir being a Muslim majority has no reason to be an Indian state , the annexation of non Hindi speaking states to India union was a joke, as there was no referendum conducted to decide if the non Hindi speaking sates wish to merge with India.

read my post again..I said certain areas of kerla, and up not whole of kerala and up.

and regarding indian union, i need not know that from a pakistani.
Kerala and UP Muslim pop is 24 % and Telangana is 13 % , JK is 77 %

The partition was based on religious divide between Muslim and Hindus and Kashmir being a Muslim majority has no reason to be an Indian state , the annexation of non Hindi speaking states to India union was a joke, as there was no referendum conducted to decide if the non Hindi speaking sates wish to merge with India.

Pakistan was to created from only 4 Muslim majority provinces of Bengal, Punjab, Sindh and NWFP out of which Punjab and Bengal were to be partitioned and it wasn't extended to any of the 562 princely states.

At the time of partition Muslim League also claimed they are the sole representative of all Indian Muslims, just like they claim they should have Muslim majority Kashmir. :girl_wacko:
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Kerala and UP Muslim pop is 24 % and Telangana is 13 % , JK is 77 %

The partition was based on religious divide between Muslim and Hindus and Kashmir being a Muslim majority has no reason to be an Indian state , the annexation of non Hindi speaking states to India union was a joke, as there was no referendum conducted to decide if the non Hindi speaking sates wish to merge with India.
You must start thinking of writing a revisionist history book on partition of India. It will be a fascinating read.
Kashmiri Muslims are just 3% of India's Muslim population, so what you wrote is nothing more than a joke. :wacko:

Kashmir is not part of India so how the phuck are they 3% of your population
@MBI Munshi mate.....Since when are you UNEMPLOYED??

Don't be DEPRESSED mate, some day we lose, other day we lose more, but lost goes on...................It's part of Bangladesh :rofl:

I am sure, some day, some one, some where, will INDEED buy your Book...............!!!!

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