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Pakistan's WMD

I guess our Nuclear as well as the Missile development programme is secretly compromised by the US through their undercover agents within our govt. as well as eastablishment thats why we not seeing any progress in the further development......:smokin:

the answer to ICBM is not another ICBM. it is a good ground based anti missile and air defense system.
for me, the answer to Agni-V is investment in missile defense shiled, specially considering that the enemy is in range of our conventional MRBM like Shaheen II and Ghauri II!
no need to go ICBM just because Indian have got one, rather develop defense against them
for offense, our Intermediate and Medium Range missiles already cover India!

the answer to ICBM is not another ICBM. it is a good ground based anti missile and air defense system.
for me, the answer to Agni-V is investment in missile defense shiled, specially considering that the enemy is in range of our conventional MRBM like Shaheen II and Ghauri II!
no need to go ICBM just because Indian have got one, rather develop defense against them
for offense, our Intermediate and Medium Range missiles already cover India!


Well said. The only thing that would piss-off the Indians is to have a real ridgid mobile anti-balistic missle system.

ICMB will only attract attention to Pakistan of the wrong kind.

We need to have the following 1) A very strong anti-balistic system
2) A means to go to space
3) Other forms of strategic weapons deterrance other than
putting a nuke on a missiles.
An Israeli answering a Pakistani as if he was another Pakistani!
Please send it to the jokes thread.
the answer to ICBM is not another ICBM. it is a good ground based anti missile and air defense system.
for me, the answer to Agni-V is investment in missile defense shiled, specially considering that the enemy is in range of our conventional MRBM like Shaheen II and Ghauri II!
no need to go ICBM just because Indian have got one, rather develop defense against them
for offense, our Intermediate and Medium Range missiles already cover India!

But Sir I guess West is our biggest enemy right now....we are getting skrewedup from them more than anybody else...:smokin:
What about long range air and missile defence and interceptor, its urgent ned of the hour
But Sir I guess West is our biggest enemy right now....we are getting skrewedup from them more than anybody else...:smokin:

even then, what is there to protect us from west when they come for an attack! we need a strong anti ballistic missile shield, it will serve dual purpose!
we must face this but direct confrontation with west is not a good idea, not econimically, not strategically!
we need to develop a defensive system first, then look for engagement systems so enemy will realize that is wont be easy fight us in presence of our strond defense systems.
anti-ballistic missile system will serve dual purpose.
did you guyz knew the cost to develop a anti-missile shield as compair to ICBM? and will he gives 100% protection NO
i go for ICBM 2 reasons
1. cost less ( our economy :( )
2. you all know the best defense is _______ , you cant protect yourself by blocking the punches you must through some punches in return that immediately stops the opponent to hit you.
New news Pakistan will test another missile.. in response to Agni-V
Look for it from 4/24-4/30 2012

Regards, Pak47.
did you guyz knew the cost to develop a anti-missile shield as compair to ICBM? and will he gives 100% protection NO
i go for ICBM 2 reasons
1. cost less ( our economy :( )
2. you all know the best defense is _______ , you cant protect yourself by blocking the punches you must through some punches in return that immediately stops the opponent to hit you.

Having both increases your survival rate ICMB will only invite more aggression from other nation.
Current counter-ICBM systems

There are only two systems in the world that can intercept ICBMs. Besides them, many smaller systems exist (tactical ABMs), that generally cannot intercept intercontinental strategic missiles, even if within range—an incoming ICBM simply moves too fast for these systems.

The Russian A-35 anti-ballistic missile system for defense of Moscow was established in 1971, has been improved since, and is still active. Presently it is called A-135 and it uses two missile types, Gorgon and Gazelle. They are, somewhat surprisingly, armed with nuclear warheads themselves.

The U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD; previously known as National Missile Defense – NMD) system has recently reached initial operational capability. Instead of using an explosive charge, it launches a kinetic projectile. The George W. Bush administration accelerated development and deployment of a system proposed in 1998 by the Clinton administration. The system is a dual purpose test and interception facility in Alaska, and in 2006 was operational with a few interceptor missiles. The Alaska site provides more protection against North Korean missiles or launches from Russia or China, but is likely less effective against missiles launched from the Middle East. President Bush referenced the 9/11 attacks and the proliferation of ballistic missiles as reasons for missile defense. The current GMD system has the more limited goal of shielding against a limited attack by a rogue state.

Anti-ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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