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Pakistan's WMD

What's the problem if it is tested before that? I think Pakistan already has an inventory of ICBM. It's not politically expedient to test it now, I suppose.

We don't have any ICBM inventory but I do believe that we have the ability and thats what counts.
We don't have any ICBM inventory but I do believe that we have the ability and thats what counts.

Having the ability to build something and having it in the stock are two different things. The US and other super powers certainly have the ability to build hundreds of nukes in days, so why do they have such a large stock-pile of nukes? Even if Pakistan possesses the ability, do you think it will have the time to build and deploy ICBMs during a crisis? I don't think so and that's what really counts.
i think india and pakistan may be having a limited stock of icbms.
If one can manage to send satellites into orbit, having ICBMs should not be a big deal. It's basically the same technology but with different uses.
If one can manage to send satellites into orbit, having ICBMs should not be a big deal. It's basically the same technology but with different uses.

But, Technology of sending satellites i.e., propelling the object out of earth's atmosphere and into the orbit is just 50% of an ICBM technology. The remaining 50% is re-entry into the atmosphere and pointing and delivering the war head on the target. I think we cannot master this technology without testing it. Even if we say both India and Pakistan are doing researches on this area, we cannot say that we have the capability to produce a proper ICBM unless we test it. This is applicable to both India and Pakistan.
Hatf 9
Country: Pakistan
Alternate Name: Nasr
Class: Battlefield Range Ballistic Missile
Basing: MRL Vehicle
Length: ---
Diameter: ---
Launch Weight: ---
Payload: >1K
Warhead: Tactical Nuclear Sub-kiloton (<1 kt) or High-Explosive Conventional
Propulsion: Single-stage rocket motor using Solid Fuel
Range: 60KM
Status: Operational
In Service: 19 April 2011

Nasr, or known by its codename Hatf-&#8552;, is a solid fueled nuclear-capable battlefield range ballistic missile (BRBM) system developed by Pakistan. The missile's existence was first reported after a test-firing on 19 April 2011.It is referred to by Pakistan's Inter Services Public Relations organization as a "Multi Tube Ballistic Missile" because the launch vehicle carries multiple missiles.

The name "Nasr" is an Arabic word meaning "Victory" and is derived from the title of the 110th Sura of the Qur&#8217;an, Surat an-Nasr.

Developed by Pakistan's National Development Complex (NDC), the Hatf IX Nasr has a range of 60 km and is carried by the same Chinese-origin 8x8 high mobility transporter erector launcher (TEL) as the Pakistan Army's AR-1A / A-100E 300mm Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). The TEL platform appears to carry two missiles which are erected before launch and it is believed that the missile range could be extended.
The diameter of the Nasr suggests that it is designed to carry a tactical nuclear warhead weighing less than 1 kg. This would be a boosted fission device using less than 1 kg of weapons grade plutonium, boosted with up to 4-5 grams of tritium. The resulting yield would be in the sub-kiloton range and would be suitable for battlefield use. A sophisticated nuclear trigger mechanism would also be required.

The Hatf IX Nasr seems to prove that Pakistan is capable of building small nuclear warheads for all types of delivery platforms and that the production of weapons grade plutonium by Pakistan will not be halted in the foreseeable future.
Indian Agni Missiles Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: DRDO

5:38 PM Qamar No comments

Indian Agni Missiles Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: DRDO ~ Pakistan Military Review

Indian Agni-IV Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles

6:00 PM Qamar No comments

Indian scientist has said that Agni-IV strategic ballistic missile is Pakistani missiles. The Vijay Kumar Saraswat is head of the DRDO and serves as a chief scientific advisor to the Indian Defence Minister.

The Vijay Kumar Saraswat said that Agni-IV is comparable to the Pershing ballistic missiles which were produced by the Americans. He said, "If I am comparing Agni-IV with Pershing-I or Pershing-II missiles in terms of technology...I am talking in terms of technology, not in terms of range, as Pershing missiles have higher range...it meets global standards." India has recently test fired Agni-IV ballistic missile.

Pakistan also have arsenal of Shaheen-I, Shaheen-II and Ghauri ballistic missiles along with Babur ground launched cruise missile (GLCM) and Ra'ad air launched cruise missile(ALCM).
What is Tipu and if it is developed what will be its expected range ? :what:
Indian Agni Missiles Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: DRDO

5:38 PM Qamar No comments

Indian Agni Missiles Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles: DRDO ~ Pakistan Military Review

Indian Agni-IV Better Than Pakistani Ballistic Missiles

6:00 PM Qamar No comments

Indian scientist has said that Agni-IV strategic ballistic missile is Pakistani missiles. The Vijay Kumar Saraswat is head of the DRDO and serves as a chief scientific advisor to the Indian Defence Minister.

The Vijay Kumar Saraswat said that Agni-IV is comparable to the Pershing ballistic missiles which were produced by the Americans. He said, "If I am comparing Agni-IV with Pershing-I or Pershing-II missiles in terms of technology...I am talking in terms of technology, not in terms of range, as Pershing missiles have higher range...it meets global standards." India has recently test fired Agni-IV ballistic missile.

Pakistan also have arsenal of Shaheen-I, Shaheen-II and Ghauri ballistic missiles along with Babur ground launched cruise missile (GLCM) and Ra'ad air launched cruise missile(ALCM).

The head of DRDO Vijay Kumar Saraswat cannot afford to say otherwise-
But Lying at this age is very bad manners :D
What is Tipu and if it is developed what will be its expected range ? :what:

There is no confirmation about Tipu.Only on forum, these rumor are available about existence of of Tipu with possible range of more than 7000km which is ideal for ICBM.
The head of DRDO Vijay Kumar Saraswat cannot afford to say otherwise-
But Lying at this age is very bad manners :D

This is not first time DRDO made false claim.
But this a time now, Pakistan should response by testing some thing new with atleast range 3500km.
Yea! our govt. is sleeping don't wanna do any test in response of the Indian tests...I guess their Western masters not letting them do it,looks like they still their slaves.....very very sad for us.....:smokin:
we shold have done 10 tests by now in their response for the balance of power within the region....:angry:
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