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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

5 huge reserves of oil and gas discovered in Badin during one year


Any details? - scientific data?

Our media is notorious for exaggerating these sort of news.
"Barray" in Urdu is a relative term.... does not translate exactly to "huge" nor does it mean "medium", it's something towards medium, however, not exactly. Media needs to be sanctioned from making such stupid comments, and announce all such discoveries in volumetric terms only. There should be a "anti-stupidity" legislation for abuse of mass-media. :pissed:

Any details? - scientific data?

Our media is notorious for exaggerating these sort of news.
Pakistan’s misguided energy policy

By Laique Rehman

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Power projects rely on costly imported fuel oil, imported coal and now plans are underway for importing high price natural gas or LNG at a multiple of the money paid for domestic gas. The country will be a lot better off to raise the current price paid for domestic gas so as to open up new fields for development.

History has shown that countries that develop their indigenous natural resources against all odds even at high economic costs are the eventual winners. Our recent history has shown the development of presumably economically unfeasible North Sea oil project paid rich dividends to the nations of Northern Europe several times over. Shale gas until some years ago was considered uneconomical or unfeasible and today it is being hailed as the greatest miracle of the 21st century that is going to place USA again as the global leader of economic growth and bring a manufacturing renaissance to US economy.

Unlike many countries Pakistan is rich in natural resources and successive government after 1969 have not put their will or resources towards developing them.

At 183 billion metric tonnes, Pakistan has the largest untapped coal reserves in the world. In terms of BTU Pakistan’s coal reserves can be compared to Saudi oil reserves. Most countries like China, Germany, USA and others fulfill about 50 percent or more of their energy needs through coal. Critics of developing Pakistani coal should know that Thar coal is lignite similar that found in Texas or North Dakota in US, or that used in Germany or Mongolia. Pakistan’s coal is superior to coal used by many countries. It is true that lignite coal is the lower quality coal because of this cannot be exported and has to be used for power generation. The advantage of lignite coal is it can also be used for Petrochemical Production like it is being used in China for production of methanol, olefins and PVC.

According to EIA maps below Pakistan and China are the only countries in Asia with heavy concentration of Shale.

China’s shale gas concentrations are located inland and far away from water, which makes their production more expensive at least double that of US at $4.0 per MMBTU. Pakistan’s shale concentration is at the South East region of the country and close to water. Also it must be noted shale gas development initially carried out in US was not by US majors but by small and mid-size companies. Today only US companies have the experience of developing shale gas.

Pakistan does not have the manufacturing base of countries like South Korea or Japan to rely on running the economy based on imported fuels. Economic development of a country is tied to energy costs, today power costs in Texas are around 3.5 cents per KWh versus 10 cents in Thailand, 7.0 in Indonesia and 12 cents in India. One of the reasons for cheap power costs in Texas is our free market policies unlike those of countries in Europe which rely on the green solutions like solar, wind and bio.

In summary Pakistan is lucky to have indigenous resources like hydro, coal, gas (both conventional and unconventional) plus access to nuclear. The new incoming government needs to show their will in developing their indigenous energy resources instead of looking for aid to import more oil. The incoming administration needs to go after Thar coal project, hydropower, gas and shale gas development with the same determination that was shown by Ayub Khan government in developing sui gas, Mangla Dam and Tarbela Dam more than 40 years ago.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Govt seeks US help for, Shale oil, gas exploration

Khalid MustafaSaturday, November 09, 2013

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad intends to seek from help from the US for the exploration of gas reserves, as well as credit lines for the construction of the Diamer-Basha dam, top officials of the ministries of petroleum and natural resources told The News.

The officials said that technical help is being sought for reliable oil and gas reserves assessment along with technology and expertise to exploit shale gas reserves. Pakistan is also to seek cooperation in installing the coal based power projects, funding for improving the transmission system and improving the efficiency of the Gencos and Discos.

Aid is also being sought to fund the $ 1.4 billion 1250 kilometers long pipeline from Karachi to Lahore, as well as the participation of US companies in the Joint Ventures with public sector entities to accelerate the exploration and production activities in Pakistan.

According to EIA (Energy Information Administration) — American federal authority on energy statistics and analysis, Pakistan is estimated to have fresh recoverable shale gas reserves of 105 trillion cubic feet (TCF) and more than nine billion barrels of oil in Pakistan.

These estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves are many times larger than so far proven reserves of 24 TCF for gas and about 300 million barrels for oil. Pakistan currently produces about 4.2 billion cubic feet of gas and about 70,000 barrels of oil per day.

Shale gas had seen tremendous developments in the United States and a couple of other countries were trying to use the latest technology. Pakistan was also encouraging exploration and production companies to venture into these fresh horizon,” the officials said

A high level delegation headed by Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Mr Shahid Khaqan Abbasi comprising managing directors of OGDCL, PPL, PSO, Sui Southern and Sui Northern will hold the talks with US authorities in Washington and Houston from November 12th on cooperation in energy sector. Another delegation of energy officials led by Minister of Water and Power Khawaja Asif will also travel to Washington for similar discussions.

Pakistan also wants to lay a separate gas pipeline from Karachi to Lahore which will carry imported LNG to cater to the country’s dire energy needs. The LNG will first be transformed into natural gas then it will be transported to Punjab through the said pipeline.

The existing gas infrastructure has the capacity to carry additional 250 mmcfd under swap arrangements. Therefore the government plans to import 2 billion cubic feet of LNG per day in the next two and a half years, with 200-400 mmcfd to arrive by November 1, 2014.

US help is also sought in installing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to curtail the volume of unaccounted for gas (UFG) and also to help in providing precious details about gas pressure at the point where meters will be installed.

In Sui Southern, one percent UFG has been curtailed to 9.9 from 10.9 percent which means Rs 1.2 billion has been saved. However, UFG stands at the higher side in the system of Sui Northern at over 11 percent. One percent UFG in Sui Northern system means the loss of Rs 2 billion.

In addition, the government will also seek the technical know from US in the ongoing rehabilitation of the gas infrastructure being carried out in the wake of the gas leakage survey in the Sui southern system. That’s likely to come to about $ 20 million.

“We will also seek the US expertise in discovery the huge resources of shale gas, tide gas and coal bed methane in Pakistan,” the official said and added saying that US companies are 40 year ahead of any developing country’s companies in terms of service delivery and expertise in discovery of shale gas and other minerals.

He said that OGDCL and PPL will seek the US companies in joint ventures for exploring gas both in onshore and off shore fields.

Govt seeks US help for Basha, shale gas exploration - thenews.com.pk
Govt seeks US help for, Shale oil, gas exploration

Khalid MustafaSaturday, November 09, 2013

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad intends to seek from help from the US for the exploration of gas reserves, as well as credit lines for the construction of the Diamer-Basha dam, top officials of the ministries of petroleum and natural resources told The News.

The officials said that technical help is being sought for reliable oil and gas reserves assessment along with technology and expertise to exploit shale gas reserves. Pakistan is also to seek cooperation in installing the coal based power projects, funding for improving the transmission system and improving the efficiency of the Gencos and Discos.

Aid is also being sought to fund the $ 1.4 billion 1250 kilometers long pipeline from Karachi to Lahore, as well as the participation of US companies in the Joint Ventures with public sector entities to accelerate the exploration and production activities in Pakistan.

According to EIA (Energy Information Administration) — American federal authority on energy statistics and analysis, Pakistan is estimated to have fresh recoverable shale gas reserves of 105 trillion cubic feet (TCF) and more than nine billion barrels of oil in Pakistan.

These estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves are many times larger than so far proven reserves of 24 TCF for gas and about 300 million barrels for oil. Pakistan currently produces about 4.2 billion cubic feet of gas and about 70,000 barrels of oil per day.

Shale gas had seen tremendous developments in the United States and a couple of other countries were trying to use the latest technology. Pakistan was also encouraging exploration and production companies to venture into these fresh horizon,” the officials said

A high level delegation headed by Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Mr Shahid Khaqan Abbasi comprising managing directors of OGDCL, PPL, PSO, Sui Southern and Sui Northern will hold the talks with US authorities in Washington and Houston from November 12th on cooperation in energy sector. Another delegation of energy officials led by Minister of Water and Power Khawaja Asif will also travel to Washington for similar discussions.

Pakistan also wants to lay a separate gas pipeline from Karachi to Lahore which will carry imported LNG to cater to the country’s dire energy needs. The LNG will first be transformed into natural gas then it will be transported to Punjab through the said pipeline.

The existing gas infrastructure has the capacity to carry additional 250 mmcfd under swap arrangements. Therefore the government plans to import 2 billion cubic feet of LNG per day in the next two and a half years, with 200-400 mmcfd to arrive by November 1, 2014.

US help is also sought in installing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to curtail the volume of unaccounted for gas (UFG) and also to help in providing precious details about gas pressure at the point where meters will be installed.

In Sui Southern, one percent UFG has been curtailed to 9.9 from 10.9 percent which means Rs 1.2 billion has been saved. However, UFG stands at the higher side in the system of Sui Northern at over 11 percent. One percent UFG in Sui Northern system means the loss of Rs 2 billion.

In addition, the government will also seek the technical know from US in the ongoing rehabilitation of the gas infrastructure being carried out in the wake of the gas leakage survey in the Sui southern system. That’s likely to come to about $ 20 million.

“We will also seek the US expertise in discovery the huge resources of shale gas, tide gas and coal bed methane in Pakistan,” the official said and added saying that US companies are 40 year ahead of any developing country’s companies in terms of service delivery and expertise in discovery of shale gas and other minerals.

He said that OGDCL and PPL will seek the US companies in joint ventures for exploring gas both in onshore and off shore fields.

Govt seeks US help for Basha, shale gas exploration - thenews.com.pk
Not Good Not Good.
Why not? Please enlighten us.
American companies r not good.. Russian Companies should have been there or even turkish.
Let me give a an Indian example;; They found some natural reserves in their country and they launched a tender for extraction lot of American companies were interested but they chose to give to a small Polish company from who they got the transfer of technology and now they r extracting Gold and other resources from Afghanistan!!!

These American Companies will just loot our minerals and will give a puny share rather these r the sources on whom Pak has biggest right. Let not forget that Baluch Goldmine Scam. 
Seems to me that recent Ganja visit to America has made this happen behind closed doors and he would have earned personal benefits.
American companies r not good.. Russian Companies should have been there or even turkish.
Let me give a an Indian example;; They found some natural reserves in their country and they launched a tender for extraction lot of American companies were interested but they chose to give to a small Polish company from who they got the transfer of technology and now they r extracting Gold and other resources from Afghanistan!!!

These American Companies will just loot our minerals and will give a puny share rather these r the sources on whom Pak has biggest right. Let not forget that Baluch Goldmine Scam. 
Seems to me that recent Ganja visit to America has made this happen behind closed doors and he would have earned personal benefits.

Hang on, calm down. No other nation except the US has the technology needed to extract Shale reserves - does that help you?
Jura announces gas discovery in Pakistan
February 18, 2014
By PennEnergy Editorial Staff
Source: Jura Energy Corporation

Jura Energy Corporation ("Jura") (TSX:JEC) today announced a gas and condensate discovery at the Ayesha-1 exploration well in the Badin IV South block.

The Ayesha-1 well was completed in the 'B' Sands of the Lower Goru Formation of Cretaceous age. During a short test on 32/64 inch choke, the well flowed gas with a heating value of approximately 1,000 Btu/Scf at a rate of 11.34 MMcf/d and a wellhead flowing pressure of 1,998 psi. The condensate to gas ratio was in the range of 10-12 bbl/MMcf with minimal water cut production. Detailed testing of Ayesha-1 will continue over the next few days.

Anticipated future production from the Ayesha-1 discovery is expected to be entitled to a gas price of US$6 per MMBtu under Pakistan‟s Petroleum (Exploration & Production) Policy, 2012.

Shahid Hameed, CEO of Jura, commented on the Ayesha-1 test results saying: "We are delighted with the successful test results. Given Ayesha-1's proximity to existing processing and pipeline infrastructure, this commercial discovery could be brought into production on a fast-track basis. Our Badar and Guddu fields are already in production and first gas production is anticipated from Zarghun South in the first half of 2014."

The drilling rig has now been released from Ayesha-1 and mobilized for the drilling of another exploration well, Haleema-1, in the Badin IV South block. The drilling of Haleema-1 is expected to commence in the first week of March 2014.

Jura holds a 27.5% working interest in the Badin IV South block, which is operated by Petroleum Exploration (Pvt) Limited.
badin, Jabo, Khaskhli, Tando Ala Yar, this block is very rich, worked for one of the operators in the region
Pakistan to witness increased exploration activity in 2014
07 February, 2014

KARACHI: As far as exploration and production (E&P) sector is concerned, 2014 will be the year of renewed focus on exploration activity in zones I and II while the incentives offered in the new E&P Policy 2012 and low British thermal unit (BTU) gas policy will spur activity in the country, said an analyst.

KASB Scurrilities' analyst said in a report on Thursday that oil and gas stocks yielded solid results in 2013, and while we enter 2014 with some concerns over oil prices, there are enough stock-specific catalysts to keep the bears away. In terms of exploration activities, 2013 turned out to be a dull year for E&P companies. Tal block exploration drilling continued its successful journey (Makori East III), while overall exploration activity remained dull.

In terms of stock performance, Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) underperformed by 5.0 percent and 4.0 percent, respectively, in complete year (although posting a very decent return on a standalone basis as the market rose by a whopping 49 percent), while Pakistan Oilfields (POL) underperformed by a margin of 35 percent. The analyst believed three key themes will play out in 2014 such as exploration activity picking up in zones I and II, timely completion of key development projects and shale oil and gas policy.

Pakistan is an energy deficit country and around 27 percent of total energy requirements are being met through imports, with demand expected to grow substantially in coming years. Low BTU gas policy will spur activity in the country, as it meets demand for higher realised prices for both oil and gas by exploration companies, said the analyst.

The government will also focus on timely delivery of development timelines on existing as well as newly discovered fields. Some of the projects were redesigned for early production (KPD, Sinjhoro, Mela, Naspha, Uch, Sara West, Tal, Zin and Jhal Magsi), while work on other projects accelerated.

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) report, Pakistan was estimated to have fresh recoverable shale gas reserves of 105 trillion cubic feet and more than 9.0 billion barrels of oil. The government has started to work on shale gas policy and is conducting studies to evaluate the full potential of the shale oil and gas reserves. The analyst believed an attractive policy will be announced this year so that full throttle exploration could start by the fourth quarter of 2014, the analyst added.


Pakistan to witness increased exploration activity in 2014 - PakTribune
The ministry of petroleum and natural resources Friday signed the Exploration Licenses (ELs) and Petroleum Concession Agreements (PCAs) in eight blocks with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) and Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL) for exploring oil and gas resources in the country.

The total area of aforesaid blocks is 16,117.09 sq km and minimum firm work commitment is US $ 49.58 million. Apart from minimum work commitment, companies are obligated to spend a minimum of US $ 30,000/year in each block on social welfare schemes.

The ministry has already signed 12 exploration license (EL)/Petroleum Concession Agreement (PCA) to explore hydrocarbon resources. On the occasion, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said these license were awarded for four blocks including Block No. 2562-1 (Pasni West), 3070-16 (Pezu) , 2970-6 (Alipur), and 2870-7 (Khanpur) with OGDCL, three for block No. 2566-4 (Hab), 2467-13 (Malir) and 2467-16 (Shah Bandar) with PPL and one for block No. 3371-16 (Peshawar East) with MPCL.

He said the government was giving high priority to exploration and production sector to exploit and develop indigenous hydrocarbon resources to abridge the oil and gas demand supply gap.

Eight oil and gas exploration licenses signed | Pakistan Today

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