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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Pakistan has more shale oil than Canada, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) report released on June 13, 2013.


The US EIA report estimates Pakistan's total shale oil reserves at 227 billion barrels of which 9.1 billion barrels are technically recoverable with today's technology. In addition, the latest report says Pakistan has 586 trillion cubic feet of shale gas of which 105 trillion cubic feet (up from 51 trillion cubic feet reported in 2011) is technically recoverable with current technology.

The top ten countries by shale oil reserves include Russia (75 billion barrels), United States (58 billion barrels), China (32 billion barrels), Argentina (27 billion barrels), Libya (26 billion barrels), Venezuela (13 billion barrels), Mexico (13 billion barrels), Pakistan (9.1 billion barrels), Canada (8.8 billion barrels) and Indonesia (8 billion barrels).

Pakistan's current annual consumption of oil is only 150 million barrels. Even if it more than triples in the next few years, the 9.1 billion barrels currently technically recoverable would be enough for over 18 years. Similarly, even if Pakistan current gas demand of 1.6 trillion cubic feet triples in the next few years, it can be met with 105 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas for more than 20 years. And with newer technologies on the horizon, the level of technically recoverable shale oil and gas resources could increase substantially in the future.


Source: US EIA Report 2013

As can be seen in the shale resource map, most of Pakistan's shale oil and gas resources are located in the lower Indus basin region, particularly in Ranikot and Sembar shale formations.



Source: US EIA Report 2013

Since the middle of the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution has transformed the world. Energy has become the life-blood of modern economies. Energy-hungry machines are now doing more and more of the work at much higher levels of productivity than humans and animals who did it in pre-industrial era. Every modern, industrial society in history has gone through a 20-year period where there was extremely large investment in the power sector, and availability of ample electricity made the transition from a privilege of an urban elite to something every family would have. If Pakistan wishes to join the industrialized world, it will have to do the same by having a comprehensive energy policy and large investments in the power sector. Failure to do so would condemn Pakistanis to a life of poverty and backwardness.

The availability of large domestic shale oil and gas expands the opportunity to reduce Pakistan's dependence on imports to overcome the current energy crisis and to fuel the industrial economy. But it'll only be possible with high priority given to investments in developing the energy sector of the country.

Haq's Musings: US EIA Estimates Pak Shale Oil Reserves at 9.1 Billion Barrels

Original Source:

EIA: Pakistan's Shale Oil & Gas reserves.
Been hearing about big discoveries for the past 6 yrs in Pakistan . no utilization though.

Sir are you able post the real sources too?
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I have never seen him posting the real source of news, rather than his own blog post.
Been hearing about big discoveries for the past 6 yrs in Pakistan . no utilization though.

Can you name a few of these discoveries.
Can you name a few of these discoveries.

search in pdf , they keep cropping up . recently one came up started by one of our Mods in 2008, people were still discussing it but no steps taken to extract it.
there are more . but i am in the office and dont have time to search.
search in pdf , they keep cropping up . recently one came up started by one of our Mods in 2008, people were still discussing it but no steps taken to extract it.
there are more . but i am in the office and dont have time to search.

This thread is about oil and gas and not coal. Why quote irrelevant topic.
This thread is about oil and gas and not coal. Why quote irrelevant topic.

I meant huge discoveries of natural reserves are found a lot , never exploited. refute that .
Been hearing about big discoveries for the past 6 yrs in Pakistan . no utilization though.
sorry donot worry our leaders are not interested to explore them
I meant huge discoveries of natural reserves are found a lot , never exploited. refute that .

The work is continuing but at slow pace because of the involvement of government departments. Federal and provincial governments are both involved. When ever bureaucrats get involved in a project it is bound to get delayed.

Here is the government of Sindh department website link:

Coal, Natural Gas, Shale Oil - We don't have dearth of energy resources. We just lack the will to make things happen. Hopefully we have turned the corner on that front.
sorry donot worry our leaders are not interested to explore them

Or they are saving it for future.. I remember my childhood, I use to eat my chocolate while my younger brother save his choclate till we consume ours.. :P

By the way, I am thinking how India can drain out all Pakistani shale gas's' through Rajsthan... :P
Been hearing about big discoveries for the past 6 yrs in Pakistan . no utilization though.

The result of corruption and/or incompetence.

There are those who want to keep importing oil and gas since they make a commission from their sale (same thing occurs in the US) and then there were previous governments who refused to raise the tax to GDP ratio to 17% which could have raised the funds necessary for these projects.

If Pakistan takes 4% of the GDP and invest it in a 6000 MW combined cycle natural gas plants (increase production from fields we're already producing from because the necessary infrastructure already exists to transport electricity) which can be constructed in as little as 20 months they meet the current electricity shortfall and future short term needs. Afterwards the economy goes back to growing at 8+% a year and they can raise the tax to GDP ratio to 18% (17% to meet the budget and the extra 1% to invest in future power generation to ensure the country never experiences another energy crisis).

However, if what I'm reading is correct, Nawaz does seem to be making some headway (though his tax increases appear to be targeting the poor and middle class a lot more than they are the wealthy).
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