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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

Here's an OilPrice editorial on oil and gas potential in FATA:

Pakistan’s Tribal Areas (FATA) and Frontier Regions (FR) are believed to have massive reserves of oil and natural gas—which Pakistani officials have suddenly become very keen to demonstrate. But this is a highly restive, war-torn area where one right move could make all the difference, and one wrong move could ignite a conflict with irreversible consequences.

For now, the area remains unexplored and it was only in 2008 when Pakistani geologists began to study the area in earnest, with the support of the local authorities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and the Frontier Region (FR). The results of this research were collected, processed and digitized in June 2012. The geologists discovered seven new oil and gas seepages during the mapping. The geologists also claim that 11 oil and gas exploration companies have already reserved 16 blocks in Fata.

The potential:

• Pakistani geologists say Fata in particular is poised to become a “new oil state” whose production could rival Dubai’s in only five years
• The FR is bursting at the seams with gas, so they say

Here’s what the interest looks like so far:

• 17 companies have initiated operations in Fata/FR (in Khyber, Orakzai, North and South Waziristan, Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu, Tank and DI Khan)
• Tullow has been active in Pakistan since 1991,…

Tapping into Pakistan's Massive Oil and Gas Reserves

How accurate is this?

The potential:

• Pakistani geologists say Fata in particular is poised to become a “new oil state” whose production could rival Dubai’s in only five years
• The FR is bursting at the seams with gas, so they say

Tapping into Pakistan's Massive Oil and Gas Reserves

So they say. New Oil State? Bursting at the seams?

More fiction.
@Aeronaut This report has already been posted by Riaz Haq, and indicates "technically recoverable" reserves. The report also highlight the requirements for economical extraction, none of which are present in Pakistan. A dose of reality is needed before going all euphoric about breaking any bowls.
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This indeed is our ONLY chance to industrialize Pakistan. We must have a robust, industrialization strategy,endorsed as a 'core national interest,never to be interfered with any political party.'

Should Pakistan,get the maximum out of these reserves,as well as our gas reserves ONLY for domestic demand,we could save huge forex which can be used for economic development.

We must allow the American and Chinese firms to invest as well as our own small oil companies. Pakistan doesn't need an overnight miracle,to realize our potential.

True,visionary leadership is required to turn this poor nuclear power into a proud member of the global top 10 economic club. This may well be our finest chance,to effectively fight the economic battle with India.

one cannot unless they master the technology to take it out, be it the mining gold and extracting shale oil, giving it to other will give you pennies on a dollar.
We need to learn to separate economy from politics.

When Bhutto came, he reversed all of ayub's policies. Our downhill journey started in 1970s. And since then we have been going downhill. Its a shameful thing to admit that our country, 180 million strong, is like a beggar asking for a few billions of support from here or there.

If Ayub's policies were to continue without political interference, i think we would at least have been a semi industrialized country.

Most important thing to note now is that we must forget about producing energy from imported resources. We have to start find as many fuel resources within country as possible. For industrialization and stable economy, we need cheap energy production. Its also very important from national security point of view. A weak or developing nation cant depend on foreign fuels.
This indeed is our ONLY chance to industrialize Pakistan. We must have a robust, industrialization strategy,endorsed as a 'core national interest,never to be interfered with any political party.'

Should Pakistan,get the maximum out of these reserves,as well as our gas reserves ONLY for domestic demand,we could save huge forex which can be used for economic development.

We must allow the American and Chinese firms to invest as well as our own small oil companies. Pakistan doesn't need an overnight miracle,to realize our potential.

True,visionary leadership is required to turn this poor nuclear power into a proud member of the global top 10 economic club. This may well be our finest chance,to effectively fight the economic battle with India.

It would be far more wiser a move to even allow Indian oil companies as it would deepen economic cooperation and prevent future wars.

There is no economic battle between India and Pakistan as i know because we just refuse to increase trade ties.
God has gifted Pakistan with many such blessings
There are foreign interests in these blessings thats why these puppets governments closes their eyes on these facts
does 9 billion barrels of potential shale oil reserves equal 8.64 trillion $...?

what is a barrel of oil today - $100 or so
@Argus Panoptes

'Technically recoverable with today's technology.'

No one is dreaming of an overnight miracle oil boom. Its our strategic asset and soon will be available as the technology progresses.

@fatman17 Today's price sir.

@niaz whats your opinion sir?
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This indeed is our ONLY chance to industrialize Pakistan. We must have a robust, industrialization strategy,endorsed as a 'core national interest,never to be interfered with any political party.'

Should Pakistan,get the maximum out of these reserves,as well as our gas reserves ONLY for domestic demand,we could save huge forex which can be used for economic development.

We must allow the American and Chinese firms to invest as well as our own small oil companies. Pakistan doesn't need an overnight miracle,to realize our potential.

True,visionary leadership is required to turn this poor nuclear power into a proud member of the global top 10 economic club. This may well be our finest chance,to effectively fight the economic battle with India.

It was a great post until you wrote the bold part


You just had to add that ?
Here's an Express Tribune piece on oil and gas prospects in FATA:

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Frontier Regions (FR) have enormous reserves of minerals, oil and natural gas that can augment economic activity in the war-torn areas, a research project concluded.
Talking to The Express Tribune ‘Source Rock Mapping and Investigation of Hydrocarbon Potential (SRMIHP)’ Project Coordinator Dr Fazal Rabi Khan said that exploration and excavation of oil and gas will introduce a new era of development and prosperity in the tribal areas.
“There can be many job opportunities created for people in the tribal belt if mineral exploration and extraction is pursued properly,” said Khan, who is also the chairman of the Geology Department in Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Palosa Campus).
The project was launched in 2008 under an agreement between the Fata Development Authority and National Centre of Excellence in Geology University of Peshawar. The project, which was completed at an estimated cost Rs40 million, was completed in June 2012.
Khan said that their objectives include identifying hydrocarbon generating rocks and its distribution in the region, preparing a geo-database regarding hydrocarbon potential and generating a systematic data to attract oil and gas companies for exploration.

The project has successfully collected, processed and digitised the data as a result of which, 80% of the project area has been mapped digitally. “This mapping has led to the discovery of seven new oil and gas seepages.”
He added that 11 oil and gas exploration companies have reserved 16 blocks in Fata, which go across from FR Peshawar and Kohat to Khyber, Orakzai, Bannu, Tank and up to North and South Waziristan.

He said that recently 17 oil and gas exploration companies initiated their operations in Khyber, Orakzai, North and South Waziristan agencies as well as in FR Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu, Tank and DI Khan.
Khan said that Mari Gas Company, HYCARBEX Inc, Oil and Gas Development Company, Tullow, Saif Energy, MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas, Orient Petroleum International, Pakistan Petroleum, ZHEN, ZAVER and others are currently working in Fata.
Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC) will start drilling in these areas for the exploration of oil and gas reservoirs. The chairman said that the foreign oil company, Tullow, has obtained a licence for the exploration of oil and gas in North Waziristan Agency and Bannu, while MOL has shown interest in Khyber Agency, Kohat and Peshawar.
“Although law and order problems can become a hindrance, the project can be managed considering its importance,” he added.....

FATA, FR regions abundant in oil, gas, says report – The Express Tribune
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