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Pakistan's slice of the moon

lol. You think? Maybe other might have similiar views about your dress. That dress is what they wore when they conquered half the world as Ottoman Empire.

No others don't have similar views this dress just looks strange
I am talking about my family members friends relatives etc who cares what some angrez thinks
To a degree you are right only. Many Germans are Catholic. Is there correlation in the economic sphere between Cath/Prot divide?


The French are Catholic majority but they spearheaded European success.

Does that strike you in anyway? Why does Imran feel obliged to dress like that? Is that pride thing? But then then don't Erdogan and Mahatir not have pride? Both of those countries are economic tigers but their leaders do not feel that they have to out and make ostentatious statements with something as superficial as attirre. Mahatir is over 90 years old but look how he is dressed.

This exposes the mindset. Erdogan and Mahatir are looking forward and show that for progress they will adapt. PMIK is displaying a backward mindset that still is fishing in the past and says "we got to go more in the past to make progress and I will not adopt to the modern world". PMIK is exposition of luddite whereas Erdogan and Mahatir progress and adaptation.

Out of all catholics the French were very different. Lets not forget they overthrew the clergy basically industralised themselves. They were also rivals with many protestants states like prussia, british and the dutch.

What matters is pay attention to the advances and bring that stuff home rather than sleeping or being boastful pride full of arrogance.

Something which Muslims, Chinese you name it failed due to their close mindness.
Something which Muslims, Chinese you name it failed due to their close mindness.
Which you [Turks] or Malays have overcome but we in Pakistan are still locked in close mindness and slave to past/tradition. That can be seen in how Erdogan, Mahatir are dressed and how our PM is dressed. This is a man who was once a playboy and toast of London. Yet here he is hostage to the past and celebrating close mindness.

It's not the dress but the pyschology behind it.
Yeah, Dawn's resident physicist. His contribution to science in the last 20 years is b1tching on Dawn.
You do know he is sat with FATA tribals. And you also know their views right? The term 'close mindness' is not even begin to explain their views.

Being Playboy etc he was like any other rich Pakistani man mostly Pakistanis do all these things in early age and latter become religious
but is better than others like he is not corrupt sttruggled against corruption made Shaukat Khannum etc
Its funny that every billionare be it musk, amazon owner or others, all want to build humans settlements on mars and shift us there, but no one is ready to help us preserve the world.

To be fair, Musk has Tesla, the Electric Vehicle company.

Though I don't like a vehicle run on combustible Lithium-ion type of batteries. There is another EV car project called Quantino which seems to be more innovative :





That being said, I think the one way trip to mars is worthless and foolish to consider when you are aware of the ground conditions and ready to sacrifice your comfort for that... you will literally die in 2-3 years and will suffer from diseases like cancer, bone fractures, and others.

About bone fractures, I think more than Mars it is travel through space that will cause such effects. I read somewhere that if a spacecraft is spun four rotations a minute it will give enough simulation of gravity that cancels out bone weakness.

those who says we ready for one way mars trip, i suggest first go spend some 2 months in gobbi desert or any other desert that have no human settlement in 100’s of miles ..

1. There are research stations in Antarctica that have similar wilderness and cold that Mars has.

2. There is the MDRS ( Mars Desert Research Station ) in USA and FMARS station that provide analog environments and training for eventual Mars living. Both are run by the USA-based Mars Society. @Hamartia Antidote , you can try applying for their next round of "Martians".

3. There was the Mars-500 experiment to simulate travel to Mars, descent to Mars, living on Mars and ascent from Mars. This program was a collaboration between Russia, China and ESA. The wiki says - "The experiment yielded important data on the physiological, social and psychological effects of long-term close-quarters isolation."

Until there is a way to extend your mortal life to something greater I have zero interest in space travel

I am sure, removed from Earthly political and social problems, the first hundred Martians will find out ways to extend mortal life.

All these subjects all useless and most of the students chose these subjects

Philosophy should have been part of schooling in South Asia especially, given how regressive / backward our society is.

Disaster Management again should be part of education. Right now in India, a lot of India is in floods and the rest is in drought, all because of mismanagement of resources and irrigation, and wrong construction and management of cities.
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To be fair, Musk has Tesla, the Electric Vehicle company.

Though I don't like a vehicle run on combustible Lithium-ion type of batteries. There is another EV car project called Quantino which seems to be more innovative

Study showed An electric car breakeven for its carbon emission it caused during its manufacturing will take 15 years. Usually people scrape their vehicles after 8-10 years of use (in western and european countries ofcourse). So is tesla really helping ? I dont think so..

About bone fractures, I think more than Mars it is travel through space that will cause such effects. I read somewhere that if a spacecraft is spun four rotations a minute it will give enough simulation of gravity that cancels out bone weakness

Solution Only “promise” to solve one issue. What about 100 others ?

1. There are research stations in Antarctica that have similar wilderness and cold that Mars has.

2. There is the MDRS ( Mars Desert Research Station ) in USA and FMARS station that provide analog environments and training for eventual Mars living. Both are run by the USA-based Mars Society. @Hamartia Antidote , you can try to apply for their next round of "Martians".

3. There was the Mars-500 experiment to simulate travel to Mars, descent to Mars, living on Mars and ascent from Mars. This program was a collaboration between Russia, China and ESA. The wiki says - "The experiment yielded important data on the physiological, social and psychological effects of long-term close-quarters isolation

I know about that .. but these stations are meant for professional astronauts. What about us who want to travel mars ? The suggestion was for those. I dont think they will make it even for one month in any such station
Study showed An electric car breakeven for its carbon emission it caused during its manufacturing will take 15 years. Usually people scrape their vehicles after 8-10 years of use (in western and european countries ofcourse). So is tesla really helping ? I dont think so..

I agree, which is why I am against private ownership of cars / transport.

Solution Only “promise” to solve one issue. What about 100 others ?

That will be known only when we travel.

The International Space Station and the Mir space station before that, has given a lot of knowledge about living in space. Plus, the Mars-500 experiment.

but these stations are meant for professional astronauts. What about us who want to travel mars ? The suggestion was for those.

Actually, non-professional astronauts can apply for living in the MDRS station. Go through this link.

Plus, there was the now-cancelled Mars One program that called for anyone interested to go Mars.
That will be known only when we travel.

The International Space Station and the Mir space station before that, has given a lot of knowledge about living in space. Plus, the Mars-500 experiment

Hence a station on the moon should be first priority...

Plus, there was the now-cancelled Mars One program that called for anyone interested to go Mars

Such initiatives on a private/corporate level are tough to take hence you would see SpaceX failing to even deliver 80% of what it promised .
Hence a station on the moon should be first priority...

If a Moon station can be constructed and operated in seven to eight years from now, I support it.

It can be used as launch base to travel to Mars orbit.

Edit : Living on the Moon is far more difficult and dangerous than living on Mars, though there is the obvious advantage of Earth being relatively close by.

Such initiatives on a private/corporate level are tough to take hence you would see SpaceX failing to even deliver 80% of what it promised .

Well, SpaceX is now a competitor in the satellite launch business and is the main transport of American materials to the ISS.

SpaceX has replaced plans for the Falcon Heavy rocket with construction begun of the BFR-BFS system.

And read this :

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Edit : Living on the Moon is far more difficult and dangerous than living on Mars, though there is the obvious advantage of Earth being relatively close by


Well, SpaceX is now a competitor in the satellite launch business and is the main transport of American materials to the ISS

It will take them sometime to integrate and test all the systems. I read in news some days ago that they are testing the engines. It will take time to test other hundreds of systems. Launching satelites is simple. Sending 100 people on a sigle rocket to mars is difficult. Very dificult. Currently what is the max number both Rusia and UsA was able to send on a single rocket to ISS ? That will tell you how high jump it (100 persons on in a single rocket) is...

SpaceX has replaced plans for the Falcon Heavy rocket with construction begun of the BFR-BFS system

Link not working.
It will take them sometime to integrate and test all the systems. I read in news some days ago that they are testing the engines. It will take time to test other hundreds of systems. Launching satelites is simple. Sending 100 people on a sigle rocket to mars is difficult. Very dificult. Currently what is the max number both Rusia and UsA was able to send on a single rocket to ISS ? That will tell you how high jump it (100 persons on in a single rocket) is...

I agree.

Maybe what can be done is construct a Mars spaceship in Earth orbit in modular form like how the ISS and Mir station were constructed. This will allow a much larger Mars spaceship to be sent than what can be sent on a single rocket.

Also, a spaceship built as modules will allow easier testing of individual modules than of a single piece.

Link not working.

Try using a proxy website.
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