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Pakistan's slice of the moon

Have a look at this picture and think of what I said about total social/political/religious reform. Anything strike you? Sometimes small things say a lot.


Apart from Imran, they are all dressed in Western suits/attire.
Semantics and Conjectures aside. I understand some of your points. Let's be brutally honest though; Which people's invented the Radio, Cars, Aeroplanes, Jets, Fighter Jets, Submarines, the Telephone, Mobile phones, the internet, modern communications, Tanks etc?

Excluding East Asians, if all other Non-Whites were even remotely a capable people, you wouldn't have indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, South Americans and Blacks buying advanced weapons systems from the West or Russia. They would make it themselves. Why can't they? Can any of those above mentioned people's invent something that the Whites would buy?

All thanks to the protestant work ethic. If the Muslims had this we would not be in this state today.

Protestants worked hard they believed God rewards them if they work hard what did the Muslims do instead we constantly relied on our religious scholars for just about everything. Same with Catholics and the Orthodox Christians.

After that supersition took over. Us Muslims have ourselves to blame really if we allowed our rivals or enemies to overtake us.

Nowadays we cry like the victims. I suggest every Muslim reads Ibn Khaldun and realise why victimhood mentality wont work.
After that supersition took over. Us Muslims have ourselves to blame really if we allowed our rivals or enemies to overtake us.

It has nothing to do with religion in biggest slum of Asia majority religion isn't Islam
And what the hell NR has done after Infosys? He is a typical old fart who likes to brag his achievement to newbies. Hated the way they throwed off Vishal Sikka.

Infosys, Wipro were already making billions when Google, FB was in garage. What did they do? Did they develop products and marketed it in USA? Nope. They could have invested in Google, FB, Uber now salesforce with all its money that companies started yesterday have overtaken them in value and revenue.

He did not promote an single zilch product that could have transformed Indian IT and Electronics even more despite having tons of money.

You are correct.

Infosys, Wipro, TCS and also NIIT ( the big training company ) could have been ambitious and could have created products like an operating system, microprocessor and as you said, invested in Google, FB, Uber, Airbnb etc.

Just goes to show that money isn't everything.

But at least NRN recognised our weakness.
Protestants worked hard they believed God rewards them if they work hard what did the Muslims do instead we constantly relied on our religious scholars for just about everything. Same with Catholics and the Orthodox Christians.
To a degree you are right only. Many Germans are Catholic. Is there correlation in the economic sphere between Cath/Prot divide?


The French are Catholic majority but they spearheaded European success.

Apart from Imran, they are all dressed in Western suits/attire.
Does that strike you in anyway? Why does Imran feel obliged to dress like that? Is that pride thing? But then then don't Erdogan and Mahatir not have pride? Both of those countries are economic tigers but their leaders do not feel that they have to out and make ostentatious statements with something as superficial as attirre. Mahatir is over 90 years old but look how he is dressed.

This exposes the mindset. Erdogan and Mahatir are looking forward and show that for progress they will adapt. PMIK is displaying a backward mindset that still is fishing in the past and says "we got to go more in the past to make progress and I will not adopt to the modern world". PMIK is exposition of luddite whereas Erdogan and Mahatir progress and adaptation.
Good old days when Pakistan used to have forward looking leaders
NS wore traditonal clothing most of the time. So did Benezir. And I am well aware of he Turkish and Malay traditional dress. But you don't and won't see Erogan or Mahatir wearing those bar exceptions. Ever been to Istanbul or Ankara?

Not sure about pride but their dresses are not of international standard
What do you mean?

Istanbul. Tell me how many are wearin traditional Turkish dress?

NS wore traditonal clothing most of the time.
But not at international visits
Ever been to Istanbul or Ankara?
No and never would like to go
What do you mean
See photos which I posted

Istanbul. Tell me how many are wearin traditional Turkish dress?

Right their people wear western clothes that's why Ordogan wears Western clothes
We wear shalwar qameez that's why Imean Khan also wears it
In my childhood days in early 2000 pants were more common but now I rarely ever see anyone wearing
Because in those clothes he would look like a joker but those people who look bad in pant shirt look ok in shalwar kameez
That is one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard on PDF. How it looks is subjective. Your saying that Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Malay traditional clothing is a joke and that is why they wear western clothing.

That stupid looking Sari never stopped Indira Gandhi or Sheikh Hasina.
That is one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard on PDF. How it looks is subjective. Your saying that Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Malay traditional clothing is a joke and that is why they wear western clothing.

After pant shirt shalwar kameez is only world class dress
Shalwar kameez is used as uniform by Punjab rangers and FC kpk and Baloch
And also by mujahids and Taliban
And also by school kids
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It is natural that India’s Hindutva government should boast Chandrayaan-2 as its own achievement and claim continuation with imagined glories from Vedic times. But rightfully the credit goes elsewhere. Just imagine if history could be wound back by 70-80 years and prime-minister Jawaharlal Nehru was replaced by Narendra Modi.

Instead of astronomy, today’s India would be pursuing astrology. Its university departments would have many ganitagayons but few mathematicians, an army of rishis would outnumber physicists. The cure for cancer would be sought in yoga while floods and earthquakes would somehow be linked to cow slaughter. Instead of devising Chandrayaan, Indian scientists would be searching for the fictitious Vimana of Ravana.

The entire premise of the article is wrong and is pure Rubbish.

ISRO reports DIRECTLY to the PMO i.e. the Prime Ministers Office. The PMO is directly involved with ISRO and under Modi ISRO has

Unlike DRDO which reports to the Defense Ministry.

ISRO never got attention by UPA Govt. But the Modi Government granted 50% more budget in ISRO Budget just in first 2 months of coming to power.


Space Research allocation increases from 1.6 % to an amazing 21.1%. This ministry comes directly under Narendra Modi.

During UPA (Congress) time ISRO's budget hardly increased. From around 4000 Cr in 2009 to 5500 Cr in 2014. 2012-13, a sum of Rs. 5,615 crore had been allocated.

Look at the spending trend from Modi term. Its clear, under Modi if you want to become a scientist, become a Space Scientist.


UPA did not even allow the DRDO to conduct the ASAT test and denied permission despite DRDO making a proposal for the same. Modi govt. gave the permission in its first year itself.
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