Calm down...Nothing is going to happen to the next budget. He might have heard some comment from the TV show hosts who have zero skills in matters pertaining to economics.
The loans taken by the government for infrastructure development projects can be repaid back but the the percentage of loans taken to meet its operating expenses is troublesome. With lesser finances available through tax collection, the government borrows heavily from either the central bank or via open market to meet its expenses. Thus it creates a crowding out effect with less funds available to give to other sectors. The banks are happy with this situation as with no risk they are getting returns and do not have to go through the hassle of giving out advances to businessmen for expanding businesses. The only new loans they give or new products they devise are due to pressure from the SBP, but at the SBP is itself castrated at the moment, the banks are more than happy to give whatever available funds to the government and get risk free return.
Allah k banday koi khuda ka khouf khao yr...