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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
See why would any arms manufacturer with a shred of common sense give Pakistan the licence to produce their product to reap the reward of exporting it elsewhere?

It doesn't make good business sense at all. I think this will be the most likely hold up for any sale.
The OEM would let POF export the rifles in-exchange for a licensing fee. Basically, the OEM would bank on POF production to grow the overall market, especially to areas that were previously inaccessible to the OEM due to the cost of producing in Europe or due to local sensitivities (about selling small-arms to the Middle East and Africa). POF would get the manufacturing work and some of the profits, and the OEM would get a cut for each rifle sold (on top of the amount made on selling the manufacturing facilities).
See why would any arms manufacturer with a shred of common sense give Pakistan the licence to produce their product to reap the reward of exporting it elsewhere?

It doesn't make good business sense at all. I think this will be the most likely hold up for any sale.
SCAR and Berreta and CZ all three are offering this
Point has been replied to thank you for the additional perspective guys.

It's still going to hold things up re. The fine print of any deal/contract detailing what "cut" each manufacturer can get from a rifle sale.
am all here dear --- just left the forum, was caught up with stuff at home, work & studies ....hence needed to take a break.......

hehehe --- yes dear I was away indeed but am back in business, still at work though and it seems I have a lot of catching up to do -----
Ni ni kuch khas ni!!

SCAR is the best,
SCAR sucks,
It is final, 100% confirmed, selected, sure, pathar pa lakeer!!!

No its not!!
CZ is better,
No ARX is!!!

I guess i have summarized this thread for you.

Meanwhile elsewhere on forum:
  1. Every freaking official visit, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, To and From any country means military hardware deal, just get that straight!!
  2. Politics is a game we all love to play.
  3. Afghans are not our brothers these days, Iran is getting there fast as well.
  4. LCA is still not flying (i guess)
  5. There is a friend here on forum who was saying that we should get 150 T129 pronto and station 40 on Afghan border and 40 on Iran border and some other on Indian border (i guess, he never mentioned India). I suggested that perhaps it would be better if we can get some 1200 (as it is not a problem since i only had to strike two more digit keys on my laptop) and station some 400 on all of those borders.
Other topics, it is business as usual. Every now and then there is that mention of a Pakistani aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine, sometimes we also venture into SLV and ICBMs, baki sb Allah ka karam ha!!

Ta daaaa!!!!!

Here you go, 5 min read and you are up-to-date after months of absence!!

Hor kuch sady laik? :P :D
Ni ni kuch khas ni!!

SCAR is the best,
SCAR sucks,
It is final, 100% confirmed, selected, sure, pathar pa lakeer!!!

No its not!!
CZ is better,
No ARX is!!!

I guess i have summarized this thread for you.

Meanwhile elsewhere on forum:
  1. Every freaking official visit, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, To and From any country means military hardware deal, just get that straight!!
  2. Politics is a game we all love to play.
  3. Afghans are not our brothers these days, Iran is getting there fast as well.
  4. LCA is still not flying (i guess)
  5. There is a friend here on forum who was saying that we should get 150 T129 pronto and station 40 on Afghan border and 40 on Iran border and some other on Indian border (i guess, he never mentioned India). I suggested that perhaps it would be better if we can get some 1200 (as it is not a problem since i only had to strike two more digit keys on my laptop) and station some 400 on all of those borders.
Other topics, it is business as usual. Every now and then there is that mention of a Pakistani aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine, sometimes we also venture into SLV and ICBMs, baki sb Allah ka karam ha!!

Ta daaaa!!!!!

Here you go, 5 min read and you are up-to-date after months of absence!!

Hor kuch sady laik? [emoji14] :D
Lol and all that shite doesn't even make sense. For example, why would we need a carrier? Just why?
Yeah shut it down. Open it again when something actually gets selected. Then we can all scrutinize it
  1. There is a friend here on forum who was saying that we should get 150 T129 pronto and station 40 on Afghan border and 40 on Iran border and some other on Indian border (i guess, he never mentioned India). I suggested that perhaps it would be better if we can get some 1200 (as it is not a problem since i only had to strike two more digit keys on my laptop) and station some 400 on all of those borders.
Other topics, it is business as usual. Every now and then there is that mention of a Pakistani aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine, sometimes we also venture into SLV and ICBMs, baki sb Allah ka karam ha!!

na na thanks a lot for all the write up ---
one wonders where would all this be arranged from? everynow and then it is suggest we need 5000 Police ATS commandos for each province, all need to have APC, then on the top we have all this long wishlist ----(Truck mounted Artillery, Tanks, Attack Helicopter......
na na thanks a lot for all the write up ---
one wonders where would all this be arranged from? everynow and then it is suggest we need 5000 Police ATS commandos for each province, all need to have APC, then on the top we have all this long wishlist ----(Truck mounted Artillery, Tanks, Attack Helicopter......

LOL my wish list has existed since early 2000s and included T84 Oplot MBTs back then. Only taken about 10 years to finally happen!

More than the rifles themselves I'm keen to see what sighting systems day/night are going to be used with the future rifle.
na na thanks a lot for all the write up ---
one wonders where would all this be arranged from? everynow and then it is suggest we need 5000 Police ATS commandos for each province, all need to have APC, then on the top we have all this long wishlist ----(Truck mounted Artillery, Tanks, Attack Helicopter......
Well there is not doubt that we need military hardware. The problem comes when:
  1. People start translating ANY and EVERY official visit to some other country as military hardware deals. They fail to realize that not every meeting means we are getting jets or tanks or some pepper spray!
  2. Start blowing thing out of proportion, specially when it comes to numbers required.
  3. Complete ignore the priority list and fail to comprehend what is required as a matter of urgency. Like talking about aircraft carrier with a fleet of surface vessels having no air-defense missile with range more than 20-30 km?
  4. and the biggest of them all, start quoting there wishes and Facebook fantasies as "proper authentic 100% sure pathat pa lakeer NEWS"
OMG I saw this pic of the Russian para troops training with US in anti terror and once I saw this scar I was like well this pic gonna be in rifle thread, you dissapointed me as it took you two days [emoji38]
OMG I saw this pic of the Russian para troops training with US in anti terror and once I saw this scar I was like well this pic gonna be in rifle thread, you dissapointed me as it took you two days [emoji38]
Hazrat hasn't posted any pics of SCAR for a long time now! Where is this from again? got more pics of the exercise?

But as always SCAR was the best rifle in Trials. :partay::partay:
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