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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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Al Jazeera - Is Pakistan heading for disaster in Balochistan?

Akbar Ahmed

Pakistan must end its policy of killings and kidnappings of Baloch people and recognise the importance of the region.


Despite Balochistan's rich cultural history and plentiful natural resources, Pakistan's government continues daily harassment and killings that are causing the people to think about independence

Washington, DC - The behaviour of the powerful elite of Islamabad reminds me of the captain and crew of the RMS Titanic sailing into the night, heading straight towards an iceberg. The civilian, military and judicial authorities are locked up in a tussle coloured by political positions and personal egos. And there is a dangerous disconnect between Islamabad and the enormous problems that loom on the Pakistani horizon.

Law and order appears to have collapsed in many parts of the country. In the north-east, the former Frontier Province, there are daily killings as suicide bombers and the army continuously fight each other. Unemployment is widespread and inflation is sky-high. And there is still a desperate shortage of electricity and gas in much of the country.

But perhaps none of these problems is more pressing than the situation in Balochistan. If the simmering, but widespread movement for independence spins out of control, Pakistan will find it almost impossible to maintain nationhood. :agree:

I was reminded of Balochistan by the recent visit of Malik Siraj Akbar to my office. It made me happy to think back to my associations with its people and places, but I also became distressed as I thought of the current situation: a climate of killings and so-called "disappearances".

Exclusive report on Baloch separatists

In his late twenties, Malik comes from Makran and was born in its northern town, Panjgur. His sharp intelligence, awareness of the world and passionate arguments for his people reminded me of all the people I met in Makran as Commissioner when I was posted there in the mid-1980s.

On arrival, what struck me was the resilience and faith of the Baloch, in spite of the widespread poverty and lack of economic development. Even after decades of the country's existence, Pakistan - it seemed - had done very little for the Baloch. There were only five miles of paved road in Makran - from the Commissioner's house, in Turbat, to the tiny airport. Flights were irregular and the telephone lines to the rest of the country were frequently out of order.

A land of honour

But I found it a fascinating experience: the people were welcoming and the area was redolent of history. Makran was, after all, where Alexander the Great got lost on his way to Persia after his battles in India. Over time, I had the privilege of meeting and getting to know legendary Baloch leaders such as Nawab Akbar Bugti, Mir Ghaus Bukh Bizenjo, Jam Ghulam Qadir and Mir Jafar Khan Jamali. From them, I learned that there was a time when a woman wearing gold ornaments could travel from the north of Balochistan to the south and not be molested.

"There was honour," they said, "in the land."

Nawab Bugti discussed Ibn Khaldun and the cyclical patterns of tribal society with me over dinner in his ancestral home in the Bugti Agency. He told me that Ibn Khaldun had kept him company when he was jailed by Pakistani authorities in Sahiwal. I often wondered how many Pakistanis belonging to the power elite had even heard of the Arab historian.

I grew to appreciate and admire the Baloch. I knew it was most important to deal with them on the basis of honour. In turn, they reciprocated my sentiments and I was posted as Commissioner of three divisions consecutively. Even the imperial British acknowledged that the key to dealing with the Baloch was honour. Not surprisingly, the Baloch complain that Pakistani officials treat them worse than the imperial British.

Malik, who has been a professional journalist all his life, has recently been given political asylum in the United States. Various threats and messages convinced him his life was in danger. He talks passionately and movingly of the hundreds of Baloch who have been brutally killed by the security agencies.

The policy of "kill and dump" is causing fear and terror among the Baloch.

"One chilling message engraved with a knife on the chest of a corpse said, 'Eid gift for Baloch'."

He claims there is a systematic policy to eliminate the "cream of the Baloch professionals". He lists names and professions with depressing accuracy - professors of medicine, scholars of Baloch history and, of course, numerous journalists.

"At least eight of my Baloch journalist friends have been killed over the past year," he said. Some had disappeared - until their mutilated, bullet-riddled bodies were found. :angry:

Cultural onslaught

The Baloch are angry not only at the killing of their intellectual and professional elite, but at what appears to be a wider, deliberate cultural onslaught. Security personnel, invariably non-Baloch, insult the Baloch at checkpoints by cutting off the shalwar, or baggy pants. More worryingly, Baloch corpses of those who have mysteriously disappeared are routinely found mutilated and desecrated. One chilling message engraved with a knife on the chest of a corpse said, "Eid gift for Baloch."

Nawab Bugti's brutal and senseless murder gave the Baloch independence movement a second wind [EPA]

The brutal and senseless murder of Nawab Bugti and the deliberate insult to his corpse by President Pervez Musharraf acted as a catalyst in Balochistan. It gave the Baloch independence movement a much needed second wind - the Baloch now had a legitimate martyr for their cause. Paradoxically, Malik points out, Nawab was one of the few advocates for a united Pakistan.

Islamabad has always underestimated, and therefore mismanaged, those living on the periphery. Islamabad tends to dismiss Balochistan because of its tiny population - about eight million of Pakistan's total 180 million people. There is also the prism of racial and cultural arrogance through which the Baloch are seen. Then there is sheer ignorance: the rich culture and traditions of the Baloch are generally not known in Pakistan.

Those who do not learn from the lessons of history, it is said, are doomed to repeat it.

In a different context, but one which illuminates the Balochistan situation, Islamabad's treatment of East Pakistan cost it half the country in terms of population. The colossal blunders and arrogance of the power elite of Islamabad and the tragic killings of 1971 led to the creation of Bangladesh.

"The Baloch must be made to feel an integral part of the federation; they need to be treated with honour and dignity"

Pakistanis seem to forget that Balochistan may only have a tiny population - but comprises 44 per cent of Pakistan's land territory. They forget it has vast natural resources and hundreds of miles of sea coast which make it a key geopolitical area. While Balochistan can survive without Pakistan, it is Pakistan that simply cannot survive without Balochistan.

Time is running out

Everything, therefore, must be done to resolve the civil war situation in that province. The stakes are too high for Pakistan. The power elite, obsessed with the place intrigue involving the sordid "Memogate" affair, needs to focus its attention on Balochistan.

Prime Minister Yousuf Reza Gilani and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, head of the army, need to fly to Balochistan together and, setting aside personal egos for the sake of the country, apologise to the people of Balochistan for the grievances they have suffered. They must promise a new beginning and radical shift in Pakistan's strategy for the Baloch. The Baloch must be made to feel an integral part of the federation; they need to be treated with honour and dignity.

This initiative should have been taken after the disastrous actions of Musharraf in Balochistan. Muddling through is no longer an option - time is running out for Pakistan.

Perhaps these Pakistani leaders, no doubt both patriotic in their own ways, need to ask themselves what the great MA Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, would have done in a similar situation. Jinnah would have met the people of Balochistan and ensured that they knew they were a welcome, respected and genuine part of the federation of Pakistan. No democracy can be built on the foundations of the kind of mistrust and anger that prevails in Balochistan.

When I asked Malik what he had to say to Pakistan, he replied: "My message to Pakistan is simple: everyone should be provided equal opportunities of progress and prosperity. Who would like to live in a country which sends bullet-riddled dead bodies of young Baloch professionals on a regular basis? Underestimating the situation in Balochistan would amount to committing political suicide."

Professor Akbar Ahmed is Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic studies, American University, Washington DC and author of Journey into America (Brookings Press 2010). He was Pakistan's High Commissioner to the UK and Ireland.

Is Pakistan heading for disaster in Balochistan? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
"One chilling message engraved with a knife on the chest of a corpse said, 'Eid gift for Baloch'."
A clear cut messege of foreign meddling.
Thank you Secur for that analysis. I have always felt that the problems there are initiated more by a few feudal types who for their own ulterior motives raise the question of Balochis. I honestly feel that a poor Baloch or a poor Punjabi both suffer poor govern ship but in Baluchistan its made into a separatism issue by a few bad people and outside interference

Well said!! You hit the nail right on the head!!
Al Jazeera - Is Pakistan heading for disaster in Balochistan?

Akbar Ahmed

Pakistan must end its policy of killings and kidnappings of Baloch people and recognise the importance of the region.


Despite Balochistan's rich cultural history and plentiful natural resources, Pakistan's government continues daily harassment and killings that are causing the people to think about independence

Washington, DC - The behaviour of the powerful elite of Islamabad reminds me of the captain and crew of the RMS Titanic sailing into the night, heading straight towards an iceberg. The civilian, military and judicial authorities are locked up in a tussle coloured by political positions and personal egos. And there is a dangerous disconnect between Islamabad and the enormous problems that loom on the Pakistani horizon.

Law and order appears to have collapsed in many parts of the country. In the north-east, the former Frontier Province, there are daily killings as suicide bombers and the army continuously fight each other. Unemployment is widespread and inflation is sky-high. And there is still a desperate shortage of electricity and gas in much of the country.

But perhaps none of these problems is more pressing than the situation in Balochistan. If the simmering, but widespread movement for independence spins out of control, Pakistan will find it almost impossible to maintain nationhood. :agree:

I was reminded of Balochistan by the recent visit of Malik Siraj Akbar to my office. It made me happy to think back to my associations with its people and places, but I also became distressed as I thought of the current situation: a climate of killings and so-called "disappearances".

An indian posting a highlighted articles with fake sympathies n stupid smilies?

@"eid gift" and Cutting off shalwars etc... sounds like EPIC BS to me... everybody in baluchistan knows who kills docs,profs,journalists etc...
Because Kashmir is in India..

And Baluchistan isn't in Alaska.

BTW as discussed in relevant threads

You didn't prove anything in those threads.

Balochistan has more claims to the Right to self determination than Kashmir.

Topic is serious buddy. Show seriousness.

So taking history into account there is nothing wrong in the US assertion.

Again history doesn't prove anything you believe so there is everything wrong with US assertion.

Only the technicalities of UN remain.

Due to some very obvious reasons. Not everyone agrees with the Bharatis using Internet. Not even those whose "assertion" some Bharatis claim to be true.
Akbar Ahmed has written a very sensible article, not sure about some of his unproven allegations. For all we know, it can be BLA doing it to fuel support.

The reality is Pakistan needs huge investments in Balochistan. Balochistan, along with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, suffered from the onslaught of Afghan refugee problem in 80s. 4 million Afghans moved across to Pakistan and a good chunk of them are settled in Balochistan. Obviously they were poor and made poverty stricken areas even worst.

What Akbar Ahmed doesn't mention is that there are 18 Baloch tribes and other than Marris, Bugtis, and Mengals no one is supporting any liberation movements. Even within Marris, Bugtis, and Mengals there are factions. Those who support liberation have moved to London, as it is the hub for international intelligence agencies and just about every agency is stationed there one way or another. Also, there is a huge Pashtun population in Balochistan. As a matter of fact in North, they are in majority and they don't support liberation movements either. BLA is armed by CIA and bankrolled by India, just about everyone knows that. You simply cant have the kinds of arms BLA uses in open gun markets of Pakistan. We know our areas well.

Apart from that, I fully support Baloch cause, as all Pakistanis should. We need to make our politicians or what Akbar Ahmed refer to as 'political elites' understand that our Baloch brothers are suffering neglect and they need our immediate attention. Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan package is good start but its only 'Aghaz' and needs to be followed by more substantial economic packages.
y cant our stupid gov focus on balochistan, we need a serious grip there, invest billions in there and they will be happy, that simple, jeez
Im sure highlighting articles and adding smiles helps the ego.. but it takes the seriousness out of it and makes it look like an attempt to cheapshot rather than discuss.

al Jazera did a fine job in the end by saying they got nothing to do what this writer is saying..
the write seems to be hell bent on showing police and FC as Mombai thugs who kill the brother and friend of the hero and then the peace loving hero has enough and takes on the whole army of the bodies in the Big Boss's lair.

seems to make perfect sense for the writer to allege the mob style killing on the security forces that are meant to keep peace not instigate more protests while the provincial and the central government officials including PM are personally coming to meet the Baloch leadership

wow... Balochistan Police is raised 100% from the local population, the FC is over 90% local population with the exception of the officers that are rotated from all over Pakistan and can belong to any province.

Lol me cursing and threatening my own kind by leaving a note on the body of the person later to be found and used for further unrest?

Very well done. As usual, the violence of the BLA is tactically ignored how very predictable

and yes Mr Adnan is really pushing his luck by putting smilies on some Horrid description in the article, if he has even a shred of decency then I expect him to edit his post and leave the article as it is. I understand that his intent is to cause offence and flame among us people specially knowing so well that some of us belong to that part of Pakistan.
I don’t expect him to apologise because he wont see anything wrong with that. The idea is cheap point scoring by posting an article from someone who’s affiliations are no different from Mansoor Ijaz.

---------- Post added at 02:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 AM ----------

y cant our stupid gov focus on balochistan, we need a serious grip there, invest billions in there and they will be happy, that simple, jeez

have you heard of the Gawadar port, the national highway, the resulting trade and jobs due to exploration? the place needs proper policing and a good leadership that gets its act together instead of complaining.
al Jazera did a fine job in the end by saying they got nothing to do what this writer is saying..
the write seems to be hell bent on showing police and FC as Mombai thugs who kill the brother and friend of the hero and then the peace loving hero has enough and takes on the whole army of the bodies in the Big Boss's lair.

Can you give information about the number of tribes living in Balochistan apart from Saraiki Baloch and Baloch of Sindh. I had been talking to a Pakistan guy and the guy was telling that Sardars from only three Tribes- Bugti, Mengal, Marri are creating problems otherwise they don't have widespread support in Balochistan. Can you elaborate a little bit.
and yes Mr Adnan is really pushing his luck by putting smilies on some Horrid description in the article, if he has even a shred of decency then I expect him to edit his post and leave the article as it is. I understand that his intent is to cause offence and flame among us people specially knowing so well that some of us belong to that part of Pakistan.
I don’t expect him to apologise because he wont see anything wrong with that. The idea is cheap point scoring by posting an article from someone who’s affiliations are no different from Mansoor Ijaz.[

Well you cant expect anything better from an Indian, can you?
An indian posting a highlighted articles with fake sympathies n stupid smilies?

@"eid gift" and Cutting off shalwars etc... sounds like EPIC BS to me... everybody in baluchistan knows who kills docs,profs,journalists etc...

FC wears shalwar Kamiz. Shalwar Kamiz is our national dress... not sure if its really written by the said author who knows about our national dress? and secondly he thinks that security forces use one of the most sacred events of the Islamic colander i.e. Eid which is basically about self sacrifice and looking after the poor and needy by killing their opponents and then dishonouring the practice of eid?

So the security forces are mindless and heartless thugs who not only insult their own ethnicity and their national dress but also instigate the violence by allegedly dumping the bodies for everyone to see and if that’s not enough, they commit blasphemy and dishonour the Islamic practice of Islam… how very convincing … just to add authenticity the writer goes about making an effort of explaining what shalwar means (a loose baggy trouser) seems like written by and for the target audience which calls Arabs as A..raabs and Islam as Izzzlaaam.

The article is an insult to the common sense and makes a mockery of our religion and custom.
a common man is fearful of the BLA thugs and their supporters to criticise them openly. and those who do they live their lives in fear or have to move to otehr parts of Pakistan.
Can you give information about the number of tribes living in Balochistan apart from Saraiki Baloch and Baloch of Sindh. I had been talking to a Pakistan guy and the guy was telling that Sardars from only three Tribes- Bugti, Mengal, Marri are creating problems otherwise they don't have widespread support in Balochistan. Can you elaborate a little bit.

check post http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ns-secret-war-baluchistan-55.html#post2464273

and my original post for the rest check wiki pedia

not all Bughti tribes are fighting.. but some subtribes.. same is teh case with Marri and Mengal mengal are a big part of Baloch ethnic group. the 505% population is Pashton, then tehre are Hazara , Makrani , Berohvi , Jamalis too and yes it depends on the location what a tribe likes to call itself some of them are on border so may call themselves Sindhi or Balochi and have mixed accent and customs. apart form tribes there is the urban population that represents pretty much all Pakistan.

the armed struggle is only sardar based. the educated urban population is using a much more democratic and peaceful way to express its disatisfaction with the way things are and I am part of that.
check post http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ns-secret-war-baluchistan-55.html#post2464273

and my original post for the rest check wiki pedia

not all Bughti tribes are fighting.. but some subtribes.. same is teh case with Marri and Mengal mengal are a big part of Baloch ethnic group. the 505% population is Pashton, then tehre are Hazara , Makrani , Berohvi , Jamalis too and yes it depends on the location what a tribe likes to call itself some of them are on border so may call themselves Sindhi or Balochi and have mixed accent and customs. apart form tribes there is the urban population that represents pretty much all Pakistan.

the armed struggle is only sardar based. the educated urban population is using a much more democratic and peaceful way to express its disatisfaction with the way things are and I am part of that.

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