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Pakistan's rhetoric on Kashmir does not match reality and has Illusions

Your entire post is not worth replying to.

Twitter, Facebook etc are banned in Kashmir? How come I accessed it a couple of weeks earlier when I went to vote?

Youtube and Facebook have regularly been blocked in iOK during instances in which the foreign indian govt. felt that their grasp or sense of security was in danger (go figure). The hanging of Afzal Guru is one example. I have sources in Sri Nagar who say that to hell with those 2 things - even cell phone services (SMS) were cut off .

the foreign indian government is always issuing orders to IsPs to restrict access to the websites like the those ones

i think the thought of "Arab like springs" erupting causes the undies of your security apparatus to get rather soggy and soiled....cant blame em, but then again - cant blame Kashmiris for resisting when they do. I'd do the exact same if a foreign country with no business there was occupying my land. The afghans do it, hell - so did gandhi (even while he was having a british passport)
Youtube and Facebook have regularly been blocked in iOK during instances in which the foreign indian govt. felt that their grasp or sense of security was in danger (go figure). The hanging of Afzal Guru is one example. I have sources in Sri Nagar who say that to hell with those 2 things - even cell phone services (SMS) were cut off .

the foreign indian government is always issuing orders to IsPs to restrict access to the websites like the those ones

i think the thought of "Arab like springs" erupting causes the undies of your security apparatus to get rather soggy and soiled....cant blame em, but then again - cant blame Kashmiris for resisting when they do. I'd do the exact same if a foreign country with no business there was occupying my land. The afghans do it, hell - so did gandhi (even while he was having a british passport)
Ok, so you mean in times of emergencies. Well, sms services are routinely blocked in all areas facing violence. All over the country the same protocol is followed. If you want to parade it as denial of information with malafide intention, I have nothing more to say. :)
Yea, I have something to say about that:


quote by a journo (Mehbook Makhoomi) who RESIDES in occupied Kashmir and who bravely put out a report on censorship in iOK

sums it up nicely:

As per media reports, the Telecom company spokesmen have cited State government directive as the reason for disruption of their services. Does this mean government is turning to be Machiavellian? Will not such things tell upon the health of India’s International image and their chances of a permanent seat at United Nations Security Council, that the disputed region under its control does not have an access to social websites, because India simply is afraid of it and does not want them to connect with the world and share their views? This is a Hitlarian modus-operandi, apparently, an advise of some immature advisory group, as this overture is, certainly, going to be counter-productive.

Banning social networking websites Lastupdate:- Sat, 6 Oct 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

who is the liar now?


Ok, so you mean in times of emergencies. Well, sms services are routinely blocked in all areas facing violence. All over the country the same protocol is followed. If you want to parade it as denial of information with malafide intention, I have nothing more to say. :)

the worlds largest "democracy" really lives up to its name then and must be such a conducive place for living :lol:

I agree with you bro and no where did I say that Kashmiris want to be Indian I basically just stated what you have stated, that they prefer total independence. That being said that is the feeling amongst Kashmiris in IOK not in Azad Kashmir or Gilgit who are more concerned with trying to get more rights within Pakistan. In fact Gilgitis want full provincial status in Pakistan.

yeah and our govt. has been too stupid not to implement that....

as for an independent Kashmiri NATION - if thats what the masses wanted, i'd be first to support it. We would naturally have excellent trade and already existing cultural ties and it would act as a good buffer between 2 countries that hate eachother anyways
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Kashmir will have its Independence, Aaj Nahi to Kal. As long as a single Kashmiri lives, the dream of freedom will never die.
Banning social networking websites Lastupdate:- Sat, 6 Oct 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

who is the liar now?


the worlds largest "democracy" really lives up to its name then and must be such a conducive place for living :lol:

yeah and our govt. has been too stupid not to implement that....

as for an independent Kashmiri NATION - if thats what the masses wanted, i'd be first to support it. We would naturally have excellent trade and already existing cultural ties and it would act as a good buffer between 2 countries that hate eachother anyways
Good. And he still works for Greater Kashmir. Unharmed. Thanks.
quote by a journo (Mehbook Makhoomi) who RESIDES in occupied Kashmir and who bravely put out a report on censorship in iOK

sums it up nicely:

Banning social networking websites Lastupdate:- Sat, 6 Oct 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
1) Did you by any chance notice the date of that report? It's given in your own quote.

There are plenty of tweets FROM Kashmir from the present that you can access by googling. Ditto for facebook updates. So much for your BS assertions. And that should also answer who the liar is.

2) You do know that "greaterkashmir" is a seperatist mouthpiece, right?
as for an independent Kashmiri NATION - if thats what the masses wanted, i'd be first to support it. We would naturally have excellent trade and already existing cultural ties and it would act as a good buffer between 2 countries that hate eachother anyways

Kashmir was already an independent nation, before Pakistani tribal lashkars invaded it. Don't sing songs to that ideal, when it was your own marauders who killed that ideal. If Pak had not invaded and plundered Kashmir in 1948, it would have remained an independant nation. But Pakistani plunderers forced the rightful ruler to accede to India so that the rest of his kingdom could be saved by the Indian army, from falling into the hands of those Pashtun pillagers sent by Pakistan.
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They are an autonomous district within Pakistan,
so you are confirming there are NOT indenpendaent !!!! PAK is their Nation :D
azad in their name means free from Bhartis. :D They have their own elected officials and yes they do still consider themselves Pakistani and they can travel and settle in any part of Pakistan that they wish.
Its a shame that they have to name Aazad for being autonomous district ;)
Why not regualr one like rest in Pak
Kashmir was already an independent nation, before Pakistani tribal lashkars invaded it. Don't sing songs to that ideal, when it was your own marauders who killed that ideal. If Pak had not invaded and plundered Kashmir in 1948, it would have remained an independant nation. But Pakistani plunderers forced the rightful ruler to accede to India so that the rest of his kingdom could be saved by the Indian army, from falling into the hands of those Pashtun pillagers sent by Pakistan.

If the Maharaja of Kashmir did not start massacring Muslims the tribals would not have invaded.

so you are confirming there are NOT indenpendaent !!!! PAK is their Nation :D
Its a shame that they have to name Aazad for being autonomous district ;)
Why not regualr one like rest in Pak

They are Azad unlike Indian maqbooza kashmir. :D
It was not India then..

But Indians do ignore that part of history. Their history starts from tribal invasion.

By the way Indians say India existed for thousands of years and all that. Glad to see an Indian who don't accept this BS.
If the Maharaja of Kashmir did not start massacring Muslims the tribals would not have invaded.
He didn't; and they would have. Those tribals were instigated by Pakistani army to go jihad the kafirs. It had happened in the past, and it happened in the future, when Afghan and Pashtun and Punjabi jihadis tried to take Kashmir from India in 1999. (Pak's regular army being too cowardly to face the Indian army in uniform, after the bitchslap in 1971.) It was an attempt by Pak to grab a country that was not theirs. There was no other reason, just selfish interests. What they did not know was that the world had changed, and that tribal invasions by unlearned barbarians would not be tolerated anymore. It wasn't the time of Ghazni or Ghauri anymore, there were international laws and commitments.

By the way there are plenty of muslims being massacred in Syria and Sudan and other places TODAY. I don't see any eagerness for your army to send your tribals there. We know why - because other than those tribals dying, those lands would never become yours. But you hoped that Kashmir would. Well, most of it didn't, thanks to the Indian army.
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