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Pakistan's Resilience Beats Modi's 56-Inch Chest

Mani Shankar Aiyar has ZERO credibility in India

He is a known Pakistani Agent
Cool Many indians work for us. Even pm Modi is Pak agent. By the time indian realise that it will be too late.
What is the purpose of this thread? Chest measuring contest? or dick measuring contest?
looks like many shankar has lost all hopes of getting cozy with pakistan again cause he now knows that indians are firmly behind modi and his concept in dealing with pakistan ....poor poor many and his love for kahir jane do :sarcastic:
Firstly, the notion of Indians with 56-inch chests is laughable.

Secondly, The notion of Indians with 56-inch chests is laughable.
u should visit indian punjab u will have to eat u r words
u should visit indian punjab u will have to eat u r words
even if you forget thatat least we paleed people of india dont have to worry about target killings by bhatta khor political mafias in owr cities / towns or villages and always keep a very cautious eye for daily bomb blasts , and drone strikes by CIA :haha:
Most Congress politicians are level headed rational educated and mature it's only our chai wala PM and his sanghi chaddi counterparts that's creating all this unwanted nuisance

Nothing wrong in what he said

AbE Chutiya hogaya hai kya
It's funny how the "seculars" of one country and the "anti seculars" of the other always find common ground. I have often seen you decrying secularism - but the Indians you agree with are the people who describe themselves as "secular fundamentalists". (That's partly the name of his autobiography too.)

Of course, people can agree on some points and not others. But I wonder if they are aware of just how much they share with the groups they think they hate.
Mr we had faced really troubled times but we are bouncing back same goes for cricket we have several times bounced back and when no body expected this from us as for your claims after Myanmar even Modi in the end used his brain and gave shut up call to his ministers because he himself knows what will happen if India tries some funny stuff inside Pakistan.
Modi in the end used his brain and gave shut up call to his ministers because he himself knows what will happen if India tries some funny stuff inside Pakistan.

So you agree that India is not currently (nor has in the past) doing any funny stuff inside Pakistan?
So you agree that India is not currently (nor has in the past) doing any funny stuff inside Pakistan?
They are but doing indirectly like supporting terrorists and other crap but if they will directly to come in with helicopters or some commando action that will be answered back in most brutal way.
They are but doing indirectly like supporting terrorists and other crap but if they will directly to come in with helicopters or some commando action that will be answered back in most brutal way.

This is a major climbdown from your earlier narrative Zarvan ji.
Mani Shankar is old, he'll soon be dead and take a reasonable Indian voice with him.

Pakistan is not a lollypop which Modi can chew. We are the 2ic of South Asia, second largest country, second largest democracy, second largest economy, second largest military and second nuclear power. Modi has only one choice and that is to sit on the other side of the table with us.
He is paying the price for ISI hospitality in US and other part of the world. in election speeches, He used worse language for Modi. He told him Pani purush, Lahu Purush, Chaiwala, Chaiwala can not be a prime minister he can sell chai outside congress meeting and lot more. Since modi becoming PM has frustrated him more and more. He is now a days aggressively showing showing his loyalty to his ISI masters.

He has all praise for Nawaz who told his own party's prime minister a Dehati Aurat.

Modi has made his haters totally blind. They are out of any kind of politeness and basic logic. We can see this in mani's writing and into the post of idiot posters on PDF.

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