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Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

Anyway I'm off the thread, any post directed to me will be refuted royally tomorrow onwards when I'll be royally pissed with the latest bugs that have been found in my code.

So be afraid, be very very afraid! :P

Cya all!
We both are different but Rajputs are also considered a martial race.

Omg martial race. That was invented by the British. The Bengalis were also considered a "martial race" until they rebelled against the British.

Its such a silly dumb word lmao. The Chinese thought their northern nomadic neighbors(early Mongols) were "barbarians",inferior,worthless. Guess what? These Mongol later ended up conquering until they had an empire almost the size of the British empire.

Also Dravidian and Aryan(Indo-European) are linguistic terms(similar to "Turkic"). You are using these terms as if we are living in the colonial age.

I wonder what these martial races are doing behind a computer 24/7.
Join the army and fight for your nation(not on the internet) then call yourself a martial race.
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Omg martial race. That was invented by the British. The Bengalis were also considered a "martial race" until they rebel against the British.

The 'Martial race' term was devised to massage the egos of the troops which were to be used as cannon fodder in British armies.
^^^^ Whole of Aryan Race is said to be Caucasian and I FIND MAJORITY OF PAKISTANIS AND INDIANS AS BROWN. Afghans are slightly fairer as they are mountain people thats it, they are not white, above all a lot of punjabis and Indians are white who are not Pashtuns, its simple people who are exposed to SUN are darker, I don't know why u think Afghans are white? Go to any Western country no one even takes Caucasians from Central Asia as White, leave Afghans (they come under brown category, you may call yourself white but u surly are not). I am not racist just trying to clear his doubts!

Seriously thanks you for saying this.

If a Pashtun, Albanian, Turkish, etc, etc go to America and Europe(west) saying they are a part of the Caucasian race, white, etc you will get laughed at.
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Damn after reading all these posts frm certain indian member i wanna get my AK and shot the crap out of my Laptop!:guns:

Pity....i would have done tht.... but my father would kick my ***.:lol:

@Gin ka Pakistan.... no need to get verbal and abusive... i can easily do the same.... so act like a human not a ... anyways... tu lalay apna bhai hai.:pakistan:

indians are more interested in our ethnic groups than we are about their's.

How many Pakistanis know about Tamils, Assameese, and the hundreds of other ethnic groups in india.

indians should keep their noses out of our business, but they never will remember East Pakistan pre-71. These indians dream about more of Pakistan being broken up.

I hate them as much as you do :sniper:
indians are more interested in our ethnic groups than we are about their's.

How many Pakistanis know about Tamils, Assameese, and the hundreds of other ethnic groups in india.

indians should keep their noses out of our business, but they never will remember East Pakistan pre-71. These indians dream about more of Pakistan being broken up.

I hate them as much as you do :sniper:

Some Pakistanis are very "interested" in our religions, not ethnic groups. As it keeps being brought up on many occasions.

If you hate a group of people because some people on a internet forums, just shows how narrow minded you are.

And Indians should not talk about Pakistans minorities like this, because Indians dont know the real average every day Pakistan. And how the people interact with each other there. Only Pakistanis know these types of information.
My replies to such things are always simple, and I will say it again......(as a Pakhtun)

don't waste time listening to these so-called afghan ''nationalists'' who wont waste even 20 seconds of their time berating the country in which they took refuge, or where their son goes to get educated, or where their sick mother is getting medical treatment (sometimes for free)

Pakistan's Pashtuns are spread throughout --in mainstream KP Province as well as FATA and farther down into Baluchistan and of course the enclaves in Karachi.

If anything, Pakhtuns are probably more disenfranchised by the ANP, which is basically the party of sissies and flip-floppers --though they do have some good people in there, you just have to dig deep and weed them out.

how cute that Afghans will worry about affairs when their own country is in tatters and needs help --in fact, we're suffering because of the amount of help we have provided for them.

In Peshawar, i've met even puncture tyre-wala repairmen and traders who are so annoyed that the Afghans come, take all the jobs, and even resort to mobile-phones snatching and dacoo activities.

I think Pakistan's Pakhtuns are best off; Afghans (Pakhtuns, Darri-speaking Tajiks whatever) should focus on mending their damaged country so that all the refugees (4-5 million of them in Pakistan) can repatriate and not be a burden on us.

I have a better solution... Declare the Duran Line null and void and unite Afghanistan and Pakistan into one state...

Serously... Half of the Afghanis live in Pakistan anyway... I dont think they ll ever go away...

and yes... We will have to arrest Karzai after this...

I m serious
I have a better solution... Declare the Duran Line null and void and unite Afghanistan and Pakistan into one state...

ideal thinking; but that would be up to Afghans.

cross-border movements is clearly not an issue for them, it's so easy to criss-cross, even if all resources were devoted to northwestern theatre

Serously... Half of the Afghanis live in Pakistan anyway... I dont think they ll ever go away...

without a doubt

and yes... We will have to arrest Karzai after this...

I m serious

no, the Pakistani tax payer will then have to pay for all the expensive prescription medications he is taking

Indians have nothing to discuss about India, they always poke their nose in Pakistani threads. I have yet to come across an Indian that has contributed positively to a thread relating to Pakistan. What we can do is stop responding to their comments and ignore them, that may set them on fire once in a while.
Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

By Shaheen Buneri
Pashtuns straddling the Pakistani-Afghan border face serious challenges to their socio-cultural survival. It's very hard for the estimated 50 million Pashtuns to know whether the world recognizes their numerous sacrifices in the ongoing war, or whether all of them have simply been dismissed by the outside world as Taliban supporters and sympathizers.

From Waziristan to the Swat Valley, the Taliban since 2006 has claimed responsibility for the destruction of hundreds of schools, music shops, and other buildings, as well as the killings of about 700 tribal elders and the kidnapping of university teachers, religious scholars, and aid workers. Taliban suicide-bomb attacks have killed thousands of innocent bystanders.

Until very recently, Pakistan's central government completely ignored the rise of the Taliban. Hundreds of illegal FM radio stations were allowed to spread hatred and bigotry throughout the tribal areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Locals became convinced that the security and intelligence agencies were preparing a horrible plot that even today has no end in sight.

In the past four years, the Pashtun "jirga" was replaced by the Taliban "shura" through a display of violent force. Traditional Pashtun melodies have been superseded by Taliban chants inciting youths to a life of terrorism. Female dancers have been persecuted and murdered by Taliban militants seeking to impose their extremist religious agenda on a moderate people. In March 2009, the shrine of legendary Pashtun Sufi poet Rahman Baba was bombed and destroyed.

To counter this violent assault, various Pashtun tribes in the tribal areas, Peshawar, Dir, Buner, and Swat formed tribal "lashkars" (militias), but these nascent forces soon came under violent attack from Taliban militants. Again, the security forces failed to provide any significant protection.

The traditional Pashtun cultural value of hospitality was shamelessly exploited by the Taliban and their supporters to create a haven for various militant and extremist formations on Pashtun territory. To this day, the dominant political discourse in Pakistan's governing circles describes the Pashtuns as people who support and shelter the Taliban rather than as the people who have done the most to resist the militants and who have been most brutally victimized by them.

Pakistan Ignores Its Pashtuns

The United States has formed a strategic partnership with the powerful Pakistani military establishment. However, the two "partners" have radically differing views of the Taliban. Washington is urging Pakistan to eliminate the militants who are carrying out attacks on coalition forces inside Afghanistan. But many in Pakistan's elite see the Pakistani Taliban as a strategic asset that will ensure Pakistan's influence in any future arrangement in Afghanistan.

The United States has provided billions of dollars of civilian and military aid but, according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the central government has provided little money to the province for reconstruction or security. But without the restoration of basic health and educational infrastructure in the region, how can religious militancy be rooted out?

While the military makes plans for a major base in the Swat Valley, the locals in the region are demanding basic amenities like sanitation, clean water, and safe schools. The people of flood-ravaged Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cry out for shelter and food, while the military insists on the need for new high-tech military hardware to continue its endless rivalry with India.

The main media in Pakistan -- especially Punjab-based television channels -- have little time to cover the plight of the Pashtuns. Instead, television talk shows are filled with endless discussions of politico-religious leaders blaming the United States and India for all the problems in the country and the region.

Now everyone is discussing reports of peace negotiations between the Afghan government ant

I agree with writer of article, pashtun's socio'-cultural identity is in danger.
Talibanization is injected into pashtuns by external forces, we pashtuns were never extremist muslims..before 1947 we had selected khudaikhidmatgar (linked with congress) twice, in 1937 and 1947..and now look what has become of us in pakistan...if we go further back into history then read the rejection of sharia by pashtuns of pakhtunkhwa when syed ahmad barelvi tried to enforce it forcefully...
Extremism in pashtuns stems from pakistan. Fundamantalism and ideological islam are intimately linked to concept of pakistan. It is almost impossible for pakistan to disentengle itself from fundamentalism and interpretation of islam...Pakistan ka matlab kia, la ilah illalah..pakistan literally means land of pure or faithful...islamabad means abode of islam...birth of islam is ascribed to mohammad bin qasim etc etc
Pashtuns on other hand exist for mellinia but have never defined themeselves on theological basis even though they have established empires in iran, afghanistan and india. Islamic utopia and islamist subversive ideologies like deoband, tablighi jamaat, jamat-e-islami are products of indian muslim culture.
Extremism in pashtuns stems from pakistan.

but then explain why ANP won instead of MMA in 2008.....ANP is very much now a Pakistani party which represents (obviously) Pakhtuns.

How is it that a secular (or so they call themselves) party beat a religious party in the NWFP (KP)

Fundamantalism and ideological islam are intimately linked to concept of pakistan. It is almost impossible for pakistan to disentengle itself from fundamentalism and interpretation of islam...Pakistan ka matlab kia, la ilah illalah..pakistan literally means land of pure or faithful...

Islam teaches a core concept called ''balance''

Pashtuns on other hand exist for mellinia but have never defined themeselves on theological basis even though they have established empires in iran, afghanistan and india. Islamic utopia and islamist subversive ideologies like deoband, tablighi jamaat, jamat-e-islami are products of indian muslim culture.

this is very much true -- especially the deobandism, which was coined by ''ulema-e-hind''

regardless of schools of thought, and the this and the thats, the code of conduct is all there in the Quran and those are what Muslims are obligated to abide by.

I don't see any Pakhtun alienation in Pakistan. There are tribes that are dis-enfranchised with the govt but that is a political issue; not an ''existentialist'' issue

hell --- who DOESN'T have a problem with the current govt??

my niece just turned 8 years old and even she is abusing zardari and the 'system' .... 8 years old!!
Guys, why are you taking Afghan sources seriously ?? These are pathetic Pushtun nationalists rather traitors who under the noses & directions of Western powers in Afghanistan have been tasked to spread the propaganda to bring in divide among the people of Pakistan.

This is why Pakistan is and should support the Taliban in Afghanistan as if Taliban are finished, the govt in Afghanistan is not only just print such propaganda, rather they will start creating more troubles for us, just like the way they are arming and giving refuge to the TTP in Afghanistan.

We should stay united and face this enemy in Afghanistan together.

I think Pakistan should respect the sovereignity of Afghanistan and should stay away from interfering in internal affairs of afghanistan .By supporting talibans and sendings recruits from pakistan to afghanistan, it is playing double games. On one hand it is grabbing billions of dollars from US in the name of war on terror while on another hand it is secretly supporting talibans in afghanistan?
You are supporting taliban regime in kabul, would you suggest it for islamabad?
I think Pakistan should respect the sovereignity of Afghanistan and should stay away from interfering in internal affairs of afghanistan .By supporting talibans and sendings recruits from pakistan to afghanistan, it is playing double games. On one hand it is grabbing billions of dollars from US in the name of war on terror while on another hand it is secretly supporting talibans in afghanistan?
You are supporting taliban regime in kabul, would you suggest it for islamabad?

Well then ask Afghanistan to do the same to and don't bring in such propaganda articles which are far away from the reality. Plus, also ask Afghanistan to not let its soil be used against Pakistan through the supporting of elements of TTP and Baluch traitors, and don't drag in the Durrand Line thing, once they start doing that, we can reciprocate in the same way. But if they are gonna create problems for us, then we can't take it anymore as we have already been suffering a lot due to them for decades, our economy takes billions of rupees loss each year, they have grabbed the rights of hundred thousands of local people and its been going on for decades.

And since, Afghanistan, US and its allies are playing double games, why shouldn't we for our long term interests??

And once again, go back and read the two posts, i said support the taliban, not support the Taliban for a rule in Afghanistan.

And don't bring in the rule of taliban in isb BS, as i said before, Afghanistan is kind of an enemy to us, so whatever secures our interests should be perused, be it be Taliban. The Afghans are themselves to be blamed for it.

And plz correct your location flag, so that we can know where you are sitting and from where living in comfort you are saying all these things without being in Pakistan and having suffered.
@taimi khan
I dont see any propaganda in the article, it is mere description of reality. Pashtun society is indeed getting spoiled by talibanization thanks to the infusion and nurturing from ISI. When idps from swat were not allowed to take refuge in punjab and sindh, pashtuns indeed felt that they are marginalized in their own country. Tribals were used as cannon fodder against russia as heroes of islam , now same tribals are getting drones for being islamic extremists. Pashtuns are confused by the whole drama played with them.
You are supporting talibans in afghanistan against ISAF and Karzai regime but you dont want them to be installed as rulers there, what kind of confusion is this buddy? Who you want to be rulers of afghanistan?
@taimi khan
I dont see any propaganda in the article, it is mere description of reality. Pashtun society is indeed getting spoiled by talibanization thanks to the infusion and nurturing from ISI. When idps from swat were not allowed to take refuge in punjab and sindh, pashtuns indeed felt that they are marginalized in their own country. Tribals were used as cannon fodder against russia as heroes of islam , now same tribals are getting drones for being islamic extremists. Pashtuns are confused by the whole drama played with them.
You are supporting talibans in afghanistan against ISAF and Karzai regime but you dont want them to be installed as rulers there, what kind of confusion is this buddy? Who you want to be rulers of afghanistan?

I am a Pushtun and I live in Pushtun areas and i belong to the same area which is at the front of this battle area against these Kharijis.

And the Pushtuns of these areas are themselves to be blamed for getting indoctrinated by the taliban/AQ or even if its ISI, which by the way is a good blame on ISI to deflect the criticism.

And as for your these comments of IDPs not being allowed in other areas, were the IDPs due to floods in Punjab or Sindh shifted to other provinces in mass ?? Don't think so, hope this gives you a good idea of why it did not just happened with people from Swat or KP, this is the normal practice and is the right practice. And a lot of IDPs did shift to Punjab and Sindh and many even have setup businesses there now. But may be by sitting in US, you may not know that.

And won't give you explanation for the last few lines of yours as it would be useless as it needs brains as well as people who understand this whole situation, not someone who by sitting abroad talk about something through which they haven't gone through or suffered.

Pushtuns overall, don't think to be marginalized or sidelined or being used, those who think that, have some brain problem due to which they can't see the broader picture of this whole situation, how it started and what evolved it.

Had you been a Pakistani and had spent some time in Pakistan, you would have understood the threat we are facing from current Afghan set up, just like from the past Afghan govt set ups, minus when there were Taliban in power.

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