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Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons and Israel

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Oct 23, 2014
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Pakistani Strategic planners have said many times that Pakistans Neuclear Weapons are meant for threat from the east. And, its a well known fact that Pakistani Strategic calculas had always revolved around India.

What I want to discuss here is the response from Pakistani State if in future, Israel uses its neuclear arsenal against any Muslim state specially civilian Muslims. Capability is there and Pakistan should plan against all eventualities. In such a scenario, its certain that there will be a huge domestic pressure on Army to retaliate.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are exclusively for Pakistan's defence as of now. Though nuclear umbrella can be extended to any friendly nation, in future, if Pakistan enters some mutual defence pact with her but the chances of it happening are pretty slim other than with China.
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Israel uses its neuclear arsenal against any Muslim state specially civilian Muslims.
Yes, I agree. If Israel for instance launched a nucleaer strike against our Muslim brothers in Kabul, Afghanistan we should help President Ghani by wiping out Israel. Then a day later get wiped out by America.

Pakistan RIP.
Considering we did not do much

  • When Afghan area was bombed
  • When Iraq was bombed
  • When Libya was bombed
  • When Syria was bombed
  • When Rohangia were killed

We will be still a dormant entity as we are typically due to our weak political setup

Now may be due to Trump Backstab we will be pushed into certain Political View that is another story altogether.

Best thing from US/Israel stand point is keep giving us outdated F16 and Weapons like old choppers

Alternatively nations like Turkey are whipping up Terrorist assses
Alternatively Iran is maintaining a solid presence strong response
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Yes, I agree. If Israel for instance launched a nucleaer strike against our Muslim brothers in Kabul, Afghanistan we should help President Ghani by wiping out Israel. Then a day later get wiped out by America.

Pakistan RIP.
Or to protect Hasina of Bangladesh :)

Considering we did not do much

  • When Afghan area was bombed
  • When Iraq was bombed
  • When Libya was bombed
  • When Syria was bombed

We will be still a dormant entity as we are typically due to our weak political setup
Well, it is not just that we are a weak entity, we need to keep our national interests in mind. Which Muslim country is openly supporting us on all issues especially Kashmir issue...other than Turkey?

Iran, KSA and UAE all enjoy great relations with our arch rival so is the Palestinian administration of Mehmood Abbas. Thus, even if we were the sole superpower in the world, we should help only that country or nation that stands with us through thick and thin...especially when it comes to strategic decisions.
  1. Afghanistan perhaps could have avoided bombing if stupid Taliban handed over OBL to USA ( though I'm personally against P. Mush.'s decision of joining US War of Terror against Islam)
  2. Iraq under Saddam was never a Pakistan's ally and made mistakes
  3. Libya made mistakes after mistakes and we have neither the range or the means and also it didn't ask us for help
  4. Bashar-al-Assad is as much of a butcher as rest of the terrorists including ISIS are.
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Pakistani Strategic planners have said many times that Pakistans Neuclear Weapons are meant for threat from the east. And, its a well known fact that Pakistani Strategic calculas had always revolved around India.

What I want to discuss here is the response from Pakistani State if in future, Israel uses its neuclear arsenal against any Muslim state specially civilian Muslims. Capability is there and Pakistan should plan against all eventualities. In such a scenario, its certain that there will be a huge domestic pressure on Army to retaliate.


there is a reason why every time I address a new poster---I ask his age and what type of work they are in---so I can have a better understanding of why they wrote what they wrote.

Sir---I do not know what world are you living in---but in this world---Israel does not have to use any nucs---when they can cleanse up the muslim states thru conventional means---.

Please---for Gods sake---use some gray matter---.
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