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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

When did this happen? Are most Pakistanis, this clueless about their naval affairs.

The Most PNS Ghazi was able to in it service to Pakistan, was to falsely claim merit to, sinking INS Brahmaputra in 1965 war, but to utter embarrassment Pakistani Navy, the Indian frigate was paraded in full colors, after the war was over.

Like the indian claim of destroying canberras and star fighters etc which were later flown after war?OR the fake encounters claimed by indian soldiers n getting medals for them?
Thats where most of you 'commoners' are wrong :P

A nuclear submarine is only 'mammoth' if it is built to carry ballistic missiles in large numbers.
But a submarine carrying nuclear tipped cruise missiles does not need to be too large,and wont need powerful reactor, it wont need a reactor at all, it may even run on conventional power.as nuclear submarine may no necessarily mean a nuclear propelled sub,it may well be a conventional sub modified for carrying nuclear tipped cruise missiles in large enough numbers to act as a deterrent and strategic asset.

Something like Golf class, but instead of BMs, designed to carry CMs.

Maybe Pak will develop something like this. Such sub can easily house 10-18 nuke tipped CMs.
Like the indian claim of destroying canberras and star fighters etc which were later flown after war?OR the fake encounters claimed by indian soldiers n getting medals for them?

Now you are just trying to digress from the topic, to save yourself some embarrassment.
and what for Pakistan needs SSBN? I don't see any strategical use except for using it against Israel.
and what for Pakistan needs SSBN? I don't see any strategical use except for using it against Israel.

morale booster and need of Pakistan Naval Strategic Command.....:coffee:
Pakistan Armed Forces hadnot Israel in any priority by aggressive actions were planned in case of any confluct and agression by Israel...
we need to upgrade our Subs fleet and gain technological superiority and maintain minimal defensive capabilities....:thinktank:
What is the Indian need for Akula and other nuclear subs? Power projection. Are you really at threat from China or USN as your strategic planners claim?

As a cash strap country, Pakistan's need to expand its already proven and excellent underwater warfare capability to ensure a true and viable second strike capability. With the Indian boomers in the Arabian sea threatening, and other future adversaries threatening the SLOCs, such a capability is inevitable.
and what for Pakistan needs SSBN? I don't see any strategical use except for using it against Israel.
What is the Indian need for Akula and other nuclear subs? Power projection. Are you really at threat from China or USN as your strategic planners claim?

As a cash strap country, Pakistan's need to expand its already proven and excellent underwater warfare capability to ensure a true and viable second strike capability. With the Indian boomers in the Arabian sea threatening, and other future adversaries threatening the SLOCs, such a capability is inevitable.

we have no first use policy for nuclear weapon so we need second strike capability and there was a need to develop such SSBN and secondly India faces threat from China and Pakistan plus India is not Pakistan centric. India is a regional power and could become a UNSC members in a decade. We need to have such capability!
Rather we should have concentrated in 2000 for the construction of third shipyard along with the upgradation of the whole Shipyard facility and start the upgrade of the Agosta-70 and construction of the 6 AGOSTA-90B submarines at KS&EWs and looking to get order from BDs as well...
Rather we should have concentrated in 2000 for the construction of third shipyard along with the upgradation of the whole Shipyard facility and start the upgrade of the Agosta-70 and construction of the 6 AGOSTA-90B submarines at KS&EWs and looking to get order from BDs as well...

shipyard facility is enough to build a 6000 ton sub...

but no money or intention to do that
552millions is the total navy budget

N sub is possible from nuclear program budget(2.5bn usd)
PN should get $ 4-5 bn/year for say 10 years and build up the blue water navy. Later they can reduce the budget.

All elements of Pakistan Armed Forces should be focused on building credible, innovative defense systems - match platform for platform, system for system, it can't be sustained and it should not be attempted.
any submarine can launch a neuclear missile so no need of neuclear sub for pakistan we just need to upgrade a method of finding subs and also destroying them by some anti sub weapon...otherwise nuclear sub will b too expensive for our economy...

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