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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

Don't you think the International Community would go ape-sh*t on us if they see Pakistan not only going for a strategic nuclear triad but also a tactical nuclear one with the Al-Nasrs, the Ra'ad & now a nuclear-tipped Torpedo.

That said, I like the idea ! A single Agosta Armed with these could possibly hold off an entire Indian flotilla at the periphery of the Arabian Sea & deny them a chance to blockade us. Imagine what 5 of them could do with possibly even the Surface Ships carrying these. Perhaps even a naval variant of the Al-Nasr could be looked into as well.

How exactly will you do that? Let us even assume for a sec that PN has actually tactical sub nuke capability.(Although at this juncture, they submarine launched missiles and torpedo looks a remote proposition for pakistan), how will your submarine work? It can't detect incoming IN ships from longer distances, it will be to move closer, thus itself coming in range of Indian subs such as Akula II and dedicated ASW platforms such as P28

Also we do have aerial anti submarine platforms. How do you plan to counter them?
We are implementing second strike capability via naval assets and it will be a game changer as far as the navy's defensive based approach is concerned.

Actually reliable second strike capability can only be obtained via a nuclear sub, not surface ships.

But my question was different, I must also mention that:

1. Nasr has not been integrated with subs, nor it has been tested for it.
2. No sources of Ra'ad being nuclear capable or being sub capable.
3. Pakistan doesn't has a nuclear tipped torpedo.

But lets assume hypothetically that pakistan has achieved all this, even then, how will this be possible:

A single Agosta Armed with these could possibly hold off an entire Indian flotilla at the periphery of the Arabian Sea & deny them a chance to blockade us.
Actually reliable second strike capability can only be obtained via a nuclear sub, not surface ships.

But my question was different, I must also mention that:

1. Nasr has not been integrated with subs, nor it has been tested for it.
2. No sources of Ra'ad being nuclear capable or being sub capable.
3. Pakistan doesn't has a nuclear tipped torpedo.

A non-nuclear submarine can also provide a limited second-strike capability.

1. It won't be, it is a land-based missile. It is the warhead of Nasr which was being referred to.
2. Ra'ad ALCM is pretty much nuclear capable, whether you like it or not. Source: ISPR

ISPR - Rawalpindi - May 31, 2012:

Pakistan, today conducted a successful Flight Test of the indigenously developed Air Launched Cruise Missile, Hatf-VIII (Ra’ad). The Ra’ad Missile, with a range of over 350 KM, enables Pakistan to achieve strategic standoff capability on land and at Sea. The state of the art Ra’ad Cruise Missile with Stealth Capabilities is a Low Altitude, Terrain Hugging Missile with high maneuverability, and can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with pin point accuracy.
But it is not designed to be launched by subs, rather by aircrafts. Babur SLCM is being developed for that purpose.

3. Yes, there is no official declaration of it, nor any statement by any official. But how difficult would it be for Pakistan to replace the conventional warhead of a torpedo with a tactical nuclear (Nasr-type) one?
A non-nuclear submarine can also provide a limited second-strike capability.

1. It won't be, it is a land-based missile. It is the warhead of Nasr which was being referred to.
2. Ra'ad ALCM is pretty much nuclear capable, whether you like it or not. Source: ISPR

But it is not designed to be launched by subs, rather by aircrafts. Babur SLCM is being developed for that purpose.

3. Yes, there is no official declaration of it, nor any statement by any official. But how difficult would it be for Pakistan to replace the conventional warhead of a torpedo with a tactical nuclear (Nasr-type) one?

Next time read my post properly. I am not contesting the above three points. What I am saying is lets say that pakistan has achieved all those capabilities has an Agosta with nuclear capable Babur, nuclear tipped torpedo, or what ever things that appear in your dreams. Even after achieving that, how will this be possible as said by your friend Armstrong

A single Agosta Armed with these could possibly hold off an entire Indian flotilla at the periphery of the Arabian Sea & deny them a chance to blockade us.
Next time read my post properly. I am not contesting the above three points. What I am saying is lets say that pakistan has achieved all those capabilities has an Agosta with nuclear capable Babur, nuclear tipped torpedo, or what ever things that appear in your dreams. Even after achieving that, how will this be possible as said by your friend Armstrong

I don't dream. :)

And I don't know what exactly he meant by that. Perhaps he wanted to say that the deterrence factor could be achieved. Of course one vessel is not enough for undertaking such a task.
Actually reliable second strike capability can only be obtained via a nuclear sub, not surface ships.

But my question was different, I must also mention that:

1. Nasr has not been integrated with subs, nor it has been tested for it
2. No sources of Ra'ad being nuclear capable or being sub capable.
3. Pakistan doesn't has a nuclear tipped torpedo.

But lets assume hypothetically that pakistan has achieved all this, even then, how will this be possible:

1st of all Raad is a ALCM....
soo it is just fired frm air platforms not bt land or sea platforms...
about Nasr i will say it is a conventional battlefield missile so there are not any such plans to have a sea based varient...
Babur missile is being developed to be launched fron sea based platform...
and in any conventional or nuclear attach there isnot any advantage to nuclear sub...
a conventional sub is equal to nuclear sub in any attack..
nuclear subs have just advantage that they are difficult to detect and can remain underwater for a long perioud of time...
other wise it is almost equal to conventional sub....:coffee:
Raa'd ALCM payload is 400kg.

with a standard warhead.it could cause destruction 35kt equivalent of tnt.

or almost double the size of bomb dropped on hiroshima.so Raa'd itself can destroy a medium to large size city with the combination of destruction/radiation/
Wow Pakistan developing Nuke Submarine.....Pakistan must investing 10s of billion dollar on that..............
Raa'd ALCM payload is 400kg.

with a standard warhead.it could cause destruction 35kt equivalent of tnt.

or almost double the size of bomb dropped on hiroshima.so Raa'd itself can destroy a medium to large size city with the combination of destruction/radiation/

If you mean Indian cities then you are in a deep shik.
For, if that happened......
Agni and K series will unleash their fury on whole of a Pakistan. So first think of this angle, and that of 200 Million Indian Muslims who stand to be perished with your strike.

Think Umah!

some sources say that it will be inducted in 2015

You mean Arihant in Indian Navy?

Ok :)

How about a link please; for that source(s).
Thanks in advance.

He means Arihant baba :)
And he is right....
1st of all Raad is a ALCM....
soo it is just fired frm air platforms not bt land or sea platforms...
about Nasr i will say it is a conventional battlefield missile so there are not any such plans to have a sea based varient...
Babur missile is being developed to be launched fron sea based platform...
and in any conventional or nuclear attach there isnot any advantage to nuclear sub...
a conventional sub is equal to nuclear sub in any attack..
nuclear subs have just advantage that they are difficult to detect and can remain underwater for a long perioud of time...
other wise it is almost equal to conventional sub....:coffee:

What did I ask? A simple question
What did you reply? fjasojfsgh;alfj

Please read again what did I ask and reply accordingly.
If you mean Indian cities then you are in a deep shik.
For, if that happened......
Agni and K series will unleash their fury on whole of a Pakistan. So first think of this angle, and that of 200 Million Indian Muslims who stand to be perished with your strike.

Think Umah!

Read pakistan nuclear doctrine

it doesnt fall under Minimum credible deterrence.
And it doesnt matter what you fire at us.

Remember that in 1987 when zia ul haq warned india to not even try to cross 1 inch of pakistani border.Since than india has not even crossed 1 inch of pakistan border and rather stay 500m away from the loc

That was the year when pakistan developed the first warhead able to be delivered by aircraft/missiles

so we are not afraid what ever you do.wipe us or blah blah

our doctrine

Cross the border and ready for destruction
Read pakistan nuclear doctrine

it doesnt fall under Minimum credible deterrence.
And it doesnt matter what you fire at us.

Remember that in 1987 when zia ul haq warned india to not even try to cross 1 inch of pakistani border.Since than india has not even crossed 1 inch of pakistan border and rather stay 500m away from the loc

That was the year when pakistan developed the first warhead able to be delivered by aircraft/missiles

so we are not afraid what ever you do.wipe us or blah blah

our doctrine

Cross the border and ready for destruction

Why only border?
Why not Kargil n Siachin where Indian flag is atop?
And stop your false threats.
India shot down your Atlantique with 13 Officials - why no Nukes on India?
This Nuke bluff has no more value.

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