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Pakistan's new strategy to avoid ABM

Don't butt in matters which u don't understand
It must take a genius to understand how Muslims are driving out minorities systematically - whether that is yazidis in Middle East, Christians or Ahmadis in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia bombing shias in Yemen.

Or to see Muslims exploding in markets or see them killing soldiers when they return or see doctors and engineers running off to join ISIS.

Yeah, we are all blind.
I dont know whether to laugh or cry..

So you have heard of a lofted trajectory??

Imagine a tone heavy RV descending from 800 km above vertically on to target...
Mach 20 means around 6-7 km/second...that is around 100 meters in a millisecond...that means if your calculations are off for a millisecond you miss the target as you cannot hope to chase it at this speed...to make sure you do miss it; those side firing motors can change attitude randomly.

Proximity fuse will not work as RV will pass right through the explosion.. a little damage to nuclear warhead is of no consequences as it ignites from inside not from out side...this is not a 10 dollar hamas rocket you are talking about
Only direct hit to kill can work...
thats why THAAD uses kinetic kill; but that has only been tested against non separating parabollic liquid fuelled missiles like some that iran or north korea may fire....far lower speeds ; perdictable attitude...

Staying on that note all the tests of indian BMD used prithvi missile as target ; which again is a liquid fuelled non separating missile...

It was claimed that BMD when functional ; will be at same level as american patriot pac3...and we all know how useless pac3 has been...

Wow, check the PDV stats.

And one thing if India want to develop a deployable BMD network, then it need X-band LRTR, not L-band.
How about the element of surprise in which before you could give any command to your missile, Indian Prahar missile in salvo mode destroys your command and control site followed by an attack on your missile site destroying your missile on your launching platform obviating any need of launching BMD?
I dont know whether to laugh or cry..

So you have heard of a lofted trajectory??

Imagine a tone heavy RV descending from 800 km above vertically on to target...
Mach 20 means around 6-7 km/second...that is around 100 meters in a millisecond...that means if your calculations are off for a millisecond you miss the target as you cannot hope to chase it at this speed...to make sure you do miss it; those side firing motors can change attitude randomly.

Proximity fuse will not work as RV will pass right through the explosion.. a little damage to nuclear warhead is of no consequences as it ignites from inside not from out side...this is not a 10 dollar hamas rocket you are talking about
Only direct hit to kill can work...
thats why THAAD uses kinetic kill; but that has only been tested against non separating parabollic liquid fuelled missiles like some that iran or north korea may fire....far lower speeds ; perdictable attitude...

Staying on that note all the tests of indian BMD used prithvi missile as target ; which again is a liquid fuelled non separating missile...

It was claimed that BMD when functional ; will be at same level as american patriot pac3...and we all know how useless pac3 has been...

1.Your 2500 Km ballistic missile will travel at a speed 2500 Km Ballistic missile does, regardless what trajectory, you follow.

2. Phase I of BMD designed against Ballistic missiles for handling missile of 2500 Km range and the corresponding speed.
Hence speed of your BM have already been taking into account, while designing the BMD.

3.Tell me again how does type of fuel in the target missile matters??!!

4. IN 9 out 11 BMD tests, hit to kill has been achieved, the target missile has been completely obliterated.

5. Proximity fuse does work, even if the anti missile fails a directly hit target missile, the explosion, will knock of the Ballistic missile or RV from its path, and the nuclear weapon instead of hitting the target city..will fall hundred of kms from its intended target...might even fall back in your own country, of you taget nearby cities like New Delhi , Chandigarh etc.

6. Those altitude correction nozzles do not offer enough thrust to radically change the missiles path, BMD missiles have active homing radar and are designed to instantaneously change direction can pull of manoeuvres upto 30G.
Not to forget it is twin layered BMD, if the exoatmospheric interception fails then endo atmospheric interceptor will take over...together they offer a hit probability of 99.8%.

7. No, it is said the endoatmospheric interceptor of BMD(upto 30 Km altitude) i.e AAD missile is better than PAC3.
The exo -atmospheric interceptor, PDV, which designed to take out missiles at 150 Km altitude..takes it to level of THAAD.
1.Your 2500 Km ballistic missile will travel at a speed 2500 Km Ballistic missile does, regardless what trajectory, you follow.

2. Phase I of BMD designed against Ballistic missiles for handling missile of 2500 Km range and the corresponding speed.
Hence speed of your BM have already been taking into account, while designing the BMD.

3.Tell me again how does type of fuel in the target missile matters??!!

4. IN 9 out 11 BMD tests, hit to kill has been achieved, the target missile has been completely obliterated.

5. Proximity fuse does work, even if the anti missile fails a directly hit target missile, the explosion, will knock of the Ballistic missile or RV from its path, and the nuclear weapon instead of hitting the target city..will fall hundred of kms from its intended target...might even fall back in your own country, of you taget nearby cities like New Delhi , Chandigarh etc.

6. Those altitude correction nozzles do not offer enough thrust to radically change the missiles path, BMD missiles have active homing radar and are designed to instantaneously change direction can pull of manoeuvres upto 30G.
Not to forget it is twin layered BMD, if the exoatmospheric interception fails then endo atmospheric interceptor will take over...together they offer a hit probability of 99.8%.

7. No, it is said the endoatmospheric interceptor of BMD(upto 30 Km altitude) i.e AAD missile is better than PAC3.
The exo -atmospheric interceptor, PDV, which designed to take out missiles at 150 Km altitude..takes it to level of THAAD.

1-Yeah sure your agni 3 has e stimated re entry speed of mach 20 as well

Please check before blabbering

Also according to indian scientists a mac 3 brahmos is indistructable but mac 20 RV can be stopped...ok

2- that does not mean any thing
3- try to learn between separating and non separating missiles
4-yeah sure i totally believe that
5- no it does not against a tonne weightage travelling at mac 20..velocity is too great...again its not a hamas rocket
6- fairy tale... side firing motors can do enough to make any exact calculation of path impossible
7- wow and just wow
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Wow and just wow... a country who has flondered a basic tank, and cannot build a third generation fighter is going to shoot down mirvs; marvs; cruiee and ballistic missiles with 100% accuracy...

Please try catching more pigeons first
The same can be said about your country.... At-least we have something to show for. Last time I checked you guys wr struggling to have a domestic automobile engine, so I will refrain myself from asking about aeronautic or space faring engines.
Yeah sure your agni 3 has e stimated re entry speed of mach 20 as well
So your IRBMs having comparable characteristics achieve Mach 20 but A3 can't ?? May be some "Ruhani Takat" pushing ur IRBMs through the atmosphere !!

Also according to indian scientists a mac 3 brahmos is indistructable but mac 20 RV can be stopped...ok
You have serious confusion between a Ballistic Missile and Supersonic Cruise Missile. Bramhos is difficult to intercept as it travel at tree top heights at Mach 3 with terminal maneuvers. A Ballistic Missile by its definition will follow a "Ballistic" path. And as it has to gain a good altitude, to achieve its range, it can be "painted" by radars much more easily. Given you have decent interception platform, problem is just target identification. Subsonic have a longer flight time and can be easily detected and tracked by aerostats and AWACS. On station aircraft (Supersonic till 2.0 Mach ) can easily shoot those babies down. But when you have to face a Supersonic Cruise missile, it has very little flight time to target, it's faster than anything in air (in tail chase mode obviously, aircraft will have to catch up to it destroy it) and finally, after the missile is visible over horizon, it provide a very low reaction time. Not impossible to shoot down but really hard.

2- that does not mean any thing
When these ABMs are tested the target missile has a "Powered Descent", this though decreasing the range but greatly increases the velocity. And it is tested against A3 to specifically cover every Ballistic Missile Pak has in its stable.

3- try to learn between separating and non separating missiles
This proves that you have no background knowledge of rockets. Those are called "Multistage Rockets" And this staging allows the thrust of the remaining stages to more easily accelerate the rocket to its final speed and height. And it has nothing to do with type of fuel (Liquid or Solid). Moreover a Liquid Fueled rocket has a higher specific impulse and better throw capacity.

5- no it does not against a tonne weightage travelling at mac 20..velocity is too great...again its not a hamas rocket
No sir, it dose its job rather well. You see that speed is a double edged sword. Along with dense atmosphere, it created a very unforgiving environment. Even if the ABM warhead is able to punch a 1mm hole in the external heat shield it's done deal for your saheen. A bigger rip will have even worse effect, it will mess with the aerodynamics of the warhead and it will "tumble" in atmosphere and eventually burn out even before it reaches surface. I tell you Supersonic aerodynamics is just too violent. This is the very worst case scenarios described.

6- fairy tale... side firing motors can do enough to make any exact calculation of path impossible
I suppose you are a bit learned in Newtonian laws of motion ?? Bare with me, I will just scrape the surface of rocket science nothing very complicated. Here Newton's first law of motion:-

When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

Now as you said that warhead will be moving at very high speed, so it will tend to move in the original direction unless acted upon by a huge force. So now the problem is those thrusters will have to burn a very high amount of fuel to just nudge it from it's original course. And packing such high amounts of fuel for all thrusters will only eat away from the original throw weight capacity. Hence your RV at best would deliver about 200Kg of warhead ,considering 200Kg of fuel is used by the thrusters to provide some meaningful maneuver.

And kid this is the reason that those thrusters are used for course correction BEFORE rv enters atmosphere. It is also used to give the RV a spin for gyroscopic stability. But using them for terminal maneuvers is nothing but waste of resources.
Earlier models of patriot had proximity fuses...they have been discarded as they dont work... they failed to intercept any scuds...

And those thrusters are same as used on chinese anti ship ballistic missiles that are used for huge amount of terminal manovering t o actually hit a moving target ...
It must take a genius to understand how Muslims are driving out minorities systematically - whether that is yazidis in Middle East, Christians or Ahmadis in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia bombing shias in Yemen.
Or to see Muslims exploding in markets or see them killing soldiers when they return or see doctors and engineers running off to join ISIS.

Yeah, we are all blind.
Exactly you people are blind since you trying to see the things which are out of your league
You're nation's reliance on keppat brazel or Iron dome
Will be your own downfall. The system itself is in its preliminary stages and as shortcomings such as

According to Ronen Bergman, in 2012, duringOperation Pillar of Defense, Israel agreed to an early cease-fire, "for a reason that has remained a closely guarded secret: The Iron Dome anti-missile defense system... had run out of ammunition." Bergman says that as a result of the experience, Israel had tried to prepare larger stocks of interceptors for futures rounds of fighting.


An unpublished 2013 report by Theodore Postol, Mordechai Shefer and another colleague argued that the official effectiveness figures for Iron Dome during Operation Pillar of Defense were incorrect.Although Postol had earlier lauded Iron Dome's effectiveness, after studying YouTube videos of the warhead interceptions as well as police reports and other data, he argued that "Iron Dome’s intercept rate, defined as destruction of the rocket's warhead was relatively low, perhaps as low as 5%, but could well be lower." Postol reached this conclusion mainly from an analysis of non-official footage of interceptions taken by civilians and published on YouTube.

keep believing in this BS and it will lead to pakistas downfall. India is too big to fail. iron dome is the worlds best AMD system.

This incredible video footage shows the moment Israel's notorious Iron Dome shoots down 15 rockets at the same time.

The harrowing sound of air raid sirens can be heard causing Israeli's to run for cover close to the border with Gaza.

Seconds later, the interceptor missiles of the Iron Dome are launched into the sky.

After shooting up towards their targets, a number of explosions are seen as the missiles completely destroy the rockets.

Incredibly, all 15 of the deadly rockets which had been fired were destroyed within seconds.

It is thought the militants who launched the rockets tried to beat the missile defence system by firing a large number all in one go.

The clip was uploaded onto YouTube by the pro-Israel group 'Sin'.

During the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants, the Iron Dome has been relied on heavily by Israel.

It is thought it has intercepted about 90 per cent of rockets fired by militants into the country.
keep believing in this BS and it will lead to pakistas downfall. India is too big to fail. iron dome is the worlds best AMD system.

This incredible video footage shows the moment Israel's notorious Iron Dome shoots down 15 rockets at the same time.

The harrowing sound of air raid sirens can be heard causing Israeli's to run for cover close to the border with Gaza.

Seconds later, the interceptor missiles of the Iron Dome are launched into the sky.

After shooting up towards their targets, a number of explosions are seen as the missiles completely destroy the rockets.

Incredibly, all 15 of the deadly rockets which had been fired were destroyed within seconds.

It is thought the militants who launched the rockets tried to beat the missile defence system by firing a large number all in one go.

The clip was uploaded onto YouTube by the pro-Israel group 'Sin'.

During the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants, the Iron Dome has been relied on heavily by Israel.

It is thought it has intercepted about 90 per cent of rockets fired by militants into the country.
Yes but when you have It in your arsenal then talk
For now STFU !!!
Yes but when you have It in your arsenal then talk
For now STFU !!!

hahahaha............. if we can have Israel's latest barak 8 SAM then we can buy Iron dome system anytime. maybe its you who need to STFU:D

Yes but when you have It in your arsenal then talk
For now STFU !!!

i am sorry, i forgot to ask you if you enjoyed the video:D
hahahaha............. if we can have Israel's latest barak 8 SAM then we can buy Iron dome system anytime. maybe its you who need to STFU:D

i am sorry, i forgot to ask you if you enjoyed the video:D

Enjoyed the video butgoing to enjoy It more when you guys buy it we have plenty of missles . We will help you test your systems.:D

do enjoy the videos.[/QUOTE]
Earlier models of patriot had proximity fuses...they have been discarded as they dont work... they failed to intercept any scuds...
And those thrusters are same as used on chinese anti ship ballistic missiles that are used for huge amount of terminal manovering t o actually hit a moving target ...
So you want to say that pakistan cannot even make RCS thrusters ?? And over that you are equating Shaheen with DF series ? I would implore you to do your research first. Moreover I just explained how using RCS thrusters inside atmosphere is just waste of resources. Better use a wing. Even then large course correction is not possible. Also keep in mind the interceptors are made with terminal maneuvers in mind. If I am right, it has a thrust vectoring nozzle.
shaheen is modified DF series every one knows that.
DF series uses both thrusters and wings, so does shaheen 2.

and only functioning element of indian BMD is currently swordfish radar, which is not exactly make in india

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