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Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif, Not his army, The world’s most dangerous…

Maybe you are right. But from the history I have read, Pakistani Generals are not that passive. They might let the mouse play for a while but they are quick to rein him in if things start to get out of control.

Army also have her interest in Arabia as they send troops for training and retired personals are recruited there - so they will keep mum on this issue and put ball in NS's court. now all we have to see is that NS stand by the resolution of parliament (which actually he called) or lay down to pay debts of Saudis for saving his life and giving royal treatment when he was in exile.
That is good. Personally, if I were you, I would tell the Saudis this:

1) Pakistan military is not cheap. As the French five star hotels are not cheap. As the latest Boeing and Airbus planes are not cheap. If you want these, you have to pay for them. You pay for the last two, why not for the first as well.

2) Pakistan has a serious debt and infrastructure problem.

3) 500 billion dollars will go a long way to address alot of Pakistan's problems. Saudi Arabia has 800 billion dollars cash in its foreign reserves. A wire transfer is all that is required. From Saudi central bank to Pakistan State bank.

4) Saudi Arabia has more war planes than it needs. Maybe it should share some of them with Pakistan. If Pakistan is to share the lives of its soldiers, why can't Saudis share 50 Tornados, 50 Typhoons and 50 F-15's. Give them to Pakistan and when and if you needed it, they will be sent back home.

How is that for negotiation?
That is not going to happen

We send troops to Saudi Arabia but not in harm's way

We ask them to stop funding of madressahs and sectarian organizations here

We demand Pakistan should not be made a proxy battleground btw Iran and Saudi Arabia like using organizations like Jundullah

Also they stop their opposition to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline

This is realistic and achievable
USA does not need reasons to invade us, if they decide to attack us, they will invent the reasons, like they invented 9/11.
If they say we have the WMD, then we do. Period.

You're not oily enough to be considered a suitable candidate for invasion.

I respectively disagree. The best air-force in the Muslim world has to be Turkey's. Pakistan is good but suffers from having to use equipment that is not in the same league as the Turks or even the saudi's AF. I agree the PAF's pilots are well trained but Turk pilots are trained to NATO standards.

I think someone on this forum had done an analysis of equipment, training, education, etc and the Turks have the best airforce in the Muslim world.
Equipment and training wise no doubt the Turk's have the advantage with all of their NATO standard weapons and training. But experience wise i would say Pakistan since we have fought all of the major enemy air forces in our region and scored kills against them. Also, training wise we aren't lagging. Our pilots get top notch training at home and with other major air forces.

Which other Muslim country's air force has the record of going up against the IAF, The Soviet Air Force, and the Israeli Air Force without suffering significant losses on our side while inflicting terrible losses on the enemy?

That is good. Personally, if I were you, I would tell the Saudis this:

1) Pakistan military is not cheap. As the French five star hotels are not cheap. As the latest Boeing and Airbus planes are not cheap. If you want these, you have to pay for them. You pay for the last two, why not for the first as well.

2) Pakistan has a serious debt and infrastructure problem.

3) 500 billion dollars will go a long way to address alot of Pakistan's problems. Saudi Arabia has 800 billion dollars cash in its foreign reserves. A wire transfer is all that is required. From Saudi central bank to Pakistan State bank.

4) Saudi Arabia has more war planes than it needs. Maybe it should share some of them with Pakistan. If Pakistan is to share the lives of its soldiers, why can't Saudis share 50 Tornados, 50 Typhoons and 50 F-15's. Give them to Pakistan and when and if you needed it, they will be sent back home.

How is that for negotiation?

Not at all. You were having a heated debate with @Oscar , so I thought maybe abit of humility when criticizing someone's thread should be on order.

They are all having exams and are busy. Saudis have made grave mistakes. Extremely grave.

Maybe. Time will tell.
I told u what I know and what is comming in future neither pak govt and military said No to kingdom .all this dust is settling down U will picture very clear .we need friends whom we need them in future too it's always two way .this motion which parliment pass is not law it's not binding govt to not help GCC .it gave all the tools that armed forces of pak and govt need read all the motion clearly neutral word is also link with we stand by saudia .U saw the reaction fron saudi govt what u read by minister is a tweet not official statement from the office .i think there is realization among military and govt circles that we should mend the fence which screwed by bafoons sitting in parliment.u will rapid pace developments with in weeks and days
I just started reading and stopped after the first paragraph.
Please tell this author that
1-JuD and ASWJ are not linked to Afghanistan but rather Indian Kashmir and anti-SSP.
2-Had these parties been under the control of Nawaz Sharif, these would have been banned already alongside TTP and BLA etc.

The real story as per my understanding is that the amry already had some implicit or explicit commitment to Saudis. Remember that Saudis has dolled more petro dollars for defence ties than civilian aid. However, like ever, military left this so thought unpopular decision on the sole responsibility of Nawaz administration. Which ,in turn, turned the tables on military by brining a weak yet unanimous resolution. Military leadership was caught off guard by this act of parliament. I fail to understand the mention of yemen in corps commander conference. Military and Govt both are now in tight spot so you'll see some sort of hurried up action to undo the impression of neutrility.
Pakistan will have to send troops , because of our foreign policy towards gulf countries , we were defending them in past. we will have to defend them in future. secondly and most importantly 3 million Pakistanis work in saudiarab. and they send 15 billion dollar / year back to Pakistan. with economy of 200 billion dollar , 15 bn is a big big amount. and if gulf countries will start sending pakistanis back then there will be major economy crises.
We are fogetting that Jordanian air force and UAE air force are also among one of the most professional forces around.
Pakistan will have to send troops , because of our foreign policy towards gulf countries , we were defending them in past. we will have to defend them in future. secondly and most importantly 3 million Pakistanis work in saudiarab. and they send 15 billion dollar / year back to Pakistan. with economy of 200 billion dollar , 15 bn is a big big amount. and if gulf countries will start sending pakistanis back then there will be major economy crises.
Iran hy na.....:D
i dont agree with article. there is no pressure from islamic movements. their opinion doesnot matter. but PTI / PPP opinion matters to some instant . anyways within 3 days we will agree to KSA offer.

Iran hy na.....:D
we cannot change our foreign policy at this moment. secondly iran's economy is not good enough right now. and gulf states are biggest buyers of pakistani arms. suaudiarab also helped pakistan in 98-99 crisis.
soon PM & COAS will visit KSA and will discuss situation of yemen. i am sure pakistan will request KSA to request UN to send its troops. because boots on ground will create hell of a mess which every country's nightmare. KSA dont understand it yet
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