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Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

Thoriiii ziyadiii ho gaiii hiii ! :disagree:
@chauvunist @Areesh - Which channel are they showing the News on ?

nahi..you don't know.....nobody knows about RAW....fact is 99.99% don't give a **** ..they are more interested in football,cricket and saas bahu serials...this is form my own personal experiences...
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not to long back one of the mods claimed he could point every isi office in the city...it was made when there was an attack on the isi building....

If you said RAW in India 99.99% would think your talking about Wrestling..

I think it was a comment made in slight exaggeration, there's really no way that you could know about these offices without being highlighted and investigated. Some people may have an idea if there is such an establishment in their area because of the people that come and go and their body language but I doubt they could know a lot about it.
If Indians don't like their soldiers as being called terrorists then maybe they should watch their own Indian channels which are labelling the same against Pakistan. The gloves seriously need to come off in Pakistan. We have put out our hand to shake but they should now find it in a fist instead. After the game played by India in Pakistan we should revie Kashmir ten fold, but this time envelope the whole of India as well. A few bombs targeting the Indian stock exchange and international investors would send a message right at the heart of the Indian terror machine in Delhi.
If Indians don't like their soldiers as being called terrorists then maybe they should watch their own Indian channels which are labelling the same against Pakistan. The gloves seriously need to come off in Pakistan. We have put out our hand to shake but they should now find it in a fist instead. After the game played by India in Pakistan we should revie Kashmir ten fold, but this time envelope the whole of India as well. A few bombs targeting the Indian stock exchange and international investors would send a message right at the heart of the Indian terror machine in Delhi.

Thanks for the laughs!!!!!!!
Hey, nice to be back. Terror-friendly governments in the centre and KPK have been keeping me busy for some time now.
I think the whole issue is doctored, not a month goes by without India claiming they mowed down a battalion of terrorists and lost about a platoon in the process but guess what......no bodies, no proof, nothing. So unless they have some solid, concrete (actually existent) proof, I'm just dismissing it as propaganda to draw eyes away from the recently escalating situation in Kashmir. .
selective memory at play too
a single Pakistani soldier was abducted and then shot saying he cross the border to Attack Indian posts few months back and then Indian airforce has been recently fingering as well by first sending jets and then the drone recently.
not sure why that is conveniently ignored that behind all this victimhood and innocence, Indian war machine is constantly at war even though on the advice of Uncle Sam we are told not to be obsessed with India and concentrate on Taliban.
not to long back one of the mods claimed he could point every isi office in the city...it was made when there was an attack on the isi building....

If you said RAW in India 99.99% would think your talking about Wrestling..

That was me I think...

As Icarus said, that was a tongue in cheek comment, didn't mean it literally! But i is safe to say that in Pakistan, a bit more people know about things they shouldn't be knowing or are supposed to be a bit hidden. Maybe its just the recent events that have compelled us.

FOR EXAMPLE, before the Mehran base attack, how many people knew that Navy has an air base? Then people search more, and more and more. They stumble on Google Earth and discover a treasure trove of info.

Hey, nice to be back. Terror-friendly governments in the centre and KPK have been keeping me busy for some time now. .

Interesting that you said this...seems you folks aren't quite happy with the government's posture...please give the politicians a wake up call from this peace peace dream.
Finally someone responded to indian soldiers in same manner they act upon others life.

Why is Pakistan alone in this? Bangladesh should also teach Indians a lesson, you can't bully all your neighbors and expect roses
If Indians don't like their soldiers as being called terrorists then maybe they should watch their own Indian channels which are labelling the same against Pakistan. The gloves seriously need to come off in Pakistan. We have put out our hand to shake but they should now find it in a fist instead. After the game played by India in Pakistan we should revie Kashmir ten fold, but this time envelope the whole of India as well. A few bombs targeting the Indian stock exchange and international investors would send a message right at the heart of the Indian terror machine in Delhi.

Isn't Thor a pagan God from the Nordic countries?

As in "Thor's day" (Thursday)?
Just Checked NDTV,IBNLIVE Website

Oh Men
Indian Media going carzy again
Propaganda is on
Freedom Fighter,s killed 5 Indian Solders
now thay Blaming us

always said Indians are master of Propaganda keep doing that
we Dont care

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