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Pakistan's Internet censorship


Jan 10, 2007
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‘YouTube’ blocked for blasphemous web content

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) has directed all the Internet service providers of the country to block access to the video-sharing website ‘Youtube’ for containing blasphemous content.

The order, issued by the director enforcement agency, says that the ratio of “non-Islamic objectionable video” has increased on the website. Following the order, all local ISPs have blocked the website from their servers. “The site would remain blocked till further orders from the PTA,” a local ISP worker said.

YouTube, powered by Google, allows people to easily upload and share video clips through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email, and is used by people all over the world.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This is outrageous, if true. Can someone confirm this?

It is not the fault of Youtube that someone is posting some anti-Islamic material on it. You can always not watch it.

Youtube is one of the greatest inventions of the internet. This is just outrageous!
True, its one's own choice but it doesn't justify the growing ratio of objectionable video's, we're being overexposed and falsly informed or educated.

Youtube is more popular with youth...
This is outrageous, if true. Can someone confirm this?

It is not the fault of Youtube that someone is posting some anti-Islamic material on it. You can always not watch it.

Youtube is one of the greatest inventions of the internet. This is just outrageous!


Suppose Sheesha was one of the greastest inventions of all times. Whats wrong is wrong and should be removed so it doesn't poison the public's mind. (By the way there should be an international ban on drugs such as Sheesha and cigarettes; all intoxicants...but this is getting offtopic.)

The point is...; obviously if Youtube was getting obscence and dirty then I have to agree with the notion of banning it. :tup:

I mean if the Communist Chinese, and North Korean governments can ban websites they don't like, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has a right to block certain websites she doesn't like too! :china: :pakistan:

In the end, when I now think of it...Youtube should regulate videos that are uploaded so it doesn't offend any particular group or show "how do I say it..." haraam things online...

But, whatever... whats done is done...Personally I think it was a good move...

Allah Hafiz
Its true. Though it only affects those who are (i am unsure of the technical details so please help me here) on a PTA based link. The ones who are on private up link still show You Tube. And I just changed last month!
Suppose Sheesha was one of the greastest inventions of all times. Whats wrong is wrong and should be removed so it doesn't poison the public's mind.
But Youtube is not supposed to poison people's minds! It's a source of educational documentaries and tens of Pro-Pakistani, patriotic videos are linked from our site alone. It provides a means for cheap/easy video blogging, a place where we can all become vbloggers.

The point is...; obviously if Youtube was getting obscence and dirty then I have to agree with the notion of banning it. :tup:
If you are an adult and you're watching those obscene videos then its YOUR fault. If your child is watching them, then you should do a better job in regulating what your child watches!

I mean if the Communist Chinese, and North Korean governments can ban websites they don't like, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has a right to block certain websites she doesn't like too! :china: :pakistan:
All examples of things that are wrong.

In the end, when I now think of it...Youtube should regulate videos that are uploaded so it doesn't offend any particular group or show "how do I say it..." haraam things online...
Don't see haraam things online! Why is your imaan so weak that you have to be physically banned from doing haraam things and you can't choose not to do haraam things?

LOL...WHAT? I mean I couldn't even make a head or tail out of the video. I think thats all nonsense. The maintenance proposal made a bit more sense... however good that its blocked.

Allah Hafiz
But Youtube is not supposed to poison people's m

Don't see haraam things online! Why is your imaan so weak that you have to be physically banned from doing haraam things and you can't choose not to do haraam things?


lol...Then what is the point on the Prohibition of Alcohol in KSA, Libya, and Pakistan. Its also the government's duty to safeguard the people from such vices. I do agree with the Imaan part...people should, rather must have a strong imaan.

However since some don't and some are silly...hence, the government should take some responsibility...
I am personally glad that its blocked. Even though we ourselves should know whats right and wrong but some responsibility falls on the state to in a sence keep our culture clean. Such moves are good in my eyes, now I just wish our media tries to filter some of the vulgar things being shown on air. I mean I turn on a Pakistani channel and what do I see I see girls in skirts being hugged by guys in sexual ways. This is not apart of our culture and if such things continue we are headed towards a free sex society.
Personally I've always found the flawed concept of "blasphemy" reprehensible. Also, I'm not a big fan of draconian policies whereby a certain body of power takes it upon themselves to just shut something down without taking public consensus into account.

Having said that, if the majority of Pakistanis are really convinced that YouTube is "corrupting their culture" on account of it's blasphemous ways, then who am I to criticize their choice?
I am personally glad that its blocked. Even though we ourselves should know whats right and wrong but some responsibility falls on the state to in a sence keep our culture clean. Such moves are good in my eyes, now I just wish our media tries to filter some of the vulgar things being shown on air. I mean I turn on a Pakistani channel and what do I see I see girls in skirts being hugged by guys in sexual ways. This is not apart of our culture and if such things continue we are headed towards a free sex society.


Rightly said... especially the privately owned channels such as Geo and ARY need to Revise what they are displaying to The Pakistani public.

Allah Hafiz
i agree with what was done, I think it's perfect for a country like pakistan.

I think you will agree with me when I say we need to preserve our culture. I mean you and I might be able to distinguish between right and wrong but their are those who cant. I mean little kids who go on the internet or tv and watch such content it is really corrupting their minds. They dont know whats right and whats wrong they do as they see so I think for their sake such measures need to be taken.
I think you will agree with me when I say we need to preserve our culture. I mean you and I might be able to distinguish between right and wrong but their are those who cant. I mean little kids who go on the internet or tv and watch such content it is really corrupting their minds. They dont know whats right and whats wrong they do as they see so I think for their sake such measures need to be taken.
dude, i'm way ahead of you. as i've mentioned before, too many young "hormonally stressed" :lol: boys think their lives mirror bollywood movies. I don't watch them myself( i think it's stupid ) , but before I didn't really mind when bollywood movies were a lot more cleaner. now bollywood is just trying to imitate western culture and they're doing a really bad job at it. it's just ruining the minds of the youth.

Precisely...I will have to agree we do have to preserve our culture, heritage, and ways of thinking. I mean in this part of the world where people are conservative, foreigners have to respect the fact that this is not USA, or Netherlands and/or Thailand. People need to recognize the regional and people's sensitivities.

Allah Hafiz

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