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Pakistan's Internet censorship

will somebidy check the pictures on that page, they are potraying the perfect 'terrorist,intolerant,violent muslim world'



which page?

The last pic is the hottest, Emo has a new crush.

@ Image poster : Every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in The Direction (Newton)

Imagine how many constructive things they could do instead of protesting for a ban on "Facebook" ! Look at their expressions ...Damn ! They need to relax. If you don't like it then don't watch it, and that's what a the end result of a ban will be anyways ! There are many people who get offended by other things such as pornography and prostitution but nobody protests about those things. If you don't like it just stay away. No offence to anyone. I am just saying that those man hours could be utilized doing something more useful (like protesting against Zardari to make him go 5%)
that's total BS, the murtads got what they deserved.

hmm......so you have no problem with apartheid in pakistan and i thought islam commanded equal rights for all religions just like what jinnah wanted :hitwall:
will somebidy check the pictures on that page, they are potraying the perfect 'terrorist,intolerant,violent muslim world'

and you are preaching violence by sharing these picture on Forums.

i find less difference between you and them - both of you are becoming the cause to spread hate towards Islam? (imo)
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Pakistan bans Facebook, Youtube,Wikipedia,Flicker over 'Draw Mohammad Day'
Pakistan blocked YouTube, Wikipedia, and other websites Thursday to try to suppress a Facebook page declaring Thursday Everybody Draw Mohammad Day. Many protested the 'blasphemy' of depicting the prophet. It seems Islamic sensitivities have been inflamed.

Pakistan blocked access to YouTube once before for two days in 2008 because of what it said was unIslamic content. Turkey, Thailand, Indonesia and Morocco have all blocked access to YouTube in the past for various reasons.

It remains to be seen how successful the government will be at keeping Pakistan's nearly 20 million Internet users from accessing the blocked sites. Other countries, such as China, permanently ban Facebook and YouTube.

In compliance with the orders of Honourable Lahore High Court, Lahore, on the Writ Petition No.10392/10, dated the 19th May, 2010, the Ministry of Information Technology has issued a directive to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to block the ‘Face Book’ and all other internet links displaying sacrilegious caricatures of the Holy Prophet.

Ministry of IT has also directed the PTA to remain alert and watchful and block all such links displaying the profane caricatures immediately.

Ministry of IT has requested public at large to contact a dedicated Telephone No.0800-5505 and e-mail address: complaint@pta.gov.pk , to transmit necessary information, should anything to the effect of objectionable caricature get displayed/propagated at any website.
hmm......so you have no problem with apartheid in pakistan and i thought islam commanded equal rights for all religions just like what jinnah wanted :hitwall:

Do not drag an unrelated topic on this thread, let him live in his own world.
here you go, two more pictures.... \some body check that particular FB page...

currently Pakistanis are a CONFUSED LOT! they don't know if they are liberal extremists or radical extremists!

the MODERATES! are more or less non existent anymore....

i think pakistan is going in the following two directions:



Erm...so are there any other reaction to this banning phenomenon? are we the only Banners? lol I mean what about other Muslim countries? did they do anything about this.

Am new so be nice?....pretty please? :disagree:
I encourage you all not to get angry at this facebook issue , i have found a way to register our comments and anger .

OIC is the 2nd largest international body in the world after UNO and their purpose is to Protect Muslim Intrests around the Globe.

Lets face it the issue of hatemongering is getting nuts and it will get even worse in the future , its just a start of yet another chain attacks on Muslims .

Send your message to OIC by clicking at this Link that they should bring this issue to Discussion on the International stage and find a solution as it is effecting our daily lives.

Contact US: http://www.oic-oci.org/feed_back.asp

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