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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Wikipedia also banned, some one ban me as well :rolleyes:

i want to ask why people don't protest against the **** sites & all sorts of other stupid stuff?

I have also got this news from the media.But for me it's working fine,nothing happened.

It's all about time i guess.:confused:
Hacking wont help , we need to change minds of those people by giving them the knowledge that they dont have about the Prophet SAW.

Prophet SAW prayed for those who threw stones at him and made him bleed to His Toes in Taif and after 20-30 years the whole Taif was Muslim.

He was the one who spread his shawl on the ground for his opposers that they can sit on it while they talk.

They are defaming our Prophet SAW but somewhere in their mind they are aware of that why He was put on the top of the list of 100 most influencial Humans of all times, before jesus and everyone.

We do need to react by not spreading haterd because this is what those people are doing , we need to spread knowledge.

Lets pray together that "May Allah (swt) give all of those people hidayah " and i am optimistic that if not them , someone from their coming generation would come to Islam not with hate but to embrace it with whole of their hearts.

Sensible. This is what Pakistan needs to do. Show the world what true Islam is. Spread love and knowledge.

Hiding yourself won't change the scenario. Change it yourself.

Very well written post. Been trying to explain but needed it from a Pakistani to have an effect.
Freedom of speech allows US citizens to post anything they want, nudity is not allowed because minors are not allowed to watch nude content and the websites have minor members.

The more you react to these stupid fan pages, the more these pages will be created. You will not understand this, because there is difference in our mentalities. Pakistan is a conserved nation today. In the past it used to be a modern nation. India was conserved and traditional 2-3 decades back but is modernizing now. 3 decades back Pakistan was way more modern and civilized than India. Times have truly turned for the worse.

Rather than satisfying extremists by banning these pages, is it not more important to control them, teach them that nothing is above law, eliminate these evil from the society?

I think this is going bit too far.

India has been a modern secular democratic republic since its independence ,while Pakistan has been a theocratic Islamic state ruled by its military dictators for long time.

Even if u are talking in a different context which probably u are , in that case too i disagree with ur above opinion.

And pls don't give liberal economic policies adopted Pakistan since since the sixties way before India to justify that specific comment of urs.
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both are bad things, I don't understand whats the point in banning informative sites like Wikipedia & to some extent youtube....

as sparkingly said there are loads of sites which needs to be banned but they are working for years & no one gives a damn...

they must provide alternatives or just simply ban the whole internet...

there are many other informative websites and wiki is not a reliable one.

Being Muslims we should be more worried about the cartoons then our comfort. The only advantage wiki gives is that it cover the whole topic in one page ( as far as my uni assignments are concerned :azn: )

Cant we sacrifice this comfort for our beloved prophet who had spent whole nights praying for his umah and spent whole day preaching and facing the harsh behavior of kafirs just for us??? cant we????
It is not a **** site, it is the french equivalent of Youtube but the french are more open minded and allow nudity, nothing wrong in that.

It is of higher quality then Youtube and I urge more people to use it because overall they are of higher caliber.

any person can upload the you-tube bad videos to dailymotion. What then?
you've gone insanse why stop there just the ban the whole internet so young people stop so much time on it it's not like the pakistani government has more important issues to deal with than ban popular websites :hitwall:

Thank God there are sane people still living on this earth...

T Faz I am not anti Pakitani, and at least don't call me anti muslim. I don't like it because I am not..

Why can't Pakistan govt or some muslim community file a case and drag facebook to the court?

Stealth is just too excited, i don't know why. The page is still working. Turks need Indian hackers to get the job done well. I recall Ankit Fadia!! He might help..
a few mins before Wiki was not getting opened but now its getting opened :D

Cant we sacrifice this comfort for our beloved prophet who had spent whole nights praying for his umah and spent whole day preaching and facing the harsh behavior of kafirs just for us??? cant we????

The 'kafirs' will keep doing it again & again, there is no way on earth you can stop them, the 'reaction' only harms us not them, the best thing is to ignore rather than making useless noise, If the faith is so strong i don't think the faith must get shattered by a few Blasphemous cartoons
I want Everyone to watch These videos , please do and comment here.

Thanks JJ , please come back after you watch these videos.

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GOOD WORK PTA!! Pakistan in Action!! i heared about Turkish Hackers hacked Facebook Pages!! GOOD WORK!! Latest News is PTA Banned 450 Websites today.

Govt MUST BANNED Cheap Messages and Fonecalls so that new generation stop spending thr important time on these Bs and concentrate on Studies and rest of important thingS!


SHUT UP MO***..the pages and video r still thr..am also looking it out of curiosity..i think people r giving too much publicity..lets forget that and let it buried under the millions of web crap !!
Shuakr hai Wikipedia block nai hua tha nai tou Emo girl or sparklingway ne yahan laashein bicha daini thi.... :lol:
only main page of Wikipedia is getting opened, nothing is getting searched :hitwall: :hitwall:
its all bull **** i can still open it through my mobile web, huh

As pakistan has banned all these sites your mobile ISP will soon have to follow the suite, it will not be long when u will be banned from accessing then from mobile phones!
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