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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Actually I did not like what happened but then I read what Mullah Omar said about the incident. He made a lot of sense on why he ordered the destruction of the Statues.

His views were the opposite in 1999:

"The government considers the Bamyan statues as an example of a potential major source of income for Afghanistan from international visitors. The Taliban states that Bamyan shall not be destroyed but protected."

After destroying them, he said this.

"I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings -- the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction."

You have to be kidding. They were part of human civilizational heritage. Did their destruction contribute to even 1 person having more food to eat in Afghanistan? Anyhow, we have deviating from the topic. My point was that Buddhists while they were offended did not declare war on Muslims or even utter any hate toward Islam. They took it in their stride and moved on. It becomes an issue only if you let it become an issue.
Its not useless idea my dear ... i told u i was doing that and was getting response ,,, for almost 2 hours... now ,, its giving me REQUEST TIME OUT ...


Because as I said earlier, it has denied request to your IP now for it realizes that you're bombarding with requests. Facebook isn't hosted on a 5 dollar a month site hosting service. If you don't know about distributed hosting and preventing ping and DOS attacks, then I guess you'll continue.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has blocked the popular video sharing website YouTube in a bid to contain “blasphemous” material, officials said on Thursday.

The blockade came hours after the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) directed Internet service providers to stop access to social network Facebook indefinitely on Wednesday because of an online competition to draw the Prophet Mohammad.

Wahaj-us-Siraj, the CEO of Nayatel, an Internet service provider, said PTA issued an order late on Wednesday seeking an “immediate” blockade of YouTube.

“It was a serious instruction as they wanted us to do it quickly and let them know after that,” he told Reuters.

YouTube was also blocked in the Muslim country in 2007 for about a year for what it called un-Islamic videos.

A PTA official, who declined to be identified, said the action was taken after the authority determined that some caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) were transferred from Facebook to YouTube.

Any representation of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is deemed un-Islamic and blasphemous by Muslims.

Siraj said the blocking of the two websites would cut up to 25 per cent of total Internet traffic in Pakistan.

“It'll have an impact on the overall Internet traffic as they eat up 20 to 25 per cent of the country's total 65 giga-bytes traffic,” he said.

Publications of similar cartoons in Danish newspapers in 2005 sparked deadly protests in Muslim countries. Around 50 people were killed during violent protests in Muslim countries in 2006 over the cartoons, five of them in Pakistan.

Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on Denmark's embassy in Islamabad in 2008, killing six people, saying it was in revenge for publication of the caricatures.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan blocks YouTube over "blasphemous" material
lots of twitter posts that Wikipedia is banned in Pakistan now. also says Flickr is banned as well
i think it will be a technical fault. The government trying to ban FB and Youtube and some other site too being infect due to the technitions playng with the IP addresses. Happens sometimes just wait for a whle and hopefully it should be up again and which internet connection are you using in Pakistan
There must be some technical glitches, Wikipedia cannot be banned..

ISPs are denying DNS resolution requests on their end. That is simple to implement but easy to circumvent as well. Anything can be "banned" as most people don't know how to use proxies. We aren't talking the Great Firewall of China (Golden Shield Project) here.
There are always methods for by-passing server proxies. But for the common internet user, the websites are "banned" :/
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