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Pakistan's Internet censorship


some of you are so lame honestly facebook is already banned and your trying to attack it whats the point your just ruining it for everyone who had no part in this.
from the cartoonists homepage.......

I did NOT 'declare' May 20 to be "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." I made a cartoon about the television show South Park being censored. I wish that was what our energies were going toward -- protesting revolutionmuslim.com's threat to Comedy Central, and Comedy Central's over reaction to it which set America on a slippery slope toward censorship!

At any rate...my cartoon-poster, with a fake 'group' behind it (Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor -- sigh, I WISH that were a real group as I love the name of it!) went viral and was taken seriously.

I never started a facebook page (I see that the two men who started the different fb pages names have now been made public).

My one-off cartoon does not work well as a long-term plan. The vitriol this 'day' has brought out, of people who only want to draw obscene images, is offensive to Muslims who did nothing to endanger our right to expression in the first place. Only Viacom and Revolution Muslim are to blame, so...draw them instead!

I apologize to people of Muslim faith and ask that this 'day' be called off.

Thank you to those who are turning this crazy thing into an opportunity for dialogue.

(Oh, and screw all of you who are mad at me for not leading a 'movement'. My cartoon was the beginning and end of what I had to say about this particular episode of a totally creepy, historic censorship.)


P.S. The nicest email I have received have been from Muslims.
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wouldn't encouraging people to attack another website. As well as launching an attack yourself violate the rules of this forum?
If Facebook categories such actions under FREEDOM OF SPEECH then someone should have started a counter group showing funny cartoons skinny jews being shot or gassed or being experimented on by the Germans in the war camps or maybe even call the holocaust the largest scandal of all times!!

I would have seen how quickly Facebook would have reacted to close which one of these offensive site first!! So much for the freedom of speech cr@p!!

Pakistan is absolutely correct in its reaction and the rest of the generally impotent Arab/ Muslim world should take cue from it! Its our right to counter such freedom of speech from our freedom of counter speech and action!
Facebook Banned in Pakistan:

A Pakistani court has issued a ban on the social networking site Facebook after a user-generated contest page encourged members to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammed.

The Lahore High Court on Wednesday instructed the Pakistani Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to ban the site after the Islamic Lawyers Movement complained that a page called “Draw Mohammed Day” is blasphemous.



Though I am a Hindu....I strongly oppose this "Draw Mohammed Contest" in Facebook.
With power(freedom of free speech) comes responsibilty (not to hurt other ppl sentiments) and Facebook has definitely gone overboard.

@all Pakistanis:

Why dont OIC organise a diplomatic protest and threaten FB that all their countries will ban it if the contest takes place.?Is it possible.?
If Facebook categories such actions under FREEDOM OF SPEECH then someone should have started a counter group showing funny cartoons skinny jews being shot or gassed or being experimented on by the Germans in the war camps or maybe even call the holocaust the largest scandal of all times!!

I would have seen how quickly Facebook would have reacted to close which one of these offensive site first!! So much for the freedom of speech cr@p!!

Pakistan is absolutely correct in its reaction and the rest of the generally impotent Arab/ Muslim world should take cue from it! Its our right to counter such freedom of speech from our freedom of counter speech and action!

No other muslim country has done it because it's not a big deal just ignore it .I didn't even know about this group until pakistan made international news. I'm glad it just temporary but they could have just banned that particular page no need to ban the entire site your just blocking all the islam content aswell theres many pro-islamic pages and humanitarian groups and for national causes also 1 million muslims for allah,help gaza,free palestine,pakistan zindabad,muslims against terrorism etc there so many pages for good things.
Pakistanis need to stop acting like islam's spokesperson and getting overly emotional and learn to ignore things take the prophet's(pbuh) example and learn to ignore bad things instead of publicizing them even more.
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yep, banned..I get this when i try to open it

This Site is Restricted

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

Facebook Banned in Pakistan:

A Pakistani court has issued a ban on the social networking site Facebook after a user-generated contest page encourged members to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammed.

The Lahore High Court on Wednesday instructed the Pakistani Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to ban the site after the Islamic Lawyers Movement complained that a page called “Draw Mohammed Day” is blasphemous.

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Pakistan court orders Facebook ban


Though I am a Hindu....I strongly oppose this "Draw Mohammed Contest" in Facebook.
With power(freedom of free speech) comes responsibilty (not to hurt other ppl sentiments) and Facebook has definitely gone overboard.

@all Pakistanis:

Why dont OIC organise a diplomatic protest and threaten FB that all their countries will ban it if the contest takes place.?Is it possible.?
Well these morons have to destroy it for everyone.What's the point of provoking Muslims intentionally?These people are bigots.
we cant make a statement about other countries, though i think India can..i think you will be showing huge support for your muslim minority if you guys ban it too

If Facebook categories such actions under FREEDOM OF SPEECH then someone should have started a counter group showing funny cartoons skinny jews being shot or gassed or being experimented on by the Germans in the war camps or maybe even call the holocaust the largest scandal of all times!!

I would have seen how quickly Facebook would have reacted to close which one of these offensive site first!! So much for the freedom of speech cr@p!!

Pakistan is absolutely correct in its reaction and the rest of the generally impotent Arab/ Muslim world should take cue from it! Its our right to counter such freedom of speech from our freedom of counter speech and action!

hey theres a differnce. one is the crime against humanity.. but another is the crime against perception... i think we should not take it too serious.. there are many people who dont like you.. are you going to go after all these guys.. and i am talking about individual person... but same is true for religions..!!!
Though im a Indian and a Hindu at that...i personally feel that Facebook Should not have done this.

Religious sentiments which one holds to his heart are not to be played with...watever rights u have like freedom of speech.press etc.

With power comes responsibility and one must use it wisely w/o hurting the sentiments of others.

These are my personal views not necessarily of my country or religion.
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