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Pakistan's Internet censorship

The expressed worry of the pundits in Europe is that the Muslim do not understand their societies;

And how much do they understand our societies and systems?

I urge every one to please consider boycotting. This is how we can show our weight. Besides, there are dozens of social networking websites which one can use.
Good Ban Facebook.Stupid site where you can post your BS without moderation.

Moreover Facebook is just complete waste of time where people spend their entire time slinging mud on each other.
Why can't people understand Freedom of Expression?

The editor was sorry that you were offended by his free speech, and yet he has a RIGHT to free speech. It's just like, you sneeze in the presence of another person - "You apologize". You apologize for disturbing the other guy with your sneeze, and YET you have the right to sneeze as long as long as you cover your nose.

What's even more idiotic is that some uneducated morons want the Govt. to take action against the paper. Which is against the law! They exercised their free speech, want to exercise yours? Start painting caricatures of the editors, no one cares! That's your free speech! Burning embassies isn't within your right though.

How often do you guys abuse atheists? Infact your whole "holy book" is extremely abusive from an atheist/non-believer stand point. Right? Don't we tolerate that? Do we ban Islam? No. BECAUSE, that's your freedom. Likewise, when some athiests abuse you, have the heart to tolerate us!

The same goes to all the Hindu Fanatic Jackasses who harrassed MF Hussain as well.

P.S. I am going to create a FB account, just to promote free speech.
Facebook can't do anything about it.

Why would you boycott them? They are only following the rules.

I've seen groups like "Nidal Malik Hasan isn't a terrorist" and "Nuke Denmark" etc. They weren't deleted by Facebook.
"Can't fix the problem? THEN BAN THE FRIGGIN PROBLEM"

i bet thats what the government's mindset is lol.

Facebook has nothing to lose. 400 million members and counting.
Its bad decision. There are millions of sites that can be offensive to people in Pakistan or Muslim. What can you do about that. The best thing is to ignore.
Banning a site wont help.
O God, I am already struggling with youtube. It is banned in Turkey for the last few years. Now when i am back to Pakistan, FB would be banned.
Kindda tired of such foolish things.
"Can't fix the problem? THEN BAN THE FRIGGIN PROBLEM"

i bet thats what the government's mindset is lol.

Facebook has nothing to lose. 400 million members and counting.

They have more to lose............ banning facebook in Pakistan means they will be losing a lot of members/customers resulting in no advertisement from Pakistan indirectly meaning losses to Facebook
They have more to lose............ banning facebook in Pakistan means they will be losing a lot of members/customers resulting in no advertisement from Pakistan indirectly meaning losses to Facebook

Yeah but that's just one side of the story. Once the news of Pakistani ban spreads, more people would log on from the western world to see what the fuss is all about, maybe even join the group.

No disrespect but a western advertiser might be able to pay more for advertising per clicks wrt a pakistani/indian advertiser. The mods may correct me if I am wrong here.
i think PTA should go for a full ban? FB already eats precious hours n these idiot games!!pakistan should get rid of this crap asap!
That's not wise decision at all! it's just show up drama.

Fine, no facebook. Alos ban all other **** sites as well.
Yeah but that's just one side of the story. Once the news of Pakistani ban spreads, more people would log on from the western world to see what the fuss is all about, maybe even join the group.

No disrespect but a western advertiser might be able to pay more for advertising per clicks wrt a pakistani/indian advertiser. The mods may correct me if I am wrong here.

Whatever! Facebook is a crap - and we can't afford to waste thousands of hours of our childrens playing games on Facebook. If we don't have this facility they can go other places too but there will be many students who will be paying more attention to their coursework instead of hanging around in facebook.

Its a crap site - we don't even need it.....
Some of the people on this forum are literally idiots, read the news posted by Zaki, only a single fan page of facebook is being banned while facebook itself will be available.

Let me reiterate this, FACEBOOK is not being banned, just the page in question.
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