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Pakistan's Identity Crisis: Can it explain itself without India?

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I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.
What is pure about Pakistan ? First explain that
I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.
Istan is not Land.. stan means land...
In case of India it is defined in Constitution, "India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States", Bharat is know world wide as India... Meaning of India "
Via Latin from Greek India, from Indos, the name of the River Indus, from Persian Hind, from Sanskrit sindhu ‘river’, specifically ‘the Indus’, also ‘the region around the Indus’ (compare with Sindhi). Both the Greeks and the Persians extended the name to include all the country east of the Indus"..

We have de-hyphenated long back... If you want you can change the name of Indus to more Arabic name no one stops you..
Islam is our identity.Thats all.Pakistan was established for the Muslims of south asia.Anyone who came here in 47 partition is citizen of Pakistan,No matter what is his caste.Islam allows us to use the name of our castes so does the constitution of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
Now tell me what's wrong with it?

Religion only.there is nothing else to explain the existence of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Very rich... what about other sects of Islam apart from what you follow???
Very rich... what about other sects of Islam apart from what you follow???
Very good question.thank you for asking.
According to our constitution:
Every person who believes that Allah is the only God, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him,his family and his followers) is the last messenger of Allah the Almighty ,is a Muslim.except Ahmdis,every sunni and shia Muslim fulfils this criteria.
Hope answered the question.
Pakistan does not have any so-called identity crises. Partition with India is a historic fact and history can't be changed and mention of the historic events is not called an identity crisis. Pakistani's don't identify them with Indians, in fact, it is considered an insult to be called or identified as an Indian.

Islam is our identity.Thats all.Pakistan was established for the Muslims of south asia.Anyone who came here in 47 partition is citizen of Pakistan,No matter what is his caste.Islam allows us to use the name of our castes so does the constitution of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
Now tell me what's wrong with it?

Religion only.there is nothing else to explain the existence of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
You’re beating at the shadows Dost-um….

Being a Muslim and a Muttakin is a matter of Nesip….
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As for the identity of Pak:

Perchem-i Sitara ve Hilal
Rehber-i Terekki ve Kemal

Terjuman-i Mazi Shan-i Hal Jan-i Istikbal
Saya-i Huda-i Zul Jelal

coat of arms.png
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Yes, but the issue isn't so much explaining that Pakistan isn't an offshoot of India, but the inability of us Pakistanis to acknowledge our shared history with Afghans, Persians and to an extent Arabs and Greeks.

The lands that comprise Pakistan were separate from India's core a few times in history, but were extensions of domains from the west. India has a right to this connection too as the growth of these domains enveloped most of the Subcontinent.

However, both "Pakistan" and "India" as modern constructs are a creation of the British in 1947. Neither can go around claiming "we are we, you are we" because the formation of these modern states was externally caused. But if left to their own devices, I suspect a similar arrangement to the following could've potentially occurred. So a state resembling current-day Pakistan may have happened, or we may have seen even smaller more homogenous states in South Asia.

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So is Pakistan's identity just a piece of geography? Real identity comes from ideology or a dream. What is Pakistan's ideology / dream?
Even in 1947 they were not considering Bengali muslims while they shred crocodile tears now a days :lol: :lol: :lol:
India is the land Greeks named us after who got it from the Persians and India doesnt mean "Land of Indus" no such meaning exist. And officially its also called Bharat.

We dont have an identity issue, no Indian seems to be confused about their history. We are not the ones explaining countless times like you folks that you are not India. The thread itself is about your identity issue not ours.
As for river Indus, its a transboundary river originating in Tibet and flows through India to Pakistan.
What history you talking about. Slavery under Muslims or small states those were united by Muslim kings
Can India explains itself without muslims? Our history teaches us something else. Very sad to see identity crisis problem. We ruled India and we will rule it again. Some say that Muslims conquered indian subcontinent even before Muhammad bin qasim arrival. Clearly we don't know history and Indians try to change it through twisted facts.
Bingo. It;s akin to Pakistan branding itself 'Islamic REpublic of Asia' and then claiming Chinese, Arab, Malay etc histories as 'Asian' and then using referances to 'Asia' in Greek books from 3,000 years ago as proof that it is us they are talking about.,
Just look at that map? That is us. Note 95% of Gangus are outside it.

Even the part outside is OUR people spreading our civilisation, not the other way round

It's incredible, we are the origin yet these Indians think somehow our identity is connected to them

Our people were always here
India is the land Greeks named us after who got it from the Persians and India doesnt mean "Land of Indus" no such meaning exist. And officially its also called Bharat.

We dont have an identity issue, no Indian seems to be confused about their history. We are not the ones explaining countless times like you folks that you are not India. The thread itself is about your identity issue not ours.
As for river Indus, its a transboundary river originating in Tibet and flows through India to Pakistan.
You are a hack with no respect for India's history.

From Barhaspatya Samhita book of Rig Veda:

Himalyam Samarabhya
Tam Deonirmitam Desham
Hindusthanam Prachakshate

Translation: 'the country which starts from Himalayas, the borders of which goes till the "Indian ocean" [Yavadindusarovaram] has been created by Devas [Deo-] and its name is Hindustan.'

*Note - The earliest elements of Sanskrit had no sound for H.

As the quote says, Hindustan was named by the Deva, the Kshatriya Sharif Ruling caste (who originated in Ur, Sumer). Hindustan means the land of the Indus or Sindhu river.

Aryans whose language was Sanskrit became the Brahman caste. They had called the land Aryavarta, but it was not a state. Hindustan is state based name and we carry the blood related Hindustani identity to this day. Aryans are the other (original) Hindustani. They do not call themselves Bharati.

Bharat is a Scythian clan based name which arrived in India (Hindustan) nearly a thousand years after establishment of ancient Hindustan. Bharati cousin tribes divided Hindustan [Mahabharat war] which lasts to this day, the war between Pakistan and Bharat.
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I have not seen the video.

But I can tell you one thing. We Pakistanis have nothing to do with our eastern neighbor Republic of India.
you shouldn't be showing such racial hate against groups who had a big hand in the actual founding of Pakistan. the bureaucratic elite running Pakistan right after it's founding were also the children of Ganges. but forget that. you do not have any actual points. viewing civilization through the lens of rivers alone is myopic. China and Europe both had multiple river systems, doesn't make them multi civilizational countries. there's only one European civilization, one Chinese civilization. the histories of Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Kaveri, etc are inextricably tied together, just like all the rivers of China. there's no Himalaya to separate India from India, only India from China.
Play no games with us, Narendra Modi is also a racist and so is BJP and RSS. So don't play the victim card here. It won't work.
Ridiculous thread.
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