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Pakistan's HIT offers to upgrade Bangladeshi MBT fleet

@irfan baluch bhai

the attack infact validated az potential, no ammo cook off and crew survived to fight another day. :)
I wish you are right
but as far as I know the crew bailed out but was captured by taliban and executed.
unless we are talking about two different incidents then I dont know
wish other people can clarify too.
@GR!FF!N off-topic Thread derailment, you have not learned after achieving 5000+ posts you deserve it.

You want it removed, remove/delete your off-topic post.

shouldn't you give that rating to them who started first??I requested that guy not to post off topic(check #35).yet your cheerleading brigade posted off topic pics.then again,I barely try to violate forum rules.I'll remove my post.
issues taken care off, 125 mm gun has a serious recoil, hull was small so recoil was felt more than usual. issue surfaced during prototyoing.
Since you seem to know a lot about tanks, do you think tanks in near future would have dedicated combat quad copters on board, what do you think about it?

your source just validated my points.

* no bms

* no 2nd gen ti

* fcs is a reworked type 212 (same as 96)

by the way, your source is outdated ;)

@irfan baluch bhai

the attack infact validated az potential, no ammo cook off and crew survived to fight another day. :)
Which basically means that 96G is nothing but a fancy turret. Suck on that lollipop, however for serious business contact HIT. :D
Type 59G: A heavily modernized 3rd-generation variant with a new welded turret similar to the Type 96G replacing the original cast turret and a 125mm main gun with semi-automatic loader. Most advanced version of T 59 tank to date.
Type 59 WZ120 main battle tank MBT technical data sheet specifications description pictures - Army Recognition - Army Recognition

A heavily redesigned modernized variant approaching 3rd-generation standards with a new welded turret similar to the Type 96G replacing the original cast turret, new arrow shaped armor on the rear and sides, additional rubber side skirts, second generation night vision, a new 800 or 730 horsepower engine, redesigned fire control system, and a 48 caliber 125mm smoothbore main gun with semi-automatic loader capable of firing APFSDS, HEAT, HE-FRAG, and also anti-tank guided missiles.
59式戦車125mm滑腔砲搭載型 - 日本周辺国の軍事兵器

now show me your source

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most authentic

Since you seem to know a lot about tanks, do you think tanks in near future would have dedicated combat quad copters on board, what do you think about it?

Which basically means that 96G is nothing but a fancy turret. Suck on that lollipop, however for serious business contact HIT. :D

ignored. doesnt worth a reply

Bangladesh should go for the Chinese MBT-2000 or the Al-Khalid. Several hundred are easily sufficient to counter Burma for example. Or you might want to wait for the Turkish Altay.

they already have mbt 2000 in service
No you dont.
We never want to harm Bangladesh. Its only Pakistan.

On topic: I very much doubt that this would ever be taken up by Bangladesh.
Its an offer by Pakistan, however Pakistani's are reacting as if a deal has been signed.

here comes the guilty conscious and bamboozled internet warrior! :omghaha:
all of those have been fixed ages before.where were you sleeping for all those years,MR Rip Van Winkle???world has come much ahead and Arjun 2 is already in production.


we bought so many T-90s as T-90 and T-72 are perfect for our "Offensive Doctrine".they're capable yet light,thus making it perfect for offensive.its our "Pivot Corps" which will use Arjun.so stop your whining and post on topic.

"Pivot Corps" Tell us more and more about this Arjun 2 .....sounds interesting. How do you think your light and heavy Tanks will invade Pakistan ?
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Please please tell me that this picture is really old, soldiers look weak and in shalwar kameez.

come down they are not weak, this is a good equipped Pakistani Paramilitary fighting Force ! Our First Line against the TTP !
bharat ke prakoop se ek hi bas BD/pak ko bacha sakta hai .. woh hai sirf bharat ! :lol:

btw, , but BD as such has no need of big armor. Half of their land are s while al-khalid's capabilities are highly doubtful wampy !
Alkhalid Capabilities are DoubtfullAny claim of this rubbish or Indian Dreams?
And Armored Divisions can be vital for defence of there vital cities and Installations form any External aggression or internal Insurgency
This Tank was hit by 20 RPGs a Suicide bomber and an IED. Crew walked out alive.

Sir ji,I believe originally a new turret was proposed but later the upgrade might be dropped in favour of Spaced armour over turret followed by ERA covering.
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