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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Hey guys BTW this discussion is derailing so Mr. Simorgh,back to the ICBM!!!
I'll tell you what, let's compare a closer country to your borders. If both Pakistan and India fire nuclear missiles at one another, Pakistan would seize to exist long before even Pakistan manages to damage half of India.

You do know the flight times for most of each country's respective ballistic missiles would be the same right? Barring Southern India, Pakistani missiles would have that just little bit further to go. So your analysis of Pakistan "ceasing to exist" before half of India is "damaged" is utter rubbish.

"Our Shaheen missiles hit targets [during testing]; the world recognized their delivery system," said Mubrakmand. "None of India's cities can remain safe from our missiles. ... Pakistan's width is less than India's, which is 1,200 to 1,400 kilometers. Therefore, no corner of India is safe from the Shaheen II

Pakistan warns its nukes are ready

Looking at some credible sources about such a nuclear exchange it says no where that Pakistan will "cease to exist".

NRDC: The Consequences of Nuclear Conflict between India and Pakistan

As it stands Pakistan also has far more operational weapons (120) against India (70 odd) , although India can potentially have a bigger arsenal. So if the first strike isn't enough then the second strike will go in.

Lastly for an Iranian to be talking about a country "ceasing to exist" is extraordinary, considering you have no such weapon and won't do for the foreseeable future. You don't have any means to defend yourself from a WMD assault (Israel), so I think you need to reevaluate who will cease to exist in such a scenario.
In my point of view pakistan should have ICMBs to stop America. Our nation has already been bearing poverty since long long time and he is ready to bear it more untill the achievement of our goal. After that we should work on improving our economy. Good luck our Scientists.

That's not Achilles. It is a Roman soldier I painted recently . Any way, you cannot compare an individual's choice with the choices made by a nation which affects the psyche of its people.

You failed to point out that we glorified Indian Kings too, like Babur and Ghori. I guess the Indian nationalist in you was not pleased, just becasue they were Muslims.
Pakistan needs an ICMB for the following reason:

1) The US gave Nuclear technology to India,
2) The US accuses Pakistan funding terrorism when the truth is the opposite,
3) the US wants to split the country into five parts,
4) the US orchestrated terrorist attacks ( Black Water) in Pakistan,
5) Raymond Davis,
6) The US attacks Pakistan with Drone strikes
7) THE US has put Sanctions on Pakistan
8) The US keeps putting corrupt politicains in Pakistan to control it.

China had ICMB before it was economy power house -reason the US threaten china in 60s that they will bomb every city with nukes if China turned to communism, so Russia help her, and then the US didn't touch her.

Pakistan needs not only a ICBM but a defence against another countries ICBM reaching to Pakistan.
And when It has got an ICBM system and defence system against ICBM, it can concentrate on inproving its economy with the no fear of disability.
The Pakistani People will have to change as well.
THis will allow Pakistn to prosper and grow.

However I think the best and the most great thing that Pakistan can do first, put a Pakistani in Space then on the Moon and why not - MARS no matter how long it takes.
Pakistan needs an ICMB for the following reason:

1) The US gave Nuclear technology to India,
2) The US accuses Pakistan funding terrorism when the truth is the opposite,
3) the US wants to split the country into five parts,
4) the US orchestrated terrorist attacks ( Black Water) in Pakistan,
5) Raymond Davis,
6) The US attacks Pakistan with Drone strikes
7) THE US has put Sanctions on Pakistan
8) The US keeps putting corrupt politicains in Pakistan to control it.

China had ICMB before it was economy power house -reason the US threaten china in 60s that they will bomb every city with nukes if China turned to communism, so Russia help her, and then the US didn't touch her.

Pakistan needs not only a ICBM but a defence against another countries ICBM reaching to Pakistan.
And when It has got an ICBM system and defence system against ICBM, it can concentrate on inproving its economy with the no fear of disability.
The Pakistani People will have to change as well.
THis will allow Pakistn to prosper and grow.

However I think the best and the most great thing that Pakistan can do first, put a Pakistani in Space then on the Moon and why not - MARS no matter how long it takes.

Actually, it was in 1950s that China had an agreement with USSR to be protected under its nuclear umbrella, but Mao found the Soviet was not trustworthy.

In 1960s, it was USSR who threatened to nuke us, but US stopped them and wanted to form a temporary alliance with PRC to against the threat of USSR. This temporary alliance was ended until the collapse of USSR

BTW, China never trusted either USSR or USA, Mao only believed to build up its own deterrence. I think it is the same for Pakistan, it is better to build up a reliable deterrence to contain the threat of the US.
Actually, it was 1950s that China has an agreement with USSR to be protected under its nuclear umbrella, but Mao found the Soviet was not trustworthy.

In 1960s, it was USSR who threatened to nuke us, but US stopped them and wanted to form a temporary alliance with PRC to against the threat of USSR. This temporary alliance was ended until the collapse of USSR

BTW, China never trusted either USSR or USA, Mao only believed to build up its own deterrence. I think it is the same for Pakistan, it is better to build up a reliable deterrence to contain the threat of the US.

For the time being Pakistan should ask China to provide it with some DF-31A. Is that a remote possibilty? I'm sure China realises that the US dictated by the hawks of israel is a far greater threat to Pakistan than india. The CIA and the Mossad are quite capable of another false flag operation like the 9/11. Can anyone remind us of the incident when isreali war planes struck an american warship in the Mediterranean and then blamed Egypt? I remember the american false flag operation in the Tonkin Bay in the 60s.
One of the best detterence instead ICBM theory, I believe is a silent nuclear submarines under the deep sea, where nobody detect it. In fact, Russia submarines deployed outside US almost 20 years+.

ICBM including MIRVs is not good idea to the far away of target, i don't agree.
One of the best detterence instead ICBM theory, I believe is a silent nuclear submarines under the deep sea, where nobody detect it. In fact, Russia submarines deployed outside US almost 20 years+.

ICBM including MIRVs is not good idea to the far away of target, i don't agree.

Silent killers with nuke launching capability will always the best form of detterence as ICBM theory is already outdated by today's standard.
For the time being Pakistan should ask China to provide it with some DF-31A. Is that a remote possibilty? I'm sure China realises that the US dictated by the hawks of israel is a far greater threat to Pakistan than india. The CIA and the Mossad are quite capable of another false flag operation like the 9/11. Can anyone remind us of the incident when isreali war planes struck an american warship in the Mediterranean and then blamed Egypt? I remember the american false flag operation in the Tonkin Bay in the 60s.

Yeah, it is possible since it is important for Pakistan to stop being blackmailed by US and Nato.
One of the best detterence instead ICBM theory, I believe is a silent nuclear submarines under the deep sea, where nobody detect it. In fact, Russia submarines deployed outside US almost 20 years+.

ICBM including MIRVs is not good idea to the far away of target, i don't agree.

Pakistan's submarines do not qualify as 'silent killers', they're quite detectable, that is, if they can carry any long range missiles and remain submurged indefinitely. BTW the number of submarines is a factor too, it will take another 20 years to raise the number significantly. So, improved ICBMs is the logical step.l
ICBM is now the necessity for us because even if we are not going to use them but still it will be helpful to put pressure on isrealis and americans and in future we will see americans demanding to stop ICBM program.
Pakistan needs an ICMB for the following reason:

1) The US gave Nuclear technology to India,
2) The US accuses Pakistan funding terrorism when the truth is the opposite,
3) the US wants to split the country into five parts,
4) the US orchestrated terrorist attacks ( Black Water) in Pakistan,
5) Raymond Davis,
6) The US attacks Pakistan with Drone strikes
7) THE US has put Sanctions on Pakistan
8) The US keeps putting corrupt politicains in Pakistan to control it.

China had ICMB before it was economy power house -reason the US threaten china in 60s that they will bomb every city with nukes if China turned to communism, so Russia help her, and then the US didn't touch her.

Pakistan needs not only a ICBM but a defence against another countries ICBM reaching to Pakistan.
And when It has got an ICBM system and defence system against ICBM, it can concentrate on inproving its economy with the no fear of disability.
The Pakistani People will have to change as well.
THis will allow Pakistn to prosper and grow.

Excellently said....1000% agree with u...
thatswhat we needto do at first and the rest of the game later....:azn:

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