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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Leave the troll guys hes just here to troll n derail the thread........... typical.
wow.. you guys are ganging up to get me banned. it is like a easy way out of a tough question?
I take your pardon, the question you are asking is not tough its very much moronic indeed. To be more precise full of anti Pak venom.
Yaar... I never said we should attack America... dont go off tangents... Our Nukes and ICBMs are for deterrance only...

We need ICBMs... otherwise we will remain slaves to America... its as simple as that... once they know that we are capable of MAD, their hands shall be tied like with the Soviets... Otherwise I dont need any lessons in being told that they are a nation that has the political will to annihilate their enemies (the weaker ones) when they get the chance... Hiroshima and Nagasaki hear hear!!!

If you think that ICBMs are going to be costly... can we not buy a few from China? After all we buy a lot of equipment that we do not make ourselves... ?? Would that be a better option...

Lets say... How many big cities are there in America? 50 for all state capitals?

True, Pakistan needs to ensure it can target at least 50 American cities in order to stop being blackmailed.

BTW, DF-31 is mature and uncostly, and i think it would be a good available option.

Since China did sell DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, an ally of US in 1987. And DF-31 won't be out of possibility.
True, Pakistan needs to ensure it can target at least 50 American cities in order to stop being blackmailed.

BTW, DF-31 is mature and uncostly, and i think it would be a good available option.

Since China did sell DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, an ally of US in 1987. And DF-31 won't be out of possibility.

It would be harmful for us to test an ICBM as of now........... Nor we have any intention to nuke anyone.... unless we r provoked.

Also thank u very much for the offer brother.......But it would be better if we make it(and we are developing it) indigenously.

Plus..... i hope they buy the "carrier killer" DF 21D.. or develop something like it.
I take your pardon, the question you are asking is not tough its very much moronic indeed. To be more precise full of anti Pak venom.

I don't know why you are so offended. Why is it anti-Pak? your own countrymen are pretty divided on the idea of glorifying foreigners like this just because they are muslims.
It would be harmful for us to test an ICBM as of now........... Nor we have any intention to nuke anyone.... unless we r provoked.

Also thank u very much for the offer brother.......But it would be better if we make it(and we are developing it) indigenously.

Plus..... i hope they buy the "carrier killer" DF 21D.. or develop something like it.

If Pakistan can come out with its own ICBM, that would be the best option for sure. BTW, i do have the faith that Pakistan can indeed succeed since your missile scientists are also one of the best. :pakistan:

BTW, some information of our old version of DF-31 was leaked by few of our traitors several years ago to CIA, that's why we will soon phase out the primitive version of DF-31. But now all land based ICBMs are constituted by the brigades of DF-31A/B and DF-41.
Most of non Arab Muslims add Muhammad before their real name, if you stand true then all of them must have been slaves of Arabs. Take it this way, there's no any other Hindu populated country in the world except India. Believe me if there were some they would have definitely followed India in many ways.
Faisalabad was named followed the session of first successful Islamic Summit Conferences at Lahore 1974. Shah faisal, king of KSA was acclaimed a hero of that success. I guess you know the entire story!
BTW I was expecting an avatar of Bhagat Singh at your display, Achilles made me altogether astonished. I am amazed at your personality of inspiration, you got to idealized something Indian, right!

That's not Achilles. It is a Roman soldier I painted recently . Any way, you cannot compare an individual's choice with the choices made by a nation which affects the psyche of its people.
......But it would be better if we make it(and we are developing it) indigenously.

Do you have any proof that Pakistan is developing its own ICBM?....except that somebody from the Army bluffed about a feasibility meeting and some paper work...

Check out Pakistan's Missile Testing history.....Nobody knew what (new) system Pakistan is going to test next.....it is impossible for such news to get out...the same goes with Ghauri-3....... and Shaheen-3 (only the name,not the
system)...remember how after every new test PDF guys exclaimed "it just came out of the blue"?......

Now you may say that predicting an ICBM for Pakistan is sensible in a sense that every nuclear nation has made/is trying to make one.....I agree.

I asked someone about this,and they told me that no work is being done on this thing.....we are now focusing more on very effective and reliable shorter range weapons.....and for now,no new system will be named Ghauri or Shaheen...

What I think is that this "news" was deliberately released.....i don't know perhaps for some positive propaganda...
That's not Achilles. It is a Roman soldier I painted recently . Any way, you cannot compare an individual's choice with the choices made by a nation which affects the psyche of its people.

Hey why don't you stick with only the name of the ICBM?

You want to discuss Pakistani Nation's psyche,you're most welcome.....but do so in another thread in some other section than the WMDs and Missiles...
Yaar... I never said we should attack America... dont go off tangents... Our Nukes and ICBMs are for deterrance only...

We need ICBMs... otherwise we will remain slaves to America... its as simple as that... once they know that we are capable of MAD, their hands shall be tied like with the Soviets... Otherwise I dont need any lessons in being told that they are a nation that has the political will to annihilate their enemies (the weaker ones) when they get the chance... Hiroshima and Nagasaki hear hear!!!

If you think that ICBMs are going to be costly... can we not buy a few from China? After all we buy a lot of equipment that we do not make ourselves... ?? Would that be a better option...

Lets say... How many big cities are there in America? 50 for all state capitals?

Okay,agreed with your deterrence view...

If the Army decides that they must have an ICBM,it would be better option to make it on our own.....otherwise it will raise international concerns...

As a mentioned,by the time we make an ICBM,the ABM technology would be reaching its peak...
I meant Turkic sorry. But you are the one who should be ashamed for not finding someone from your country for naming your proud missile. But I am not surprised, after all, the third largest Pakistani city is named after the Saudi King coz he gave some charity. That would never happen in India or anywhere else in the world . ".Only Pakistanis have such "big hearts

i only agree with bold part..
Tht was centuries ago... Also i hope u know how many times it was defeated......nothin to boast of..
Defeat is irrelevant, just like we received a heavy blow during the 8 year imposed war, by the world. What is important is that you stand up, rebuild and do your best again. Iran under heavier sanctions and embargoes achieved a thousand fold more than Iraq while they come right after Iran in terms of oil. Iran was being embargoed and sanctioned from 1979, while Iraq received its sanctions a decade later and had received an estimated $400 billion dollars of aid from Saudi/Kuwait/UAE and several EU countries while they were at war with us, and consistently were receiving weapons, military intelligence and advisory from the west.

It is not oil that makes you achieve what Iran has. Otherwise countries like Libya, Indonesia and such would have achieved at least half of what Iran has with all that oil they had.

Wat unique things have u produced?reverse engineered helis and F-4s which are far inferior to even the 1970s models.
I bet you'd wish Pakistan could at least reverse engineer these. It's easy to put others down, I'm not going to put down a list for you, instead, why don't you show what other countries have achieved with the precious oil you talk of.

Do u have any oil refinery?
You seem to be stuck in the past, Iran does not import gasoline and started exporting gasoline for a year now. Iran is one of world's highest gasoline consuming countries. Use your imagination on how much gasoline we produce. Of course being one of few countries in the world that can make refinaries has a lot to do with the oil we have. :coffee:

Yeah right....... For 8 billion.
Where did you get this amount from? The pipeline on Pakistan's side costs $1.65b and the total export of $4.9b per million btu, cheaper than you could get it from anywhere else.

Conect to wat india? they backed out under US pressure....
China said they would want to be connected to it on the condition that India doesn't get connected to it. Either way it's important to connect India too, to get the pipeline further into Asia. Even if it takes a pipeline through the sea.

Lame reason..... They would love to have cheap gas ... 1 billion $ is nothing big.
Depends on whether you want to have 24/7 electricity and what not in your country or not. At the rate India wanted to import, it would have earned Pakistan $1b per year, depending on how much China wants to import, it'll earn even more. All of it for what? For having a pipeline run through your country and keep it from being blown up by wahhabis. The price of the gas for Pakistan would then be at most $3.9b per million btu. On top of that Pakistan would attain some political leverage over the other country. Which is part of the reason Pakistan didn't want to sign the contract obligating them to let the gas pass to India even in case of war between the two countries.

Jandullah is iran based on Pakistan based.....might wanna checkout the details...........
Yeah sure, that's why we catch so many Pakistani citizens. There are Iranians among them though. However the leader of that satanic group himself was a Pakistani national too.

P.S=ISI helped u catch Rigi....... while ur press tv was bullshittin tht Pakistan is helping them.
Yeah sure, that's why they ordered his release years ago when he was caught by local police. ISI is a corrupt gang who doesn't seem to know what is best for Pakistan. On top of that Iranian intelligence said no foreign agency took part in arresting him. They would not have said that, had ISI taken any part.

Who gives a crap abt these pathetic politicans.. in the end they would get their kicked...........But hey atleast we are a democracy!!!
Have you ever been to Iran? lol... "atleast we are a democracy" you say, lol. I have lived in Karachi for years buddy. Pakistan is corrupt mess. A ticket from Pakistan to Iran is very cheap, I suggest you visit it and then tell me whether Iran is more of a democracy or Pakistan.... Just so you know, we have a lot of illegal Afghans and Pakistanis in Iran who we can't easily get rid of.

As for an ICBM.......Well its our internal matter.........we have no bad intentions towards iran........... If u think we do....then remember tht any current missile would do in Irans case.......so dont worry.
Of course it's not meant against Iran. Pakistan can already hit Iran with its Shaheed missile. It's just that some fools in Pakistan seem to think their live would become any better or that they would attain any kind of leverage with having ICBMs. Do you seriously think Pakistan can gain leverage against the US, or even more preposterous, "MAD" against the US???

I'll tell you what, let's compare a closer country to your borders. If both Pakistan and India fire nuclear missiles at one another, Pakistan would seize to exist long before even Pakistan manages to damage half of India.

This is the reality of things. Instead of being busy with this nonsense, spend your time on bettering relations with India, exchange tourists, stop ISI from bothering surrounding friendly countries terrorists and work on advancing your countries infrastructure, science, healthcare, etc, etc.

P.S=Iran was a great country under Shahs rule......
Why do you think Pakistan had better relations with Iran when Iran was being controlled by a U.S. placed dictator? lol... Pakistan till this day is still in slave state under US rule. Glad we got rid of that dictator, now it's your turn...
Of course it's not meant against Iran. Pakistan can already hit Iran with its Shaheed missile. It's just that some fools in Pakistan seem to think their live would become any better or that they would attain any kind of leverage with having ICBMs. Do you seriously think Pakistan can gain leverage against the US, or even more preposterous, "MAD" against the US???

I'll tell you what, let's compare a closer country to your borders. If both Pakistan and India fire nuclear missiles at one another, Pakistan would seize to exist long before even Pakistan manages to damage half of India.

This is the reality of things. Instead of being busy with this nonsense, spend your time on bettering relations with India, exchange tourists, stop ISI from bothering surrounding friendly countries terrorists and work on advancing your countries infrastructure, science, healthcare, etc, etc.

Why do you think Pakistan had better relations with Iran when Iran was being controlled by a U.S. placed dictator? lol... Pakistan till this day is still in slave state under US rule. Glad we got rid of that dictator, now it's your turn...

I agree with this part TOTALLY except the ISI thing...
I don't see why my Pakistani friends are against Mr. Simorgh.....just because hes telling the bitter truth,we should not oppose him.....hes right (except the ISI thing).....

We should explore our weaknesses and see whats wrong with us...then we will be able to make up for them and make are country better...

BTW just look at his post....its like a post of a man who lives in an advanced and truly developed country.....We must accept that Iranians are a better nation than us and we should learn from them.....and stop fighting among ourselves.....
I have no clue of what exactly you are trying to put up! Keep your gas with you, I don't think these negotiations gonna yield anything. You guys are more comfortable with India, pipeline that you are interested in is actually for India and China. They both need energy for their growing economy, and of course its a golden chance for Iran to exploit their needs. Pakistan and Iran never enjoyed good relations in caparison to relations of Iran with India, so it makes no sense if you say Iran is interested in exporting gas to Pakistan for free to help it out of the crisis. it would make sense if Iran does not intend to connect pipeline to India and China, and give its help exclusively to Pakistan. Its just Business!!!!

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