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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Pakistan should go ahead with ICMB and should develop it as soon as possible
Shaheen-II can be converted to SLV after minor changes but space program is being neglected in Pakistan.We have already hired chinese services for launching our satellite i-e also made in china.
Nobody is stopping us from getting rid of the US.....except the whole corrupt nation(including myself)...probably we will get rid of US and then go into someone else's slavery...we need to change ourselves...US is not the problem,our behavior is the problem...

Well there is a way but somethings are just impractical.....its very easy to imagine...

FYI,To launch a Babur SLCM,we don't need to surface the submarine...

Ah wow I did nt know that... so we have capability to launch missiles from beneath the water?

As for your other points... no the US IS A PROBLEM... our own short comings do not amount to the the destruction we are seeing in our country... once w get rid of this US influence, only then there is room for "looking after our own affairs" and "standing on our own two feet"... the main problem that is keeping us in the dark ages is our economy and that is going no where unless we stick with a Soodi Nizam...
Ah wow I did nt know that... so we have capability to launch missiles from beneath the water?

As for your other points... no the US IS A PROBLEM... our own short comings do not amount to the the destruction we are seeing in our country... once w get rid of this US influence, only then there is room for "looking after our own affairs" and "standing on our own two feet"... the main problem that is keeping us in the dark ages is our economy and that is going no where unless we stick with a Soodi Nizam...

Yes,work on Babur SLCM is in final stages with testing already begun...

You're complaining about economy.....if you track back each problem we face now,it will lead you to only one inescapable fact...
That we are not sincere with our own country...

Anyway,since this topic is related to the Pakistani ICBM,we must focus on it.....I don't want to discuss anything else except the ICBM in this thread...
Excuse me?....Ra'ad being launched from a submarine?...what happened to Babur SLCM?
Please don't bluff.....We don't have AIP submarines yet.....even if we do,US has detection systems as SOSUS...not to mention US Navy's 55 Destroyers and 75 Submarines.....

Under the latest agreement, China will co-produce six AIP technology submarines with Pakistan. Currently, the neighbouring navy (Pakistan) has only one submarine -- PNS Hamza. Pakistan already has one in the shape of PNS Hamza, one of the three French Agosta-90B submarines inducted by it over the last decade. Moreover, work is also underway to retrofit the French "Mesma" AIP in hulls of the other two submarines, PNS Khalid and PNS Saad.


Babar SLCM is under process in different experiments. Time will tell! :)
Under the latest agreement, China will co-produce six AIP technology submarines with Pakistan. Currently, the neighbouring navy (Pakistan) has only one submarine -- PNS Hamza. Pakistan already has one in the shape of PNS Hamza, one of the three French Agosta-90B submarines inducted by it over the last decade. Moreover, work is also underway to retrofit the French "Mesma" AIP in hulls of the other two submarines, PNS Khalid and PNS Saad.


Babar SLCM is under process in different experiments. Time will tell! :)

Thats why I said we don't have AIP submarines "YET"...

And I know about Babur SLCM...I was just telling the guy (read my above posts)...time has already told...:azn:
Acquiring ICBM Technology in itself would be good enough for us. We don't need ICBMs to attack any country in the world but with this tech, we will be able to launch and kill enemy satellites at the time of need. It starts with that and ends with that.
Pakistan should develop ICBM and should also develop the naval version of our Cruise Missile so we can cause severe damage to any enemy who should be taught lesson
Well what I see, India is no longer going to be a threat for Pak in near future. Indian People like us are poor and love peace and they love Pakistanis just like we love their movies but their leadership is problem. Indian knows very well that now war between two countries will be MAD [mutally Assured Destruction] and no one loves to commit suicide.

However we might have serious threat [a matter of surival or death] from very far. We must have some thing that could reach with surety to 12000 miles. It could be ICBM or SUBs loaded with Cruises. Thu our economy is very bad but this is like, that if I am in my house and it is confirmed to me that a daciot may break in my room any time & murder me; then in this case should I spend money to buy an air conditioner that I need, or a Rifle to defend myself?

Pakistan is very peaceful country and we will never attack any one first, and Noble Quran forbids any kind of offense on any one but BOOK Of ALLAH also emphasize on to keep very strong defense. When attacker will realize that Pak can retaliate up to 12000 miles; no one will dare to balckmail/attack Pakistan.

No one knows world of today. Ur best friend of today might turn to ur number01 enemy tomorrow. No one knows this. We all Pakistani know about the real danger that we might face in near future but we have bad habbit to turn a blind eye to the facts like that silly pigeon who closed his eyes when was being attacked by a cat. But life for that pigeon is just for one time. He will not come back once his neck is in the teeth of that cat.

I am very sure, our Scientists like A Q Khan and Dr. Samar have the best brains in world. We request them to make similar SUB-launched Missiles that a week ago Russia has fired/tested from its SUB from North pole and its traget was near Japan in Valadivostak. - a Range of ICBM. If Russians can make it, why we cannot?
First thing that is important, is to improve our economy and reduce corruption which is impossible unless we have honest and sincere Government
Well what I see, India is no longer going to be a threat for Pak in near future. Indian People like us are poor and love peace and they love Pakistanis just like we love their movies but their leadership is problem. Indian knows very well that now war between two countries will be MAD [mutally Assured Destruction] and no one loves to commit suicide.

However we might have serious threat [a matter of surival or death] from very far. We must have some thing that could reach with surety to 12000 miles. It could be ICBM or SUBs loaded with Cruises. Thu our economy is very bad but this is like, that if I am in my house and it is confirmed to me that a daciot may break in my room any time & murder me; then in this case should I spend money to buy an air conditioner that I need, or a Rifle to defend myself?

Pakistan is very peaceful country and we will never attack any one first, and Noble Quran forbids any kind of offense on any one but BOOK Of ALLAH also emphasize on to keep very strong defense. When attacker will realize that Pak can retaliate up to 12000 miles; no one will dare to balckmail/attack Pakistan.

No one knows world of today. Ur best friend of today might turn to ur number01 enemy tomorrow. No one knows this. We all Pakistani know about the real danger that we might face in near future but we have bad habbit to turn a blind eye to the facts like that silly pigeon who closed his eyes when was being attacked by a cat. But life for that pigeon is just for one time. He will not come back once his neck is in the teeth of that cat.

I am very sure, our Scientists like A Q Khan and Dr. Samar have the best brains in world. We request them to make similar SUB-launched Missiles that a week ago Russia has fired/tested from its SUB from North pole and its traget was near Japan in Valadivostak. - a Range of ICBM. If Russians can make it, why we cannot?
First thing that is important, is to improve our economy and reduce corruption which is impossible unless we have honest and sincere Government

Nice metaphor...
AQ Khan is sick (he had nothing to do with any missile)...and Mubarakmand is no longer serving in Nescom...but there are other brains available...

We can make a missile with range 11000km.....it will only take a span of 25 years...:rofl:

Please stop over-estimating our country and its scientists.....they are already doing an extraordinary job...these things take much time...
Producing ICBMs is a political and strategic decision.
If a country produces ICBMs, it implies that it is threatened by another state(s) that comes in the range of the ICBM in question. Having said that, Pakistan's ICBM would give negative (and threatening) signals to those states with whom it does not enjoy good relations. Why would Pakistan want to create more troubles for itself when its plate is already full?
What's this Pakistani fetish of naming their national assets after pillagers and raiders?
pillagers? raiders? according to hindus?!! right

Ok so somebody barges into your home, loots your house, kills your family and you name your national assets after them?


I think I just learned a good few things about the Pakistani mentality. Thanks a lot.

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