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Pakistan's first CubeSat satellite launched




How? considering India launches her own space satellites and probes, has launched the moon and mars probes, how does the launch of a PK uni project take us ahead of the Indians? I am asking genuine question? I apologise if you were being sarcastic, I missed it.

many comment will come ......don't bother about that....enjoy you moment ........success is success weather Small or big ,hardly matter

congratulation to all Pakistani
How? considering India launches her own space satellites and probes, has launched the moon and mars probes, how does the launch of a PK uni project take us ahead of the Indians? I am asking genuine question? I apologise if you were being sarcastic, I missed it.

I know you had a genuine query. But after spending so much time on this forum, you should realize that Indians can hardly come up with something sensible and reasonable on any topic related to Pakistan. Low IQ or hatred. Whatever the reason is. But you should read the Indian post twice. Even if it is apparently looking sensible.

On Topic

Good work IST. Keep it up. Despite no support from the govt, it is indeed a great achievement.
This a path breaking launch specially when launched by space depart. of a univ....congrats
Nice work. But Govt. expenditure on this field will unfortunately still remain low.

Nothing new in launching of a satellite which was mostly made in UK and launched from Russia on their space vehicle.
A start is still always a start. One has to begin from somewhere. This is worth congratulating.
You are right, back of the class room for me. I asked the q in a hope that I missed something regarding PK's space capabilities but in the process exposed my own D!oh moment. :)

Happened to me too :D

Congratulations to pakistan

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