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Pakistan’s first AH-1Z attack helicopters on-track for 2017 delivery

Payload similar.
Additionally King Cobra can carry 2 Sidewinder on the tip of wings.
KK easier to maintain and have higher readiness.
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Additionally King Cobra can carry 2 Sidewinder on the tip of wings.
KK easier to maintain and have higher readiness.

So can the Apache, but they don't usually don't due to operational reasons.
Payload similar.
Apache more rugged.
Viper more agile.
Weapons identical.
Systems the same.

They are the two best attack choppers in the world, however India has a big plus in that a their guardians i.e. the E version will be coming with the Longbow radar. Pakistan has not ordered the Longbow for the Viper fleet yet.
do they have plans for longbow radar?
gunships are bread and butter of our war effort. they provide cover, respond to SOS, prevent ambushes and also help conducting operations against the terrorists. current cobras have served us well but they are way past their shelf life
The chief wizard d.trump has no intention of delivering AH-1z or 1y to Pakistan.In fact they are coaxing Romania to replace its Puma 330 helicopters with the one's earmarked for Pakistan.This wizard d trump is seething with hate against Muslims and Islam and is unlikely to change his mind,and our ruling authorities know it.Hence the Turkish attack helicopters.
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